Board of Directors
August 23, 2015
Renaissance Orlando Airport
5445 Forbes Place
Orlando, Florida 32812
10:00am – 3:00pm
Note: This is the initial meeting of the 2015-2016 Board of Directors. The next face to face meeting of the FPA Board of Directors was scheduled for Sunday, November 8, 2015 in Orlando at the Sheraton Suites Orlando Airport, 7550 Augusta National Drive, Orlando, Florida 32882 however that has now been changed by Board order to November 15, 2015 at the same location.
1) Call to Order (Suzanne Kelley) – Board Chair Suzanne Kelley called the meeting to order at 10:01 am.
2) Invocation (Scott Tomerlin) – President Elect Scott Tomerlin presented the invocation for the group.
3) Welcome and Introductions (Suzanne Kelley) – Chair Kelley allowed an opportunity for each Board member to briefly introduce themselves.
4) Board of Directors Duties and Responsibilities (Suzanne Kelley)
a) Article V, Section 2 of the FPA Constitution – Board chair Suzanne Kelley reviewed with the Board members Article V, Section 2 of the constitution labeled Board Duties. Committee members were reminded that only authorized individuals may speak on behalf of the FPA Board of Directors. Members were also reminded that if they were unable to attend that a proxy as defined in the bylaws should be identified. Information about the Board meeting should be passed onto the proxy.
b) Future Scheduled Meetings – It has been determined that that next meeting of the FPA Board of Directors conflicts with the University of Florida Homecoming weekend and there was a recommendation to make a change.
M/S/S to change the meeting of the Board, Councils and Committee weekend to November 14 -15, 2015
5) Roll Call (Michael Jackson)
Members Present: Jennifer Chen, Thomas Cuomo, Jackie Donovan, Mitchell Fingerhut, Michael Hebb, Suzanne Kelley, Luther Laite, Linda Lazuka, David Mackarey, Humberto Martinez, Carol Motycka, Bob Parrado, Alexander Pytlarz, Timothy Rogers, Scott Tomerlin
Members Unable to Attend: Thomas Johns
Staff Present: Michael Jackson, Tian Merren Owens, Christopher Heil and Wanda Hall
Guests Present: Gail Brown, Paul Delisser, Preston McDonald, Dan Buffington for agenda item 10 (a) (i), Bob Singerman and John Skelton for agenda item 10 (a) (viii)
6) Approval of Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2015 – Board members were provided a copy of the March 22, 2015 minutes prior to the meeting.
M/S/C to approve the meeting minutes as submitted
7) Approval of the Board of Directors Agenda for August 23, 2015 – Board members were provided a copy of the August 23, 2015 agenda prior to the meeting. Additions to the agenda include the addition of items (10) (a) (ix), (10) (a) (x), (11) (a) (iii), (11) (a) (iv) and comments from President Rogers under (12) New Business labeled (e) (f) and (g).
M/S/C to approve the meeting agenda as amended.
8) Consent Agenda
a) Leadership Reports (if received)
i) Board of Director’s Chair (Suzanne Kelley) – No report received
ii) President (Tim Rogers) – Report received and provided to members prior to the meeting
iii) President-Elect (Scott Tomerlin) – Report received and provided to members prior to the meeting
iv) Treasurer (Alex Pytlarz) – Treasurer’s report included in the meeting agenda
v) Speaker of the House of Delegates (Jackie Donovan) – Speaker’s report included in the meeting agenda
vi) Vice Speaker of the House of Delegates (Carol Motycka) – No report received
vii) Regional Directors – No report received
viii) Council and Committee Chairs – No reports received
ix) Executive Vice President and CEO (Michael Jackson) – Reports included in the meeting agenda
x) Florida Pharmacy Foundation – Report with action items received and provided to members prior to the meeting.
xi) Florida Pharmacy Today Journal Board – Report from ad hoc journal review committee received and provided to members prior to the meeting.
xii) Florida Pharmacist Political Committee Report – No report received
xiii) Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists (Thomas Johns) – No report received
9) Antitrust Policy Review, Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy (Suzanne Kelley) – Members received in advance of the meeting the FPA’s policy on antitrust, ethics and conflicts of interest. Members were asked if there were any agenda items to be discussed that could be a conflict. The only declaration was agenda item was (10) (a) (viii) and Director Bob Parrado who is excused from participating on that agenda item discussion. Members were also asked to complete the conflict of interest forms and send to the FPA office if they have not done so already.
10) Old Business
a) Unfinished
i) Provider status updates (Suzanne Kelley) – Invited to the Board of Directors meeting was Professional Affairs Council Chair Dan Buffington who introduced draft legislative language that revises sections of the pharmacy practice act. The changes are intended to clarify many of the things that pharmacists are currently doing today that are not articulated in F.S. 465.
M/S/C to approve the language with no objections
ii) Journal Management Review and ad hoc Committee Report (Alexander Pytlarz, Carol Motycka) – Board members received a report from the ad hoc journal review committee commissioned by Suzanne Kelley during her presidency. The ad hoc journal review committee was charged with examining the feasibility of bringing the management of the journal within the operations of the Florida Pharmacy Association. An analysis review was provided to the Board along with the report of the ad hoc journal review committee. The Committee is not prepared to give a recommendation to the Board rather it will rely upon a decision by current FPA President to continue the Committee’s work. President Rogers has elected to not continue the ad hoc committee and instead asked FPA Board member David Mackarey to receive questions from the Board to share with the Journal Board of Directors on how the journal can be provided in print to the FPA membership. Journal Board Chair Carol Motycka who is also on the FPA Board of Directors as Vice Speaker will provide a report at the next FPA Board of Directors meeting.
iii) FPA Advocacy Update (Michael Jackson) – A report of the 2015 legislative session has been provided to the Board members prior to the meeting. Also available are legislative reports from 2013 and 2014. Three letters were prepared and sent to the Food and Drug Administration (compounding), Board of Pharmacy (MAC pricing) and Agency for Health Care Administration (Medicaid network closure). Copies of those letters have been provided to Board members prior to the meeting.
M/S/C to approved the letters sent to the FDA, Board of Pharmacy and AHCA
iv) Core Value Statement of the FPA – Final Adoption and Implementation (Don Bergemann) – A final version of the draft core value statements submitted by the Membership Committee were provided to members of the FPA Board of Directors prior to the meeting.
M/S/C to approve the submitted core value statements
v) Organizational Affairs Council Report on #1 Club Student Contest – This agenda item is a work in progress and has been continued to the next meeting.
vi) Organizational Affairs Council Report on Apportionment – This agenda item is a work in progress and has been continued to the next meeting.
vii) Organizational Affairs Council Report on the Dissolution of the Advisory Council on Pharmacy Practice – This agenda item is a work in progress and has been continued to the next meeting.
viii) Adoption of the Pharmacist Nation Proposal by the Presidents Committee (Suzanne Kelley) – Provided to Board members prior to the meeting was a copy of the June 1, 2015 conference call. The purpose of the call was to determine whether to agree to the relationship between the Florida Pharmacy Association and Global Physician and Pharmacist Solutions. The Presidents Committee has approved that agreement under its authority granted by the Association governing documents and presents its report to the Board of Directors. Attending the meeting for this session include GPPS representatives Bob Singerman and John Skelton who demonstrated content on the pharmacist nation site. Board member Bob Parrado has been excused from participating in this agenda item. There was a question on the user friendly characteristics of the site that was shared with GPPS during their presentation.
M/S/C to accept the action of the Presidents Committee
ix) Procedures on Implementing Article VIII, Section 1, Appointment of Delegates to National Meetings – The Board is aware that there are no clear procedures on the implementation of the priority appointments for APhA delegates. The Organizational Affairs Council has prepared that procedure and it was displayed to the Board members on a projection screen during the meeting.
M/S/C to approve the procedures
x) Article XIII Term Limits – Assigned to the Organizational Affairs Committee was a referral to look at revisions in the bylaws designed to create term limits for service on the Board of Directors. The Board could not come to consensus on this issue and it was referred back to the Organizational Affairs Council for additional work.
b) Recurring
i) 125th Annual Meeting Review and 126th Annual Meeting Plan (Board Members) – Board members acknowledged the success of the 2015 annual meeting and urged continued “themed” dinner events. President Rogers informed the Board that the theme for next year’s award event will be “Pirates”. Other suggestions include supporting a DJ at the 2016 annual meeting rather than the expense of a band and consider such things as an optional sunset cruise and a talent event after the University receptions. The golf event popularity has waned over the years so it was recommended that the FPA simply identify venues where participants may go to play golf. There will be no Wednesday educational sessions planned though there will be the preconvention meetings of Budget and Finance, House of Delegates Board of Directors and also the Florida Pharmacist Political Committee Board meetings. No further action by the Board of Directors.
ii) FPA Strategic Plan (Scott Tomerlin, Suzanne Kelley) – A copy of the FPA current strategic plan was provided to members of the Board prior to the meeting. Scott Tomerlin will be working with the President’s Committee on this plan and will be requesting time on the next Board meeting agenda to update. No further action by the Board of Directors.
11) Other Business
a) Action Items from Standing Councils, House of Delegates and Regional Directors (Must be Submitted 7 Days Prior to Meeting)
i) Presentation and Approval of 2015 – 2016 Advocacy Plan (William Garst – Governmental Affairs Council) – Board members received proposed advocacy initiatives reviewed and recommended by the Governmental Affairs Committee. The proposal was presented by Michael Jackson on behalf of GAC chair William Garst.
M/S/C to approve the advocacy plan with changes (see below)
2015 Legislative Advocacy Program, Priorities and Strategic Plan – Committee as a Whole – Committee members evaluated the issues discussed during this meeting and recommend the following to the FPA Board of Directors for their approval.
Advocate for standalone legislation and rulemaking
1. FPA should advocate for changes to F.S. 499.0121 that would help to provide relief to pharmacies that are struggling with getting adequate supplies of pain medications to treat their patients. M/S/C to approve
2. Advocate for changes to Florida laws that clarify enforcement and compliance with MAC pricing laws. M/S/C to approve
3. Consider recommended changes to the pharmacy practice act as identified in the draft revisions to F.S. 465.0125 to help pharmacists with patient health and wellness issues and advocate for if an opportunity is presented. M/S/C to approve
4. Continue with efforts to support the national provider status initiatives M/S/C to approve
5. The 3 hour vaccine safety requirements in F.S. 465.009 should allow ACPE providers to deliver this program. M/S/C to approve
6. Advocate for changes in Florida laws to allow pharmacists to dispense a 30 day supply of maintenance medications as current allowed for a 3 day supply when the prescriber cannot be contacted. M/S/C to approve
Advocate for if opportunity presented
1. Intern registry should have a designated expiration date (NOTE: there was discussion to add a 1 year expiration date after graduation to the intern registration but that proposal was not adopted) M/S/C to approve
1. Continue to monitor for the development of Florida’s medical marijuana initiatives
ii) Board Approval of FPA House of Delegates Resolutions (Jackie Donovan) – The 2015 House of Delegates Resolutions introduced and debated during the annual meeting were provided to members of the Board of Directors. There were several that were referred some withdrawn and one not adopted. There were two resolutions that were adopted by the FPA and require Board of Director approval. Those resolutions are as follows:
Therefore be it resolved, that the Florida Pharmacy Association retire the restricted health fair account and
Also be it resolved, that any remaining funds be reviewed and transferred as recommended by the Budget and Finance Committee for approval by FPA Board of Directors.
M/S/C to approve
Therefore be it resolved, that the Florida Pharmacy Association advocate and support changes to Florida laws and Board of Pharmacy rules to allow a pharmacist to continue to dispense chronic medication(s) to a known patient beyond the 72 hour limit and up to a 30 day limit to prevent the interruption of maintenance medication therapy thereby preventing harm to the patient when normal means of medication therapy continuation are not available to the patient or have not been responded to by the prescriber.
M/S/C to approve
iii) Membership Council Action Items
(1) Free Limited 1 Year Membership – President Tim Rogers presented an oral request to the Board on behalf of the Membership Council that the Association should offer a 1 year complimentary limited membership for pharmacists who have never been members of the FPA. The membership would be limited to Stat News and the Journal only. There would be no access to the members section of other than the Journal and Stat News published on the website. Members of this category would not be eligible to run for FPA office. The proposal limits this to the first 1,000 pharmacists who wish to take advantage of the offer. Continuing education offered by the FPA would be available however the member discount is not extended with this complimentary offer. EVP Michael Jackson shared with the Board that this proposal may lower the realized member revenue for 2016 by about $50,000 and will need to be addressed in the proposed budget.
M/S/C to approve free limited one year membership offer for the first 1,000 records