Name: ______


Look at the list of options below and complete activitiesthat total up to 100 points. (The highest grade you will receive is 100, even if you complete more than 100 points worth of activities.)

**Put all completed pages into a folder or <1” binder with your name visible on the outside.**

The project is due on ______.


25 - Write a fifteen line rap/slam poem describing an aspect of The Scarlet Letter.

25 - Design a book jacket for the novel. The front must have a picture, the title, and the author's name. The back must have a short summary, a reader review, and information about the author.

25 - Interview a character from the book for a magazine article. You must have a lead in to the interview explaining why you are interviewing this character, 8 questions, and the character's answers to those questions.

25 - Write a letter to a friend persuading him or her to read this novel. Include a brief summary and at least 3 reasons why it is something they should read. (250 word minimum) Use a letter format.

25 - Assemble a soundtrack for the novel, choosing or composing 5 songs that represent the main themes, moods, relationships, or events in the story in some way. Include lyrics and a description (75 word minimum each) explaining how each song relates to the book.

25 - Compare the similarities and differences between yourself and two characters from the novel using a Venn diagram. Include at least 15 traits.

25 - Write the ABC’s of The Scarlet Letter. Each line must include a description of why that letter is important to the novel.

25 - Create text conversations between at least 3 of the characters about themes, plot lines, character relationships, etc. from the novel. These can be individual conversations or group texts. (minimum of 10 texts per character.)

50 - Rewrite a chapter and set it in a different time period than the book. You must use the same overall plot as the original chapter, but you may change any small details you would like to make it fit your new setting. (2 page minimum)

50 - Write and design two pages from a newspaper that could have run during the course of the novel. You must have a newspaper title, two lead articles (150 word minimum each), four sidebar articles (100 word minimum each), and 4 pictures.Sidebar articles can be advice columns, gossip columns, classified ads, editorials, horoscopes, obituaries, or any other section you might find in a newspaper as long as they obviously relate to the novel.

50 - Make two pages of a character’s scrapbook (one scrapbook page each for two different characters is also acceptable). Put pictures and items that that particular character would have included in his or her own scrapbook. Each page must include at least 15 items and/or pictures and a description of the page must be included on a seperate sheet of paper (100 word minimum per page).

50 - Make a shadowbox or 3D diorama representing an important scene in the novel. Write a brief description of what is being shown (150 word minimum).

Up to 50 - Create-your-own. Come up with an idea and present it to Ms. Tschinkel to be approved at least one week before the final due date. Point value to be determined by Ms. Tschinkel. Any activities completed without proper approval will receive 0 points.