Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Field Data Collection Provider
Application Packet
Table of Contents 1
Introduction 2
Application 4-11
Request for Reimbursement 12
EMS Expenditure Report 13
Financial and Compliance Audit Requirements 14
Section 215.97 F. S. 14
Audit Reports 14
Records Retention 11
Conditions Applicable to all Organizations 15
Disallowed Expenditures 15
Equipment 15
Transfer of Property 16
Requests for Change 16
Early Ending Date 16
Applicant Signature 16
Records 16
Final Reports 16
Expenditures 16
This document contains the Data Collection Equipment and Software Funding Application and Program Guidelines to be used to request funding.
The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services has received funds from the Florida Department of Transportation FY 09/10 408 Grant Program in support of the improvement and/or expansion of Florida’s emergency medical services field data collection efforts. The remainder of this document contains the program and grant application guidance to request funding through this source.
The purpose of this program is to provide funding to Florida licensed Emergency Medical Service Providers for the acquisition of hardware/software/installation and implementation services for establishing and/or enhancing an electronic EMS data collection system to enable consistent submission of EMS incident related data to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Pre-Hospital System (EMSTARS) for state compliance to the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS).
Allowable Acquisitions
The software, hardware, communication components and installation/implementation services that would be acquired by local EMS provider agencies can vary depending on an agency’s implementation plan.
· Most hardware consists of notebooks or tablets, desktop PC's, printers/scanners, file / application servers, and communication components.
· All software acquired for ePCR must be certified NEMSIS compliant and the file extracts must be verified as compliant with the new state system.
Disallowed Acquisitions
This grant funding does not cover the following:
· Extended warranties costs
· Maintenance costs
Requests for Change
After these funds have been awarded, all requests for change shall be submitted, in writing, and must be approved in writing by the department prior to making the requested changes and/or purchases. A change request must be submitted for changes in the project work activities or approved budget items.
No expenditures are allowable as costs nor approved for reimbursement unless they are clearly specified as a line item in the approved budget, including approved change requests, or are clearly included under an existing line item.
Application Requirements
Any licensed EMS Provider in the State of Florida, who is establishing and/or enhancing an electronic EMS data collection system to enable consistent submission of EMS incident related data to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Pre-Hospital System (EMSTARS) for state compliance to the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) is eligible to apply for this grant.
Applicants who are not currently and consistently submitting EMSTARS data to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Data Unit must include an approved EMSTARS Data Submission Action Plan with their grant application. This action plan must include details of the steps and milestones to complete for submission of data to EMSTARS. This plan must be included as Attachment 1 with the grant application. Failure to include this approved EMSTARS Data Submission Action Plan will result in a disqualification for grant funds. Details for development and prior approval of the required Action Plan can be obtained from the EMSTARS Project Team. Please contact Brenda Clotfelter at .
There is a cost reimbursement grant program. There is no matching requirement. All successful applicants will be advised of the amount of funds they will be eligible to receive and the ending date for expenditure of the funds. If an agency is awarded funds under this grant, they will be required to submit an interim progress report as included in Attachment 2 to ensure planning and timely use of funds. This program requires all successful applicants to purchase and provide payment for approved budget items resulting from this grant to all vendors prior to the funds being reimbursed to the successful applicants. Only approved budgeted items are considered for reimbursement. Any changes to the original approved budgeted items must be pre-approved by the Bureau to be considered for reimbursement. Upon expenditure of any or all approved funds or by August 31, 2010, the applicant must submit a cost reimbursement request to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. The payment request must include a copy of all purchase orders, all receiving reports, all invoices, a Non-expendable Property Accountability Record” on OCO items over $5000 and documentation of payment to the vendor for the amount of funds being requested. In addition, you must provide a written report by August 31, 2010 detailing the actions taken to expend the funds and the progress in implementing or improving an electronic data collection system.
By signing the applicant agreement and certification, an applicant is certifying that they meet all requirements and other guidelines in this manual.
The application signer identified in item 2 on page 4 must sign item 9 titled “Applicant Agreement and Certification” on page 11, and also sign on page 12 titled “Request for Reimbursement.”
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
408 EMS Agency Subgrant Application
Complete all items unless instructed differently within the application
ID. Code (The State Bureau of EMS will assign the ID Code – leave this blank) ______1. Organization Name:
2. Application Signer: (The applicant signatory who has authority to sign contracts, grants, and other legal documents. This individual must sign this application.)
Position Title:
City: / County:
State: Florida / Zip Code:
Telephone: / Fax Number:
E-Mail Address:
3. Contact Person: (The individual with direct knowledge of the project on a day-to-day basis and responsibility for the implementation of the program activities. This person may sign project reports and may request project changes. The application signer and the contact person may be the same.)
Position Title:
City: / County:
State: Florida / Zip Code:
Telephone: / Fax Number:
E-mail Address:
4. Applicant information:
a) Legal Status of Applicant Organization (Check only one response):
(1) Private Not for Profit [Attach documentation-501 (3) ©]
(2) Private For Profit
(3) City/Municipality/Town/Village
(4) County
(5) State
(6) Other (specify):
b) EMS License Number: Type: Transport Non-transport Both
c) Number of permitted vehicles by type: BLS ALS Transport ALS non-transport.
d) Type of Service (check one): Rescue Fire Third Service (County or City Government, nonfire)
Air ambulance: Fixed wing Roto-wing Both Other (specify)
e) Yearly EMS Call Volume: .
f) Population density of area served and year determined .
g) EMSTARS participant? Yes No
h) EMSTARS committed with target submission date? Yes No
Target Date: .
i) Do you have access to an Information Technology system administrator? Yes No (Describe) System Administrator or Electronic Patient Care Reporting Admininstrator
5. Justification Summary: Provide no more than three one sided, double spaced pages with answers to each of following questions. Provide your justification summary in the format provided below and include all elements of each section described:
A. Overall Goal of Request:
All justification summaries must be focused on either moving your agency toward EMSTARS submission or improving the overall quality of your EMSTARS participation. Please include in this section of your Justification Summary one of goals below which is most appropriate for your request:
Establishing an electronic EMS data collection system to enable consistent submission of EMS incident related data to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Pre-Hospital System (EMSTARS) for state compliance to the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS).
Enhancing an electronic EMS data collection system to enable consistent submission of EMS incident related data to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Pre-Hospital System (EMSTARS) for state compliance to the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS).
B. Current Situation
Outline the fundamental business problem or opportunity which the requested grant project funding will directly address.
B.1 Problem
Provide a generic description of the current situation/problem/issues at hand
Provide a description of the root cause or reasons why the problem exists
Provide a description of the elements which create it (e.g. human, process, technology)
B.2 Impact to EMSTARS participation and/or quality submission
Provide a description of how this problem has impacted your inability to participate in EMSTARS or how this problem has impacted your overall quality submissions if currently submitting to EMSTARS.
B. 2 Proposed Solution to Problem
Provide a summary of your overall solution,
Provide a description of what is specifically being asked for in this application and why you need it.
Be specific on all hardware/software/services components requirements.
B.3 Outcome expected
Describe how this request will accomplish or further your stated overall goal of establishing or enhancing ePCR for EMSTARS submissions.
If not currently reporting to EMSTARS, must provide target date for startup submission.
B. 4 Alternative Source of Funds
If you are a county service describe why this request cannot be paid out of county award grant funds. If you are not a county service describe any actions you have taken to obtain county award funds for this project.
6. Work activities and time frames: Indicate the major activities or steps you will take for completing the project (use only the space provided). You must complete all purchases prior to August 31, 2010.
Work Activity / Number of Months After Project Starts Begin End
Expenses: These are costs for the usual and ordinary incidental expenditures by an agency such as software; excluding expenditures classified as operating capital outlay (see next category).
Operating Capital Outlay:
Equipment, fixtures, and other tangible personal property of a non-consumable and non- expendable nature, and the normal expected life of which is 1 year or more. / Justification: State why the items and quantities listed are necessary components of this project and how the item(s) listed will further or enhance your agencies participation in EMSTARS
Grand Total Of Funds Requested
8. Scoring:
Current Situation – 10 points (must be clearly described in the Section 5 Justification)(10 points) If the agency is currently paper-based and the funds will be used to acquire hardware, software, or related services for complete electronic reporting for EMS Events
(8 points) If the agency currently has electronic reporting for EMS events and requires additional hardware, software, upgrades, or related services to become an EMSTARS submitting agency
(5 points) If the agency is currently paper-based and the funds will be used to acquire hardware, software, or related services for partial electronic reporting for EMS Events
(0-10 points ) If the agency is currently submitting to EMSTARS, but requires additional hardware, software, upgrades, or related services which will have positive impact on the any or all of the following performance areas:
(points are given for each applicable area adequately described in justification)
(2 points) Timeliness
(2 points) Uniformity
(2 points) Completeness
(2 points) Accuracy
(2 points) Accessibility and/or Integration
(0 points) Performance improvement area not described
Data Submission Action Plan – 10 Points (points available only to currently non-submitting agencies)
(10 points) Agencies that formally commit via an approved EMSTARS Data Submission Action Plan to participate in the EMSTARS program prior to 6/1/10.
(7 points) Agencies that formally commit via an approved EMSTARS Data Submission Action Plan to participate in the EMSTARS program prior to 10/1/10.
(5 points) Agencies that formally commit via an approved EMSTARS Data Submission Action Plan to participate in the EMSTARS program prior to 12/31/10
Yearly EMS Call Volume – 10 Points
(10 points) Agencies with a call volume 10,000-20,000 per year (based on submitted Aggregate Data Reports)
(7 points) Agencies with a call volume 5,000-10,000 per year (based on submitted Aggregate Data Reports)
(5 points) Agencies with a call volume less than 5,000 per year (based on submitted Aggregate Data Reports)
Amount Requested – 10 Points
(10 points) less than $15,000
(5 points) between $15,000 and $25,000
(2 points) between $25,000 and $35000
Unable to fund from EMS County Award Grants – 5 Points
(1 to 5 points) To be awarded based on review of B.4 by the scoring committee (application clearly presents the actions that an agency has taken to acquire funds thru County Award Grants but has not been able to attain them.
Completeness of Application - 5 Points
(1 to 5 points) To be awarded based on review by the scoring committee
Project Outcome – 10 Points
(1 to 10 points) To be awarded based on review of Justification Summary sections by the scoring committee and the information provided, specifically adequacy of problem description, resonableness of solution proposed and implementation timeframe described.
PLEASE NOTE: This item must be signed by the individual identified in item # 2 (Application Signer) on page 4.
9. Applicant Agreement and Certification:My signature below certifies the following:
I am aware that any omissions, falsifications, misstatements, or misrepresentations in this application may disqualify me for these funds and, if funded, may be grounds for termination at a later date. I understand that any information I give may be investigated as allowed by law. I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief that all of the statements contained herein and on any attachments are true, correct, complete, and made in good faith.
I agree that any and all information submitted in this application will become a public document pursuant to Section 119.07, F.S. when received by the Florida Bureau of EMS. This includes material which the applicant might consider to be confidential or a trade secret. Any claim of confidentiality is waived by the applicant upon submission of this application pursuant to Section 119.07, F.S., effective after opening by the Florida Bureau of EMS.
I accept that, in the best interests of the State, the Florida Bureau of EMS reserves the right to reject or revise any and all applications or waive any minor irregularity or technicality in applications received, and can exercise that right.
I certify that all cash, salaries, fringe benefits, expenses, equipment, and other expenses as listed in this application shall be committed and used for the activities approved as a part of this application.
The parties to this contract shall be bound by all applicable sections of Part V: Acceptance and Agreement of Project # K9-10-18-01, DOT Contract # AP079 (Attachment I). A final invoice must be received by August 31, 2010 or payment will be forfeited.
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions: If awarded funding, I certify that I will comply with all of the above and also accept the attached terms and conditions and acknowledge this by signing below.
/ /
Signature of Applicant MM / DD / YY
(Individual Identified in Item 2)
Department Approval: (to be signed upon approval.)
Signed by Project Director MM /DD / YY
Florida Department of Health