Name: ______

Date: ______Hour: ______

  • Flower Dissection Lab

Purpose: This lab will help familiarize you with the reproductive parts of flowers.

1. Common name: ______
2. Scientific name: ______
How many:
3. Sepals?

4. Petals?

5. Anthers?

6. Pistils?

7. Eggs?

8. Pollen grains / anther?
9. Describe smell:

10. Draw the flower (looks count!) and label all parts: (Sepal, Petal, Anther, Pistil)

11.  Define Pollination: ______

12.  What is normally the purpose(s) of each of the following:

Bright colors?

25. Name two trees that have flowers:
A. ______
B. ______
26. Name two trees that do not have flowers:
A. ______
B. ______
27. What is a complete flower? ______
28. What do you think is Georgia’s most economically important plant?
29. What do you call plants that complete their life cycle in one year?
30. What do you call plants that complete their life cycle in two years?
31. What do you call plants that complete their life cycle in 3+ years?
32. What is our state flower? ______
33. What is our state tree? ______

34. Do flowers normally have more stamens or pistils? ______
Why do you think that there are more of these? ______

35. Which plants are normally pollinated by the wind? ______

36. What are the two most important products that plants give us?

A. ______
B. ______
37. Which group (family) of plants are humans' most important food source?

38. What are the two main things we get from our food?

A. ______
B. ______
39. Which plants did Gregor Mendel use to formulate his ideas on genetics?

40. Why do you think that most night blooming flowers are white in color?

41. Why is sexual reproduction so important to evolution?
