OSACH Safety Group Meeting
January 17, 2008 ~ 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
WSIB Head Office, Toronto
1. Welcome and call to order
Hillarie Klass, OSACH
· Henrietta gave a brief overview of what the Safety Group is all about and explained why members that attended the meeting were put into groups.
· Each group had one member of the Safety Group Steering Committee
2. Group Breakout Session #1
Hillarie Klass, OSACH
Members broke off into their groups to come up with a group names and to discuss what they have in common, what they are looking to get out of the Safety Group, roadblocks, and what advice they would give to the other groups.
· The results of the breakout session were as follows:
1. Multi-Hat Society Group: YWCA Hamilton, Nucleus Independent Living, Mission Services of Hamilton, Canadian Paraplegic Association
o Common aspects: All the organizations in this group have multiple sites and provide a multitude of services.
o Expectations for 2008: To develop a Health & Safety policy, networking, learning about best practices, avoiding Workwell deferral, rebate, and personal growth.
o Roadblocks: Heavy workloads restrict time, not delegating elements to others, policy approval takes time, need more support from senior and middle management.
o Words of Wisdom: Make others accountable (management level), try to use your Joint Health and Safety Committee, show appreciation to those that help, use your JHSC, communication, show appreciation for those that help you complete your steps.
2. Community Action Team: Brantwood Residential Development Centre, Ontario March of Dimes, Montage Support Services, Tobias House Attendant Care Inc., Guelph Independent Living.
o Common aspects: Multi-site organizations
o Expectations for 2008: To get everyone in the organization involved, create tracking system, cut down on injuries, get tips on how to do things better.
o Roadblocks: Changing names with clients, aging workforce, lack of resources.
o Words of Wisdom: Communication is key. Get everyone involved.
3. Health Care Idol: Spectrum Health Care, Homecare, Camcare, Bayshore
o Expectations for 2008: Networking, socializing with other organizations, master the process for creating a policy
o Roadblocks: Communication; motor-vehicle accidents
4. Annoyed About the Location (AAL): Community Living Welland Pelham, Community Living Walkerton & District, Bellwoods Centre for Community Living Inc., Kinark Child & Family Services
o Common aspects: All rely on Health & Safety committee and management for resources.
o Expectations for 2008: To continue to have access to resources and networking.
o Roadblocks: Resources and not having enough time
o Words of Wisdom: Attend Safety Group meetings because there is a lot of valuable information and good resources through networking and communication.
5. Love This Place (LTP 2008): Vita Community Living, Meta Centre, Community Living Association of South Simcoe, Community Living Brant
o Common aspects: All organizations handle day programs and residential. All have participated in Safety Group for a few years and are ready to build a network.
o Expectations for 2008: Build network, promote unity, build fluency and efficiency, more involvement from WSIB representatives.
o Roadblocks: Retention and recruitment of good employees
o Words of Wisdom: Management by leadership. This group is willing to share experience with new members of the group and plan to use the knowledge they gain from Safety Group meetings at their individual locations.
6. Twisted Sisters: Dale Brain Injury Services Inc., Peel Halton Acquired Brain Injury Services, Community Head Injury Resource Services
o Common aspects: All provide services in the area of brain injuries. They don’t have a Health & Safety specialist; therefore, they will rely on each other. They have identified issues that they want to target in 2008.
o Roadblocks: No H&S specialist, maintenance elements become tougher to complete as you progress through the years.
7. The Fab 4: ErinOakKids, Learning Enrichment Foundation, Hincks-Dellcrest Treatment Centre, Community Rehab
o Common aspects: Mainly deal with children services and some adult services.
o Expectations for 2008: Networking, sharing resources.
o Roadblocks: Getting all training completed within a year, running out of time
8. Red Dragons: 2 or 3 long term care, Community Living London, Pharma Medica Research Inc.
o Expectations for 2008: Best practices, policy, networking, rebate networking, rebate
o Roadblock: Training
3. 2008 Safety Group Orientation
Henrietta Van hulle, OSACH
· The goal of WSIB is to reduce injury rate to zero and there will not be a cap in rebate dollars for 2008
· WSIB Representative: Florence Psaralogos
· Firms now have the option of filling out the reports electronically
· Forms, meeting minutes, presentations, and resources can be found on the OSACH website under the Safety Group tab
· Steering Committee members:
v Henrietta Van hulle –
v Hillarie Klass –
v Colleen Klassen -
v Ken Chan -
v Shacara Greenham -
v Susan Stark -
v Susan Putney -
v Tim McLellan -
· Regional Consultants are there to provide assistance and advice regarding Safety Group, how to develop an element, policies, etc.
· The group element for 2008 will be Workplace Violence Prevention.
· 10% of Safety Group members will have a spot check (this 10% will most likely be notified in February)
· Return to Work will be a required element this year
· Benefits of being in the Safety Group include:
o Fewer LTI & Severity rates
o Employers gain access to H&S resources
o Safer workplace and enhanced safety culture
o 1 year deferral on Workwell
· By being in the Safety Group your organization must commit to the following:
o Personal commitment of senior manager/owner
o Complete application form annually
o Schedule 1 paying premium to WSIB
o Participate for 1 full year
o Register for 1 safety group
o Attend at least three of five meetings
o Complete Workplace Assessment
o Complete Action Plan/Year-End Report/Progress Reports
o Implement 5 steps for each of the 5 elements
o Maintain elements from previous years
o Complete all SG requirement
· The 5 Step to Manage Health & Safety are:
o Written Standard
o Communication
o Training
o Evaluate or Evaluation Plan
o Acknowledge Success and Make Improvements
· Choosing your elements: There are four categories to choose from (Leadership, Organization, Recognition and assessment, Controls).
4. Group Breakout Session #2
· Everyone broke out into groups to complete or review the workplace assessment, choose 2008 elements, and begin completing the action plan.
5. Meeting adjourned
The second meeting of 2008 will take place on February 28 at WSIB head offices in Toronto (200 Front Street West).
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