December 4, 2002

Page 1

TO: Kristin Lindlan, Chair, CC:DA

FR: Elizabeth Mangan, MAGERT liaison

RE: 3.1F1 example correction

It was pointed out to me that the first example under 3.1F1 is incorrect in that it is in conflict with the second sentence of the final paragraph of 1.1E3: "Never omit any of the first five words of the other title information." In verifying the omitted information I discovered that the compiler's name was misspelled. I am therefore submitting the following proposed correction.


3.1F1. Transcribe statements of responsibility relating to persons or bodies as instructed in 1.1F.

Football history map of England and Wales [gmd] : showing ... on the map the colours and locations of all the clubs in the Football League ... / compiled by John Carvoasso

[remaining examples not transcribed]


3.1F1. Transcribe statements of responsibility relating to persons or bodies as instructed in 1.1F.

Football history map of England and Wales [gmd] : showing on the map the colours and locations of all the clubs in the Football League ... / compiled by John Carvasso

[remaining examples not transcribed]