United Church of Christ

February 10, 2013

Those who are able may stand where marked (*).

Gathering Music: #389 “Spirit of the Living God” vs. 1

Welcome, Announcements and Prayer Deacon – Eric Pospesil

Prelude and Ministry of the Acolyte

Call to Worship Micah 6:6-8

One: What shall we bring when we come to worship God,

when we bow in God’s majestic, holy presence?

All: Shall we bring burnt offerings to God—a yearling calf,

a thousand rams, a river of fine oil?

One: Must we kill the things we love to pay for our transgressions? slaughter what we hold most dear

to turn away God’s wrath?

All: Beloved, we know what we need to do;

God has already told us what is good;

and what does our God require of us but this:

to do what is just, love kindness and mercy,

and walk humbly with our God.

*Hymn: #617 “Near to the Heart of God”

*Confession: Loving Creator, you made us for intimate relationship with you, and we ran away and hid because we were afraid. Healing Friend, you touched our world with reconciling love, and we crawled into the dark to hide our sin. Generous Spirit, you come to us with kindness and we turn away, believing the gift must surely be for someone else. And as we push aside your compassionate gifts, dear God, we add to the pain in the world, our own and everybody else’s. Loving Creator, Healing Friend, Generous Spirit—Compassionate God, forgive us, we pray, and give us another chance, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

* Assurance of Pardon

* Gloria Patri #813

* Statement of Faith (inside hymnal cover)

Anthem “Beautiful Savior” Allen

Children's Time

Recognizing Those Who Serve (see insert)

Moments of Concern and Celebration (please fill out a blue card)

Pastoral Prayer and Savior’s Prayer (“trespasses”)

Worship of God with our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory Music

*Doxology #815 with Offertory Prayer and Consecration

Scripture: Luke 6:27-38

Sermon: “Compassionate God”

*Hymn: #460 “Let Us Break Bread Together”

The Sacrament of Holy Communion (see insert)

*Hymn: #667 “Lord, Speak to Me”


*Choral Benediction Sevenfold Amen

*Ministry of the Acolyte and Postlude