An Innovative Approach to Sustainable Youth Employment & Youth Involvement in Community Based Sustainable Development


Youth for Sustainable Development Assembly (YSDA) Pilipinas, envision for the Filipino Youth to be Acting as the Main Stakeholders of Sustainable Development Decisions TODAY Towards a Just and Humane Global Society Characterized by Genuine Sustainable Human Development. Involve the youth of today in generating sustainable youth employment.

A dynamic, empowered, informed and unified Filipino Youth. Socially conscious, directly participating in the processes and acting as stakeholders and beneficiaries of sustainable development through responsive youth organizations complementing government, civil society and business programs towards a society characterized by a holistic and multi—disciplinary approaches.

We aim to the broadest consultative and coordinative assembly of Filipino Youth and Youth Serving Organizations towards the continuous conceptualization and realization of the Philippine Sustainable Development Vision. To create and generate employment for the youth in a sustainable manner, building a new concept on how to generate employment by using and enhancing the resources, we have in such a way that we are also conserving it for future consumption and for the future generation.

Sustainable Development of today needs involvement not only of few people but integrated involvement off all sectors of the society and most especially the participation of the young people. Young people who are not leaders of the FUTURE, but youth who are leading the struggle for a just and sustainable planet TODAY! They should understand on their early age, the critical and special role they are playing in the sustainability and the future of our country and of the whole world. Their mind should be set of their duty as the stakeholder of the land.

YSDA is a network of youth organizations working together towards the institutionalization of Sustainable Development in the lives of every Filipino especially with the youth. We are aiming to organize youth cooperatives, help them in not only in environmental conservation but as well as training and empowering them in marketing education, cooperative building and youth involvement in sustainable development.

Agenda21 Chapter 25 “CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” state in article 25.6. Each country should undertake initiatives aimed at reducing current levels of youth unemployment, particularly where they are disproportionately high in comparison to the overall unemployment rate. Hence, this Youth Eco-Preneurial Program is being proposed.


  • To develop a unified vision among the Youth in attaining a progressive Sustainable Development through Youth Eco-Preneurial Development Program
  • To generate awareness, concerns, duties and responsibilities in response with the current issues and problems pertaining to youth unemployment and sustainable development.
  • To create Youth Employment through Community Based Eco-Preneurial Development Program.
  • To contribute to the five focal important areas of concern:
  • Community Based Eco-waste Enterprise
  • Community Based Eco-Historical Tourism Enterprise
  • Community Based Forest Management Enterprise
  • Community Based Coastal Resource Management Enterprise
  • Community Based Organic Farm Enterprise
  • To enhance leadership and management capabilities and skills related in community conservation and preservation and handling Community Based Youth Enterprises by formulating a Youth Training Module.
  • To realize the importance and relevance of partnership between the government, non-government and other sectors of the society in addressing and solving the problems of youth unemployment and sustainable development.
  • To provide venue of interaction and exchange of skills and ideas of youth experiences in the implementation of sustainable development in they’re respective community.
  • Participate with the Global Alliance for Youth Employment


  • Form initial research committee that conduct a case study concerning, interest, and capacity of the youth in engaging with employment and participation in preservation and conservation activities.
  • Identify possible pilot sites for Youth Eco-Preneurial Development Program.
  • Create a council to outline Training Modules on Management and Marketing, Capacity and Capability Building, Financial Management, Methods of Project Assessment, and other.
  • Execute Training Needs Assessments base on the different factors to consider such, as the SITE of the activity, the Youth Organization who would execute the project, the demographic and geographic factor that could affect the program and others.
  • Analysis of data from the conducted Initial Research and other simultaneous activity.
  • Present results to YSDA board, YES2002 Secretariat, Partners, and youth organization engage. In this project
  • To organize a Youth Caravan activity to showcase the different initiatives and experience of the community based youth organization in the institutionalization of youth employment and sustainable employment.


  • Youth involvement in community-based preservation and conservation through Youth Employment Eco-Preneurial Development Program.
  • Institutionalize the Youth Eco-Preneurial Development Program in key areas as an avenue for the integration of sustainable development.
  • Produced Integrated Training Modules with emphasis on issues concerning Community Based Organization Team-Building, Management and Marketing Courses, Cooperative Program, Natural Resource Preservation and Conservation, Sustainable Development Agenda’s and others.
  • Structure a Monitoring Scheme to measure the value, advancement, progress, and outcome of the program.
  • Encourage other sectors of the society to help and assist in this campaign for Youth Eco-Preneurial Development.

By: Catherine Kamping

Country Coordinator, Youth Employment Summit

(Global Alliance for Youth Employment)