When the kids came down for the surprise, she emerged in her splendid fortune teller get-up in the candle lit room and the kids were speechless. She had them sit in a circle. Out came a velvet pouch filled with little charms she'd put together: a small train, a candy heart, a foreign coin, and a bunch of others. She said that each item symbolized something: wealth, travel, love, beauty, adventure, friendship, truth, etc.
She had each child take a turn dumping the pouch out. then she "read" their fortune by interpreting which way the charms fell. For example, travel points to love, etc. She decided which charm was the most important of the reading and at the end of the whole thing, gave one to each kid. (So you have to make sure there's enough if you want to give them out at the end.)
The kids were enthralled. You need a pretty creative, imaginative person to do this -- a friend or babysitter type -- as a kind of improv.


Lava lamp

Gold Coins

Fortune-telling with Candles

Materials Needed:
1 pink candle, 1 green candle and 1 orange candle
1. Place the 3 candles in a row on a table and light them. Leave a fair amount of space between each one.
2. Blindfold the player.

3. Shuffle the candles around so that they are not in their original positions.
4. Turn the blindfolded player around 3 times and face them toward the table.
5. The player is then instructed to blow out one of the candles.
Depending on which candle they've blown out, this will be their fortune:

·  Pink candle means romance ahead.

·  Green candle means money is coming to them.

·  Orange candle means they are going on a trip.


·  WHAT YOU NEED: 3 dice, a cup, and a piece of tape.

·  WHAT YOU DO: First create a square playing area on the floor that's about 2 to 3 feet in size (we used colored masking tape, but you could also use a length of string or ribbon). Shake the three dice in the cup with your left hand and cast them into the square. Any dice that roll outside of the square are not considered. Add up the sum of the numbers on the dice that fall inside the square and match them to the chart below (which can be changed to your family's liking) to discover your fortune. For another great fortune-telling idea, see "Sweet Fortune."


·  1 On your next journey, you will meet a special friend.
2 Good luck awaits you.
3 Your wish will be fulfilled.
4 You will try a new food in the coming year--and will find it delicious.
5 Someone as yet unknown to you will bring happiness.
6 You will lose a possession but gain in spirit.
7 You will master a skill that you have previously never tried.
8 You will need to share something of yours--and when you do, it will lead to good results.
9 A quarrel will be reconciled.
10 Great happiness will come to your family.
11 The Tooth Fairy will visit you before summer's end.
12 You will receive a letter that calls for a quick decision, but do not act without the advice of a friend.
13 A gift you make will bring great pleasure to others.
14 You will meet a new friend who will become dear to you.
15 Your conscience will guide you in making a big decision.
16 You are going to make a pleasant journey by automobile.
17 A friend will make a suggestion that leads to your success.
18 Great luck and happiness, wealth and prestige will arrive in the near future.


·  It may not be scientifically proven, but the tastiest method of fortune-telling we know involves a big bowl of M&M's. Grab a small handful and interpret them according to the list below. The more of each color, the greater that particular influence in your life. If you don't like your fortune, eat up and try again!

·  RED: Self-confidence.
YELLOW: Geekiness (can be cancelled out if you also have red and blue)
GREEN: Wishes. For each one you get, you can make a wish that will come true.
BLUE: Wealth.
BROWN: Health.