Final Exam Vocabulary Review
Unit 8
Word bank:
1) Why were the people so apprehensive about the storm?
2) When do people most show their condolences?
3) Why do people show apathy in the world?
4) Why do so many people dislike those who deride others?
5) Which scientists had the most multifarious interests?
6) Which types of animals are omnivorous?
7) What in the Great Depression made people so parsimonious?
8) What is the age in which most children turn recalcitrant?
9) Who is the suave main character in The Great Gatsby?
10) Which people revel most in having parties and staying up all night?
Fill-ins- Word bank:
1) The teacher _____________ the student for his improvement.
2) To be successful in life, you need to be ___________ and respectful with
3) The __________ between the family members was finally resolved.
4) The parents were shocked when they heard their __________ child broke the
5) The mother valued her child's project as ____________ and beautiful.
6) Many people become ___________ as they become older.
7) Some of the most ___________ objects are actually antiques.
8) Since the papers became soaked in the rain, they are now ____________.
9) Some ancient leaders used _________ to deal with prisoners.
10) Often times, kids will be in a __________ when they start a new school.
Unit 9
1. What is a palatable meal?
2. In sophomore year, what people act sophomoric?
3. What type of liquid is limpid?
4. What type of events are spontaneous?
5. In what age do humans become emaciated?
6. When do people exult?
7. What type of movie scene is poignant?
8. When is a good time to chastise your child?
9. When would you need an inkling in a game?
10. What's a brash situation?
Fill in the Blanks
Allocate Ardent Assiduous Brash Capricious Chastise
Copious Deviate Emaciated Exult Gnarled Indemnity
Inkling Limpid Omnipotent Palatable Poignant
Rancor Sophomoric Spontaneous
1. The ...... essay was five pages long and very wordy.
2. The transcendentalist ....... from society.
3. The tree had a very ........ look from all the knots on it.
4. After the hurricane the family had to pay......... for all their damaged house.
5. The king is ........ in the empire. He can order people to do whatever he wants.
6. I put the ........ chocolate chips in my cookie mix.
7. My mother ....... our older clothing to the poor.
8. The ......... student took a lot of detailed notes.
9. The boy made a ......... decision, that got him a detention.
10. ........ is something that best friends never want to happen to them.
Unit 10
1. Is it smart to be in the vanguard when you want to live a long life?
2. Are those who profess their religion ignorant and annoying?
3. Is it good to covet the good fortune of others?
4. Should you be careful when you are going down a sinuous road?
5. Do you find garrulous people annoying?
6. Do puppies allure you?
7.Do you have any friends that are contentious?
8. Do you have any friends that have a misnomer?
9.Do you know anyone that is considerd a wastrel?
10.Is your room disheveled?
Word bank: insuperable Respite Crestfallen Retribution Sonorous
Lamentable Exponent Acquiesce Askew Blithe
1. Alabama football is _______________ to any other team in NCAA.
2. The _______________ is the real number that can be negative and positive.
3. After failing her test, she is _______________ about not studying that night.
4. The truck couldn't make a sharp turn because of the ______________ street.
5. A stranger offered them to smoke, but they could not _______________.
6. It's unkind to hurt a ____________ child.
7. You shouldn't interrupt someone's ______________.
8. You should always give a _______________ when someone goes out of their way for you.
9. The ________________ ring of the bells in Santa's slay send excitement to children.
10. You should always help a ______________ child when you can.
Unit 11
Word Bank: Allude, Clairvoyant, Conclusive, Disreputable, Endemic, Emplary, Fathom, Guile, Integrity, Itinerary, Misconture, Obnoxious, Placate, Placid, Plagirism, Potent, Pretext, Protude, Stark, Superficial
1: He used------ To get past the security.
2: The trip's ------- was a little too much for me; there wasn't any free time.
3: Abraham Lincoln had a lot of--------- .
4: I was unable to------- the chemical formula.
5: The father tried to have------- behavior since his son was present.
6: His bone was------- from his leg after his fall.
7: My mom took my phone as a -------- end to argument.
8: I came up with a terrible--------- for missing practice.
9: I tried to ------- the correct answer to my friend when the teacher called on him.
10: I --------- the directions and got lost.
1) Who are the endemic people of America?
2) Which character would you consider more obnoxious: Ruby or Max?
3) Who is a potent figure of England ?
4) What are some things that could make someone disreputable?
5) Is the lake a placid place?
6) What trouble would someone be in if they plagiarized in college?
7) What could a mean girl say that is considered a stark remark?
8) What do people give to infants to placate them?
9) What character in Long Island Medium is clairvoyant?
10) What higher ranked adult would be considered superficial in the school?
Unit 12
1.) What type of food usually has an acrid odor?
2.) What is something you would keep clandestine from your parents?
3.) Are you callous when someone calls you a bad name?
4.) Do you feel compunction whenever you do something wrong?
5.) Do you think an eagle flying through the sky is august?
6.) Do you abjure your addiction of food when you’re on a diet?
7.) Name a city that was destroyed by a conflagration.
8.) Are you elated whenever you win a game?
9.) Name an event the you find indelible.
10.) Are you indulgent whenever someone asks a favor of you?
Fill in the Sentences -Nocturnal, quell, tacit, inveterate, irrelevant, tangible, trenchant, platitude, quiescent, ruminate
11. His _______ good work ethic paid off as he became the team captain his sophomore year.
12. When we were having a debate about Lincoln, the other side brought up __________ info when they talked about the American Revolution.
13. Many_______ animals have a big advantage over their prey at night.
14. Hearing the same old ________ over and over again can get annoying.
15. The rebels cause might’ve been just, but they were quickly _________ due to their lack in numbers and supplies.
16. In the first playoff game, the team seemed __________, but they were ready to erupt for a big game in game two.
17. Some people think it is better to ___________ about their problems rather than to act rashly.
18. The players and managers have a _________ understanding that they would help each other in tough situations.
19. Some people still look for evidence that spirits and ghosts are _________.
20. The ___________ speech given by the senator resulted in two new laws that he included in it.
Unit 13
1. Who was applicable in the Dark Knight?
2. Who had great prowess to save Mary Jane Watson?
3. What was the ultimatum at the end of the civil war?
4. Mr. Antolini had compassion for whom?
5. At the end of The Great Gatsby, Nick had antipathy for whom?
6. What is Albert Einstein's greatest asset?
7. What is the most infinitesimal thing in the universe?
8. Our high school stipulates that all students take 4 years of what?
9. Who beset who at the Alamo?
10. Walter was exuberant when he found out what news?
Word bank:
11. Billy had ________ when he was at his parents fancy dinner party.
12. My sister was afraid of the fly, but I knew it was ______.
13. I was under ________ when the bully showed his fist.
14. I had to ______ so much knowledge before the test.
15. They had gotten a ______ on their new invention.
16. I was _______ while sitting at the funeral.
17. The thunder was _________ during class.
18. I _______ against the bully who pushed me.
19. I had to make multiple _______ of the sheet for my presentation.
20. It is good to say _______ when it comes to your skill in hockey.
Unit 14
1. Do you think everyone should have an alacrity going into class?
2. How can you alleviate pain after surgery?
3. What is the antithesis for going up?
4. Were you appalled when you learned about the Holocaust?
5. Why should you be bellicose in sports?
6. Why do bullies disparage others?
7. Why are presidential candidates dissonant?
8. Who is the most droll character in scooby doo?
9. Why should you listen to a police officer's edict?
10. How can teachers elucidate their material?
Lauded Loll Loquacious Magnanimous Mandatory Nondescript
Phlegmatic Rescind Vivacious Whet
1. Their parents __________ him for making the honor roll.
2. In the summer people often_________ around on the beach.
3. My ________ friend wouldn't stop talking all night after the marathon.
4. The CEO was very___________ for donating to our charity.
5. School is ________ for all children.
6. The play was ________, which made it not entertaining at all.
7. Sloths are a very _______ animals.
8. He had to ______ from the race because he got an injury and couldn't run.
9. My friends are very ______, which makes just watching movies a fun time.
10. The movie trailers often_________ your interest.
Unit 15
1. What kind of abrasive should I use to remove the old finish from the desk?
2. Is it hard to acclimate to a new house?
3. Would you feel chagrin if you failed your drivers test?
4. Should I keep trying to improve my grades or become complacent with them?
5. Do you always concur with what your boss says even if it's against what you believe?
6. Despite being a hero, why does Spiderman receive defamation from the press?
7. What do you do when someone tries to explicate something you already understand?
8. What sport tends to have many fracases during the game?
9. Can you name a grotesque and unique movie?
10. Do you prefer a city with pandemonium or the country side with little commotion?
raucous savory
receptive somnolent
renounce vehement
repress voluble
reticent zealous
1. There was a sound coming from the creepy attic.
2. He was a of the Yankees, considering he goes to every game.
3. Once the news of the scandeal got out, he had to his position as CEO.
4. The criminal was in court when they asked him about the crime.
5. After Relay for Life, everybody felt quiet .
6. When the fight broke out, the teacher had to the kid who was beating up the other kid.
7. Once you get on the topic of her wedding, Sally becomes very .
8. During Thanksgiving, my aunt's stuffing is the most Food you would ever taste.
9. Joe had to learn to be more once the teacher scolded him about not listening.
10. There was a power telling me not to cheat.