Filing of ARNP Protocols
Did you know?
Under Florida statues Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners are profiled on the MQA website giving consumers information regarding the education, certifications, as well as any action pertaining the practitioner by a regulatory board and judgments resulting from medical malpractice lawsuits. ARNPs are responsible for going to the MQA website and updating information in the profile within fifteen days of changes made.
Starting with your license renewal in 2007 ARNPs must file their protocol with their license renewal and the protocol will be reviewed to insure that the protocols are in compliance with the Nurse Practice and Rules of the Board of Nursing. You will find the standards for protocols and a sample of proper protocols listed here that may serve as a guide for NPs and the physicians who provide general supervision. Protocols will only have to be filed every two years with license renewal but you still must file with the Board of Nursing any time changes are made and the profiles on your profile also must be change to be current.
You will find posted here the three comprehensive Newsletters published by FNA and sent to all licensed NPs in Florida. They are a good source of history and current events.