2014 State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSP) – Key Changes Summary
This document is intended to highlight key changes to the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSP) for FY 2014. Forms and additional resources are provided on the Wyoming Team website which has been created in an effort to improve communication and support for WOHS and subgrantees. The forms can also be found on our public website at
- New investment justifications
- For the FY2014 SHSP, as in past grant years, all subgrantee projects mustbe applicable to/ be in alignment with the State’s six (6) investment areas. *
- 1) NIMS
- 2) Regional Preparedness
- 3) Interoperability/SAFECOM
- 4) Risk and Gap Analysis
- 5) IED/Terrorism Initiatives
- 6) Public Information and Warning
* A detailed description of investments is provided in the 2014 State Homeland Security Grant Program Initiatives included in the grant award agreement packet and is available on both websites.
- Project Planning Worksheet due with Grant Award Agreement
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS): Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ismoving toward a project based application process for their preparedness grants. This year a Project Planning Worksheet will be included in the grant award agreement packet. This form will be required for each subgrantee and returned with the signed grant award agreement. A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 7 project planning worksheet(s) will be accepted.
- Wyoming Team Website
- Our Wyoming Team website, formerly known as theCounty Coordinator’s website, has been created to provide an interactive environment, as well as more timely information through announcements and resources to all subgrantees. Each entity will have access to their own page for uploading quarterly reports and other documentation along with the ability to subscribe to and receive updates on other pages. To sign up for access, if you have not already done so,please include your Gmail address on the Point-of-Contact Information Form provided in the grant award agreement packet. *Two users per entity are allowed access.
- Reporting Requirements
- To help ease some of the reporting burden, anew, comprehensive quarterly report has been developed for subgrantees to report on all funding sources at one time including SHSP, EMPG, HMEP and Mitigation Grants. Quarterly reports must be current in order to receive reimbursement on drawdown requests. In addition, a signature will be required from both the preparer and the responsible party that signs the grant award agreement.
- All counties will be required to participate in the State’s 2014 THIRA/SPR process by reviewing and providing feedback on the 2013 THIRA/SPR by November 1, 2014. Counties will be required to also produce their ownTHIRA,by July 1, 2015. Training and additional resources will be provided.
- All subgrantees will be required to have an updated EOP by September 1, 2015. According to grant guidance, EOPs must be updated every two years.
- Annual inventory reporting will be due by January 20 each year. Sample forms will be made available on both websites.
- Updated Reimbursement Request and Expense Claim Forms
- The Reimbursement Request and Expense Claim forms have been updated for 2014. The expense claim form now features an optional drop-down menufor the State Initiative, Project, NIMS Typed and Solution Area fields. Correct forms are required for drawdown reimbursements as they are specific to each grant year.
- Grant Management
- There are updated guides and handbooks available on the Wyoming Team website to provide subgrantees with the resources needed for general grants management questions. The handbooks that are now available include:
- 2014 Grants Management Handbook
- 2014 Equipment Control Handbook
- Procurement
- In accordance with CFR 44, section 13.36 (b) Procurement standards. (1) Grantees and subgrantees will use their own procurement procedures which reflect applicable State and local laws and regulations, provided that the procurements conform to applicable Federal law and the standards identified in this section.
- All subgrantees will be required to submit a copy of their local procurement policy to our office either by copy or email.
- Payment will no longer be allowed for single invoice over multiple grant years
- Proof of payment will be required
- Monthly Grant Manager Calls – our office will be administering monthly calls for the grant managers responsible for processing drawdowns and reports. Updated contact information should be provided on the Point of Contact Information Form included in the grant award packet.
The key changes reflected in this summary have been put in place to provide support tosubgrantees and to ensure the State of Wyoming is in compliance with the requirements set forth by U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS): Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)in order to continue to qualify for preparedness grant funding opportunities on the state level. It is our goal to continue to make the transition to fully implemented project based grant funding as smooth as possible while ensuring compliancewithfederal grantguidelines.
Should you have any questions about the SHSP grant process, please contact Robin Martin, Grant Manager at 307-777-5768or .