Victorian Child Friendly Cities Network
1.00- 3.00pm
LGPro Offices, Level 3/58 Lorimer st , Docklands
Topic: Middle Years
Chair –Karina Viksne–Moonee Valley
Minutes – Wendy Jones - Ballarat
Welcome and attendance
Sue Hobbs – Macedon Ranges; Shirley Egan – Bass Coast; Nicole Lindsay- Brimbank, Kate Beveridge – Cardinia; Virginia Lloyd - Casey, Linda Harman – Darebin; Caroline Meier- Greater Dandenong;JasminaStanic – Melbourne; Matt Welsh – Melton;Samantha Neville- Port Phillip;Tess Rouvray – Port Phillip;Neil Rogers- Whitehorse; Leonie O’Malley- Wyndham, Clara Yip- Boroondara, Sarah Vallance - Moreland
Apologies – Anne McGregor – Moreland;SherynPrinzi - Banyule,Cath Black - Maribyrnong,
Review and acceptance of minutes 2.6.2017
CFCC Advisory Group update
Ongoing consideration to connecting with organisations more broadly than local government
Action plan review being undertaken and ongoing discussion of updating tool kit.
Presentations – all 3 presentations available as attachments
- The Education State and Student Voice: Sandra Mahar and Kate Hendry, Department of Education and Training, NW Region
Education State: Targets and framework for improving student outcomes –
Kate Hendry
- Key points-
- Equity and excellence for all
- Breaking the link – reducing impact of disadvantage
- Developing pride and confidence in our schools
- Happy health and resilient kids – facilitate learning for life
- School improvement – looking through the lens of excellence in teaching
- Positive climate for learning- decision making, and community engagement in learning- engaged with broader community so feel safe and involved
Framework for improving student outcomes: FISO Improvement Model
Role of the School Review and Student voice - Cathie Mallis
- New model next year- the maturity of the school in relation to self-assessment will influence how long the review will take. Rigorous and truly objective process to complement the schoolsself evaluation and self review. This is an independent process and will occur every 4 years with schools self asses every other year.
- Students involved as partners in education- strengthen and buy in – particularly those least engaged
- There will be an emphasis on student voice and agency as from next year
- Leadership – family involvement also need to support the student voice and leadership, for this to be an equitable model for all and includes listening to and increasing a sense of responsibility to help others.
- Authentic student voice – includes participation in decision making and action
- The school reviews will have two community members invited as challenge partners(communicate to schools in your area if you are interested to be part of this process) – students will also be included in this process. The reviewer will have the right to choose who will be on the team.
- Listening To and Acting on Student Voice:presented by Caroline Meier, City of Dandenong on behalf of Carmel Nigro, Athol Road Primary School, Springvale South.
Primary School- rich multicultural environment, rich culture for student involvement
- Student leaders, Student voice council, House captains and vice captains, peer mediators all play an active role in making the school a safe and friendly place for students
- Student voice summary provided – mini student surveys and ARPS Street Talk to gather the thoughts, feelings and opinions of students
- Yr 5 SVC leaders have been attending the City of Dandenong Childrens Advisory group twice a term – 9 schools given the opportunity and 4 schools took part with 2 reps present from each school.
- This group helped plan the Childrens Forum (55 students)– and also the redeveloping of projects such as development of Springvale Library.
- Students Create the Future (SCF) – we have talked about how we could promote anti bullying and inform people about it – action developed based on results from the resilience survey
- Website has case studies etc on City of Greater Dandenong Website – include the link
- The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) and the City of Whittlesea Experience: Cathie Nolan, Project Manager AEDC and Kim Stadtmiller, Hume Whittlesea LLEN
- Identified need to start linking the data. There are gaps in the collection of information this led to the development of the MDI- The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) asks children in middle childhood about their thoughts, feelings and experiences.
- The MDI is the first survey of its kind to collect information about the lives of children both in school and community, from their own perspective. It uses a strengths-based approach to assess non-academic factors that lead to success in later life.
- Middle Years Development Instrument – Middle Years Development Instrument
- Toddler development screen – TDI – to be trialled next year
KimStadtmillar- Whittlesea
- A gap identified in middle years – MDI development Instrument – online reporting survey conducted in 2014 – 15, 1600 students participated, strategy was built on 2013( 900 gr 5) and 2014 (600 yr 8). Transition between primary and secondary school reported as an issue with transition from early years to primary had indicated an improvement.
- Middle Years 9-14yrs transition is not merely transferring from one setting to another but rather a series on interconnecting processes taking place over an extended period of time in particular for yr 8 boys, a time of disengagement.
- Local Govt supports the LLEN by providing .5 EFT funding to undertake the strategy. The strategy was launched in June this year. This work has attracted philanthropic and NGO engagement with schools as a result of the data.
- The MDI has provided a facilitator to support schools and community to connect andto look at the strengths.
- Updating the Child Friendly Cities and Communities Toolkit: Informing and supporting local governments and organisations about Child Friendly Cities and Communities and the Charter
It was agreed that due to lack of time – a series of questions would be distributed for members to respond to in relation to updating the tool kit.
Next meeting 24th November 2017
1.00 – 3.00 pm
LGProOffices , Level 3/58 Lorimer St, Docklands
Topic: YOUTH