GRI Taxonomy 2013 – G4 XBRL Reports Program

Sign-up Form

Please fill out this form and submit it to to apply for the G4 XBRL Reports Program. GRI will contact you within 3 working days to confirm the application.

Name of organization
Name of contact person
Job title
Email address
Phone number
Title of the G4 sustainability report
Estimated publication date of the report

☐ I confirm that the sustainability report is prepared based on the GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.

☐ I would like to use Deloitte’s Tagging service to convert my sustainability report to XBRL at a fixed rate of € 5000,- (excl VAT).

☐ I agree that my contact details can be shared with Deloitte.

☐ I confirm that the sustainability report can be provided to Deloitte for tagging within 5 working days.

Please note that a separate agreement with Deloitte will be signed prior to the final confirmation of Deloitte’s Tagging service.

☐ I will arrange the tagging of my report independently (with the help of other service provider or internally).

☐ I confim that the Implementation Guide of the GRI Taxonomy 2013 will be followed in order to tag the report.

☐ I confirm that my sustainability report will be tagged and published in 30 working days after submitting this Sign-up form.

☐ I confirm that I have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions for the Program.