Volunteer Registration & Application Form

Information for Applicants
This form is designed to be completed by people seeking to undertake a volunteer opportunity with Yooralla.
Yooralla engages volunteers who provide essential support across our services that increase participation and inclusion through a range of opportunities and are recognised as one of the organisations most valuable assets.
We encourage and welcome people from all cultures, professional and community backgrounds. Whether you are a student wanting to bridge the gap between study and career, a job seeker wanting to increase your professional skill set or a retiree looking to give your expertise or time to the local community, we can provide mutually beneficial opportunities for everyone.
No matter how big or small the project, volunteers will ultimately be contributing to the organisation and the people we support.
To undertake volunteering activities in our services you must be 16 years of age or older at the time of commencing as a volunteer.
The following documents must be submitted:
  • completed Volunteer Registration & Application Form
  • Fit2Work National Police Check Application/Consent Form (including certified identification)
  • certified copy of overseas Police Certificate/s and/or Statutory Declaration (if you have resided overseas in the last 10 years)
  • a copy of your resume
Requests should be submitted to: Volunteer Services Team
Level 14, 595 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
PO Box 238 Collins Street West, Melbourne, VIC 8007

Personal Information
First name / Surname
Preferred name / Date of birth / Gender
Address / Suburb / Postcode
Telephone (H) / Mobile
Emergency contact name
Emergency contact phone (H)(W)(M)
Are you an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident?☐Australian Citizen ☐Permanent Resident ☐No
If No, do you have an appropriate visa? ☐Yes ☐No ☐Attached
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? / ☐Yes ☐No
Do you identify as a person with a disability? / ☐Yes ☐No
If yes, please provide further details
Do you identify as a person from a cultural and linguistically diverse background? / ☐Yes ☐No
Do you speak a language other than English? / ☐Yes ☐No
If yes, please state the country in which you were born?
Have you lived or worked overseas for more than 12 months in thelast 10 years? ☐Yes ☐No
If Yes, Date From Date to Country
Department of Health and Human Services Safety Screening Requirements
Do you have a current international Police Check? / ☐Yes / ☐ No / ☐ Attached
Do you have a current First Aid Certificate? / ☐Yes / ☐ No / ☐ Attached
Do you have a current Working With Children’s Check? / ☐Yes / ☐ No / ☐ Attached
What type of volunteer work would interest you?
☐Companionship / ☐Cooking / ☐Respite / ☐Leisure Services
☐Arts & crafts / ☐Fundraising / ☐Sports & recreation / ☐Administration Services
☐AccommodationSupport / ☐Education Support / ☐Retail / ☐Promotions and Events
☐Maintenance / ☐Children & Family Support / ☐Program Support / ☐Other______
Interests and background
Have you been involved in any volunteer work previously?
(Please provided any information below) / ☐Yes / ☐No
When are you available?
Time/Day / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Morning / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Afternoon / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Evening / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
What areas or locations would be suitable for you to attend?
Do you have your own transport? / ☐Yes / ☐No / ☐Public Transport
Do you have comprehensive insurance? / ☐Yes / ☐No / ☐Third Party
What type of driver’s license do you hold? / ☐Full Australian / ☐Probationary / ☐Learners Permit
Please provide your license number?
Referee Information
Please give referee details of two people who can comment on your skills, performance and achievements.
Name / Relationship / Telephone / Email
Conditions of application
☐I agree to abide by the policies and procedures that govern Yooralla.
☐I understand that it is a Department of Health and Human Services requirement that my Police Record Check is completed yearly.
☐I understand that reference checks may be conducted with any of the referees I have identified above, and I agree to information about me being provided to Yooralla by those people in connection with my application.
☐I agree to undergo a Working With Children Check and/or a Criminal History Check or to provide a certified photocopy of my current certificates and that this information is strictly confidential
Signed (Applicant): Date:
This document is uncontrolled when printed, please refer to the Policies and Procedures Library for current controlled version
Policy Index: Human Resource Management / Effective Date:9/03/2016 (v3)
Responsible Manager: Michelle Holian / Page 1 of 2