College and Career Awareness
Ms. Smith- Orion Jr. High
What is College and Career Awareness?
Course Objective: This course offers exploration and preparation in college and career pathways focusing on jobs that are high skill and high demand, as well as satisfying and financially rewarding. The College and Career Awareness course is designed to help students identify their interests, abilities, and skills. With appropriate developmental information related to careers, educational pathways, and self-knowledge, students are able to begin to make college and career goals for the future.
Absences and Makeup Work
Please try to get your work in on time. Late assignments will be marked as follows:
Up to one week late- minus 25%
Any time after that- minus 50%
*If you have an excused absence it is your responsibility to ask me for the work you missed the day you return to school and you will have one week from your absence date to make up the work for full credit.
Grading Scale
97% and up = A+ 73-76% = C
93-96%= A 70-72% = C-
90-92% = A- 67-69% = D+
87-89% = B+ 63-66% = D
83-86% = B 60-62% = D-
80-82% = B- 59% and below = F
77-79% = C+
Discipline and Citizenship
Citizenship is graded as follows:
H- Honorary
S- Satisfactory
N- Needs Improvement
U- Unsatisfactory
Your citizenship grade will be based on in-class behavior and tardiness. If I have to ask you to be quiet or sit in your seat a lot, you can expect to receive an N for your citizenship. If I have to ask you to be quiet or sit in your seat a whole lot, you will receive a U. Also, 3 tardies = N, 5 tardies = U. In my classroom you must be in your seat when I take roll at the beginning of class in order to not be counted as tardy. Please try to be on time and be respectful when you are here and we will have a great class!
If you need special accommodations of any kind, please let me know. The best way for students and parents to contact me is through e-mail at:
*Please fill out and return to Ms. Smith by
College and Career Awareness
Student Name ______
Period ______
Parent’s Names ______
Parent’s daytime phone numbers ______
Parents: Would you be willing to come to class and assist during our sewing unit? You can have minimal sewing skills and still be an invaluable help during this unit. If you would be able to come help please write your name and e-mail and I will contact you via e-mail.
name ______
e-mail ______
Student’s food allergies or other health concerns I should be aware of: ______
I have read and understand the College and Career Awareness disclosure statement and am responsible for the information it contains.
Student’s signature
Parent or guardian’s signature
*I am always in need of sewing supplies. If you have any type of fabric, buttons, thread or any other sewing supplies you want to get rid of please have your student bring them to class. Thanks.
Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibit discrimination in federally funded programs on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. All vocational opportunities are offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex or disability.