Definition: This administrative position is responsible for effective day-to-day program development, operations, and maintenance.

Examples of Duties:

· Develop and schedule program components

· Market program to potential participants and private industry

· Locate and pursue funding sources, services, and resources that support program activities by identifying opportunities, writing proposals, and administering grants

· Convene regular Program Coordinating Committee meetings, keep Committee members informed about program activities and needs, and seek Committee support in meeting program needs

· Establish guidelines for program participation, then recruit and counsel program participants

· Assess participant needs, then develop partnerships and working relationships with local employers and service agencies that can meet those needs

· Publish brochures, a newsletter, and other documents in order to develop and maintain program awareness among housing authority rental assistance program participants, government officials, business partners, and other interested community members

· Recruit, train, and supervise staff that support program activities

· Exercise accountability for program documentation (i.e., maintain escrow accounts, meet funding source reporting expectations, and oversee participant files)

· Other duties as assigned

Desirable Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

· Ability to work effectively with participants, ORHA staff, social service agencies, the business community, and general public. Ability to work as a part of a team and regard participants as customers/consumers, not recipients.

· Good written and oral communications skills including experience/knowledge in grant writing and administration, desktop publishing, and public speaking

Desirable Training and Experience:

· A Bachelor’s Degree in the social sciences or business/marketing, with three years of experience in a closely related field

· Knowledge of and experience in marketing, non-profit program administration, supervision, case management, public housing, grant writing and administration