Prayer for Peace and Justice

Almighty and everlasting God, we your people gather here in this sacred space to worship you, to sing songs that bring joy to our lives, to offer prayers and to hear your word proclaimed. We long to be challenged and inspired. We so desperately need to be transformed by your Word, so that we might have strength to confront the hurdles that we face and the pain that we experience through the continued violence in our world.

We are once again confronted by events that led to the loss of life. We once again hear the cries of African-Americans and other voices asking how long can things continue as they are? How long can we continue in an environment where there is a lack of trust and fear that creates a divide between those who are charged to protect and those who need protection? How long will we continue to hear about the loss of African-American males in their communities or at the hands of the police? The prophet cries out, my heart is faint within me, listen to the cry of my people from a land far away. Since my people are crushed, I am crushed. I mourn and horror grips me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?

God you call us to be physicians, to be healers through your power and your grace. Speak to us, encourage us, empower us to do what we can to bring folks together in conversation so that we might foster trust in situations where there is no trust. Help us, we pray, to care for one another better, to have meaningful conversations that lead to an easement of tension between races, groups and classes. Help us, we pray, to seek ways and opportunities to bridge the gap between those who risk their lives to protect us and those who need protection. Help us, we pray, to work harder to create an environment that fosters genuine relationships that lead to peace.

Help us, we pray, to recognize that you are God and you alone have the power to transform our lives in a way that challenges us to recognize that we all have been created in the image of God, that we all are people of sacred worth and value. Help us, we pray, so that when one part of the body is hurting we all hurt and we all long for the healing that only you can provide.

God hear our prayer, energize us, and lead us to a place that, through your grace, your mercy, and your care, will help us to care for one another in the midst of our pain and sorrow. Help us, we pray, to recognize that you can turn our sorrow into dancing and that while we are here, you are working through us to make this world a better reflection of the world you desire. Continue to encourage us as we move forward, to love you, our neighbors, and ourselves in the midst of our daily living. Amen