TO: Abbreviated License Applicant
FROM: The Licensing Staff
DATE: September 2008
RE: Abbreviated License Application for Beneficial Use or Reuse of a Hazardous Waste On-Site.
Thank you. The attached Abbreviated License Application for a Beneficial Use or Reuse On-Site consists of 7 pages. Please read the instructions carefully before attempting to fill out the application and return pages 4, 5 and 6 to the Department. Page 7 should be published for public notice in a local newspaper in your area and sent by certified mail to all abutters of the facility. A copy of the application, supporting documents and any amendments shall be filed with the appropriate town clerk, city clerk, or if the project is in an unorganized area, with the appropriate plantation clerk or county clerk.
Thank you
The criteria for the proper operation of a facility where hazardous waste is beneficially reused on site are presented in the Hazardous Waste Management Rules, Chapter 856, Section 11 (A) (06-096 CMR 850-857) (July 20, 2004) adopted by the Board of Environmental Protection under the authority of 38 M.R.S.A., Section 1301 et seq. Copies of the rules and laws are available from the Department of Environmental Protection. The applicant should become familiar with the appropriate rules and laws before submitting an application for facility approval.
General Instructions
1. Be sure to submit the application well in advance of the date on which you plan to construct or operate the facility. The DEP staff can provide the best estimate of the amount of time it will take to review the application.
2. Prior to submission the applicant may be required to attend a pre-submission meeting with the DEP staff to ensure that the necessary information has been included prior to filing the application with the Department. Contact your DEP Project Manager or the Licensing Unit Leader before submitting this application to see if a meeting is necessary in your situation.
4. If a question does not apply, indicate that and explain why.
5. Applicants should not hesitate to contact the DEP staff if questions arise at any point during the application review process.
6. All drawings, site plans and maps must be on sheets no smaller than 8 ½” x 11” and no larger than 30” x 40” in size. All drawings, plans and maps should be folded to size 8 ½ “x 11”.
7. All engineering designs, reports, plans and other technical engineering documents must be signed and certified by a State of Maine Registered Professional Engineer.
8. Within 30 days prior to filling the applicant must give public Notice of Intent to File an application. The public notice must be served and published in compliance with criteria promulgated in DEP Administrative Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 14 ((06-096 CMR 2) April 1,2003). A copy of this notice including the name of the publication and the date it appeared must be forwarded to the Department in order to complete processing of this application.
9. The following references are recommended for use in completing the application form:
A) DEP Hazardous Waste Management Rules, (06-096 CMR 850-857) July 20, 2004
B) 40 CFR Parts 264-265
C) 49 CFR Parts 172-173
D) 49 CFR Parts 178-179
10. Sign the application. Refer to Chapter 856, Section 10A (3) for guidance as to who may sign and certify the application. Where the owner and operator are not the same person, either may obtain the license but both must sign and certify the application.
11. Submit with the application the appropriate application reviewing fee:
Treatment facility under abbreviated license provisions........ $75
Where the hazardous waste treated is 1000 kilograms
or less per calendar month.
All other facilities for hazardous waste under.................$400
abbreviated license provisions.
Please combine this Application Fee with the Annual License Fee as discussed on page 6 of this application.
12. Keep a copy of the completed application for your files. This copy will hasten any communication with the DEP staff should questions arise during the review process.
13. Department policy requires the applicant’s name on the license to match the corporate name on file with the Secretary of State’s office. Please submit a copy of your Information Summary sheet from the Division of Corporations with your application.
14. Send the application, including all supporting material, to:
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management
Division of Oil & Hazardous Waste Facilities Regulation
17 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0017
Attn: Licensing Unit Leader
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management
Division of Oil & Hazardous Waste Facilities Regulation
17 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0017
Telephone: (207)287-2651
(38 M.R.S.A., SECTION 1301 et seq.)
Note: Site means the same or geographically contiguous property which may be divided by a public or private right-of-way, provided that the entrance and exit between the properties is at a crossroads intersection and access is by crossing as opposed to gong along the right-of-way. Non-contiguous properties owned by the same person but connected by a right-of-way, which he controls and to which the public does not have access is also considered site property.
Name of Applicant:
Check One or Both: Owner Operator
Mailing Address: Telephone Number:
City: State: Zip:
Name/Address/Telephone Number of Contact Person:
Federal ID #
Social Security Number:
Facilities Present License Number:
Name of Facility:
Street or Route Number:
Municipality or Township: County:
Has the facility obtained a U.S. EPA Identification Number? Yes No
If yes, the number is:
Has the facility obtained any other State of Maine Hazardous Waste Facility Licenses? Yes No
If yes, indicate license number and date of issue:
Facility Owner (If different than Applicant):
Owner's Contact Person (Name, Mailing Address, & Telephone Number):
Owner’s Status is:
(check one)
A) Federal D) Private
B) State E) Other entity (Explain below)
C) Municipal
1. ATTACH a description (narrative, site plans, drawings, map, etc.) of the facility where hazardous waste will be beneficially used or reused including any storage areas where hazardous waste is held prior to reuse, and transportation of the hazardous waste within the facility. Include security taken to prevent tampering and release of a hazardous waste to the environment.
2. ATTACH a description (schematic, flow charts, narrative, model name, brochure, etc.) of the treatment process before beneficial reuse, if applicable, including capacity of unit and cycling time.
3. Is the hazardous waste altered or treated in any manner as a result of beneficial use or reuse?
Yes No
If yes, ATTACH a complete description of such alteration or treatment.
4. ATTACH a list of the types and amounts of waste, which will be treated or beneficially reused without treatment each month. Include Material Safety Data Sheets on any commercially available products.
5. REMIT an annual fee in the form of a certified check or money order made payable to the Maine Hazardous Waste Fund in the amount of:
a) $100 – treatment facility under abbreviated license provisions where the hazardous waste treated in 1,000 kilograms or less per calendar month.
b) $200 – all other facilities for hazardous waste under abbreviated license.
6. ATTACH a copy of the applicant’s title, right or interest to the property (refer to Chapter 856, Section 1 0A(11) for guidelines).
7. ATTACH a U.S.G.S. topographic map detailing the exact location of the facility.
By signing this application, the applicant certifies that he or she has given public notice and filed appropriate documents in accordance with Chapter 2, Section 14 of the Administrative Regulations.
The applicant, by signing this application certifies that the facility is in compliance with applicable requirements of Chapter 851, Standards for Generators of Hazardous Waste, and that: a) any hazardous wastes that are stored prior to beneficial use or reuse are stored in accordance with Chapter 851, Section 8B(2)-(5) of the Maine Hazardous Waste Management Rules (hereafter the Rules); b) any hazardous wastes to be beneficially used or reused are not transported off-site; c) the hazardous waste is beneficially used or reused within 90 days from the date it was generated; d) except as provided for in accordance with Chapter 856, Section 11A(6), the waste is not incinerated, burned or otherwise thermally treated; and e) upon closure or cessation of use the facility or unit will be closed and certified according to the requirements of Chapter 856, Section 11C(3) of the Rules.
The applicant certifies under penalty of law that he or she has examined and is familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that based on his or her inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information believes that the information is true, accurate and complete. The applicant authorizes the Department to enter the property that is subject of this application, at reasonable hours, including buildings, structures or conveyances on the property, to determine the accuracy of any information provided herein. The applicant is aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including he possibility of fine and/or imprisonment.
Signature of Applicant: _______________________________________ Date:
Printed Name and Title of Applicant:
Signature of Owner-Applicant:___________________________________ Date:
(if different from above)
Printed Name and Title:
NOTE: Where owner and operator is not the same person, either may obtain the license but both must sign and certify the application.
1. To be advertised once by the applicant in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the project locations, within 30 days prior to the filing of the application.
2. To be mailed by certified mail to all abutting landowners, and municipal office of the municipality where the project is located, within 30 days prior to the filing of the application.
3. A copy of the published notice is to be submitted with the application.
Please take notice that
(Name, Address and Telephone Number of Applicant)
is intending on filing an application for an ABBREVIATED LICENSE with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) pursuant to the provisions of Title 38 M.R.S.A., Section 1301, et seq. for Beneficial Reuse of a Hazardous Waste on Site on .
(estimated submittal date)
The application is for
(summary of project)
at in
(project street address) (municipality)
A request for a public hearing or a request that the Board of Environmental Protection assume jurisdiction on this application, must be received by the Department, in writing, no later than 20 days after the application is accepted by the Department as complete for processing. Public comment on the application will be accepted throughout the processing of the application.
The application and supporting documentation are available for review at Department offices in Augusta, located in the Ray Building on the AMHI Complex off Hospital Street during normal working hours. A copy of the application and supporting documentation may also be seen at the municipal office in
, Maine.
Written public comments may be sent to the Licensing Unit Leader at the Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management, Division of Oil & Hazardous Waste Facilities Regulation, 17 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0017.