Objective: To enlarge a small picture to poster size using scale drawing techniques.

1.  Choose a small picture such as a candy wrapper, a cartoon character, an interesting label, etc.

2.  Draw a square grid over your picture. Be very precise and make sure that all lines are equally spaced using centimeters or inches. Number the rows and columns so that the boxes have reference.

3.  Draw a square grid on your poster board using the same unit of measure as step number 2 (cm or in). Choose your scale factor to make the new grid. You want to space your vertical and horizontal lines so that you can fill as much of the poster as possible, but keep in mind that you need the same number of lines/squares as on your smaller picture. Number the rows and columns the same way you did on the smaller picture so that you have a reference for each square.

4.  Copy your picture one square at a time to create your enlarged drawing. Make sure to use color to make it look like the original (effort and creativity count!)

5.  Make sure to include the original object when turning in the project. The scale factor of the original object to the enlarged object, the original and new width, and the original and new length need to be written on the back of the poster.

6.  Overall presentation is worth 10 points. Be creative, be neat, and be accurate. Have fun!


Scale Factor =
Original Length =
Original Width =
New Length =
New Width =


Scale Drawing Rubric

Original picture to be enlarged: ______(5)

Grid on original picture: ______(5)

-Evenly spaced/neat (3)

-Column/rows numbered (2)

Grid on poster board: ______(5)

-Evenly spaced/neat (3)

-Column/rows numbered (2)

Completed enlarged picture: ______(20)

-Fills majority of poster board (5)

-Completed square by square (5)

-Looks comparable to original (5)

-Proportionally (rectangle) (5)

Scale factor (1), width(2), length(2) on back: ______(5)

Overall Presentation: ______(10)

-No Color (0)

-Some Color (5)

-Mostly Colored (7)

-All Color (10)

TOTAL ______(50)