Minutes for May Board Meeting

May 6, 2012


Byron Frank

Chris Caccamo

Chuck Welsh

Dan Stepeck

Dave Conrad

Dominic Barone

Enrico Chiarillo

Jamie Andrews

Jim Keener

John Calcavecchia

Ken Brickner

Kevin Quigley

Kirt Rasmussen

Larry Green

Mark Benham

Matt Guglielmo

Michael Malario

Michael Mihalek

Mike Dunst

Mike Gulino

Ron Palazzo

Russ Arnold

Tom Engle

Tony Sardilli

1)  Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm

2)  Motion made to accept April, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion seconded and accepted.

3)  Matt Guglielmo, Treasurer, presented the April, 2012 month-end statement. Income from the month included

·  registration fees ($2,380) – includes $1,200 from senior softball, additional $3,000 of fees are uncollected

·  sponsorship ($2,925) – additional $2,000 due from Farmington Bank and additional fees from other sponsors are outstanding

Expenses included

·  Equipment ($16,940) – pre-season order

·  Field Repairs ($1,023) – 2 L-Screens / 4 Pitching Rubbers

·  Uniform ($3,306) - softball

·  Special Events ($720) – Winding Trails field rental

·  Donation ($4,000) – FHS Booster Club for Tunxis Field Improvement

·  Donation ($1,000) – Team Timothy Herr

4)  Raffle Drawing on June 2 ($8,000 of prizes)

5)  FYBL Appreciation Day on June 2 – John Calcavecchia is chairing the committee, also a coach’s softball game will be the night of June 2

6)  Safety Update – extra ice packs in shed, also bee sting kits are available

7)  Field and Facilities update

·  Remaining signs need to be hung

·  Bullpens need to be cleaned up

·  Dugouts should be cleaned up after every game

·  New base liner on Dubiel Field

·  Hand water pumps at Dubiel and Welch

·  Stump removal needed for memorial tree

8)  All teams have sponsors, need to follow up to collect fees

9)  District uniforms will be reused (3-4 year rotation)

10)  Individual teams need to work with Bishop Photo for any make-up pictures

11)  Concession Stand – has open for the beginning of the season (Vita’s); will also take care of bathrooms; soda machine will be removed

12)  Spring Program – Kathy Wolkner is helping Rico

13)  Lindquist Tournament

·  Mike Dunst will prepare website for other leagues to sign up teams

·  U-10 and U-12 divisions (8 – 10 teams per division)

·  need some of the National League managers/coaches to run the tournament

·  Suggested we have a clean up day before the start of the tournament

·  FYBL will have 1-2 teams per division depending on sign ups

14)  Veridian – no update

15)  Old equipment still available for possible donation to other leagues in financial difficulties

16)  Mark Benham brought up a plan to have a road race to benefit FYBL. He has talked to the town about possible routes. Discussion about the best time of the year to hold the race, and April during the pre-season sounded like a good possibility. Topic will be revisted later in the year.

17)  Next FYBL meeting scheduled for June 3 at 7:00 pm

18)  Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm