June 6 to 8, 2010 AG/doc.5124/10 rev. 1

Lima, Peru 3 February 2011

Original: Spanish


(Reviewed by the Style Committee)



AG/DEC. 63 (XL-O/10) Declaration of Lima: Peace, Security, and Cooperation in the Americas 1

AG/DEC. 64 (XL-O/10) Solidarity with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras in View of the Recent Natural Disasters 6

AG/DEC. 65 (XL-O/10) Declaration on the Question of the Malvinas Islands 7

AG/RES. 2531 (XL-O/10) Resolution on the Situation in Honduras 9

AG/RES. 2532 (XL-O/10) Follow-up to the Special Conference on Security 10

AG/RES. 2533 (XL-O/10) Disarmament and Nonproliferation in the Hemisphere 12

AG/RES. 2534 (XL-O/10) Support for Implementation at the Hemispheric Level of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) 15

AG/RES. 2535 (XL-O/10) Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials 18

AG/RES. 2536 (XL-O/10) Support for the Work of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism 21

AG/RES. 2537 (XL-O/10) Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission 24

AG/RES. 2538 (XL-O/10) Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission 26

AG/RES. 2539 (XL-O/10) Amendments to the Model Regulations of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission on Money Laundering Offenses Connected to Illicit Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Offenses 28

AG/RES. 2540 (XL-O/10) Follow-Up to the Meetings of Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas 30

AG/RES. 2541 (XL-O/10) Regional Strategy to Promote Hemispheric Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs 35

AG/RES. 2542 (XL-O/10) Social Charter of the Americas: Renewal of the Hemispheric Commitment to Fight Poverty in the Region 81

AG/RES. 2543 (XL-O/10) Execution of the Hemispheric Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime and Strengthening of Hemispheric Cooperation 84

AG/RES. 2544 (XL-O/10) Mechanism to Follow Up on Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women, “Convention of Belém do Pará” 87

AG/RES. 2545 (XL-O/10) Promotion by the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (Citel) of Cooperation for the Development and Dissemination of Information and Communication Technologies in the Americas 90

AG/RES. 2546 (XL-O/10) Modifications to the CITEL Statute and Regulations 97

AG/RES. 2547 (XL-O/10) Free Trade and Investment in the Hemisphere 172

AG/RES. 2548 (XL-O/10) Prevention and Eradication of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in Minors 173

AG/RES. 2549 (XL-O/10) Consumer Protection: Network for Consumer Safety and Health in the Americas 177

AG/RES. 2550 (XL-O/10) Recognition of the International Year for People of African Descent 179

AG/RES. 2551 (XL-O/10) Work Plan against Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere 181

AG/RES. 2552 (XL-O/10) Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions 190

AG/RES. 2553 (XL-O/10) Towards the Establishment of Priorities on the Youth of the Americas 193

AG/RES. 2554 (XL-O/10) Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere 195

AG/RES. 2555 (XL-O/10) Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy: Follow-Up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter 198

AG/RES. 2556 (XL-O/10) Hemispheric Drug Strategy and Preparation of Its Plan of Action 203

AG/RES. 2557 (XL-O/10) Contributing to the Reconstruction Process in Haiti in the Wake of the January 12, 2010, Massive Earthquake 213

AG/RES. 2558 (XL-O/10) Coordination of Voluntary Enlistment in the Hemisphere for Disaster Response and the Fight against Hunger and Poverty – White Helmets Initiative 215

AG/RES. 2559 (XL-O/10) The Americas as an Antipersonnel-Land-Mine-Free Zone 218

AG/RES. 2560 (XL-O/10) Strengthening of the Inter-American Commission of Women 223

AG/RES. 2561 (XL-O/10) Promotion of Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality 225

AG/RES. 2562 (XL-O/10) Human Rights and Older Persons 228

AG/RES. 2563 (XL-O/10) Support for and Follow-up to the Summits of the Americas Process 230

AG/RES. 2564 (XL-O/10) Follow-up and Implementation of the Mandates of the Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain of the Fifth Summit of the Americas 234

AG/RES. 2565 (XL-O/10) Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 237

AG/RES. 2566 (XL-O/10) Continuing Participation in the Inter-American Council for Integral Development by Member States That Have Not Ratified the Protocol of Managua 239

AG/RES. 2567 (XL-O/10) Report of the Specialized Cidi Meeting of High-Level Cooperation Authorities 241

AG/RES. 2568 (XL-O/10) Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development Within the Framework of CIDI 245

AG/RES. 2569 (XL-O/10) Eradicating Illiteracy and Fighting Diseases that Affect Integral Development 247

AG/RES. 2570 (XL-O/10) Fifth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and Highest Appropriate Authorities of Culture Within the Framework of CIDI 251

AG/RES. 2571 (XL-O/10) Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices 254

AG/RES. 2572 (XL-O/10) Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development Within the Framework of CIDI 258

AG/RES. 2573 (XL-O/10) Support for the Activities of the Inter-American Defense Board 261

AG/RES. 2574 (XL-O/10) Hemispheric Cooperation against the Crime of Kidnapping and for Support for Victims 264

AG/RES. 2575 (XL-O/10) Promotion of and Respect for International Humanitarian Law 267

AG/RES. 2576 (XL-O/10) Follow-Up on the Inter-American Convention against Corruption and on the Inter-American Program for Cooperation in the Fight against Corruption 274

AG/RES. 2577 (XL-O/10) Promotion of the International Criminal Court 278

AG/RES. 2578 (XL-O/10) Internally Displaced Persons 283

AG/RES. 2579 (XL-O/10) Human Rights Defenders: Support for Individuals, Groups, and Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas 286

AG/RES. 2580 (XL-O/10) Protecting Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism 290

AG/RES. 2581 (XL-O/10) Meeting of Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas 296

AG/RES. 2582 (XL-O/10) Protocol of San Salvador: Composition and Functioning of the Working Group to Examine the Periodic Reports of the States Parties 314

AG/RES. 2583 (XL-O/10) Extension of the Term of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Integral Development 2006-2009 317

AG/RES. 2584 (XL-O/10) Report of the Xvi Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor 319

AG/RES. 2585 (XL-O/10) Report of the Sixth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports: “Declaration of Panama on Guidelines for Environmental Port Protection” 335

AG/RES. 2586 (XL-O/10) Inter-American Competitiveness Network 337

AG/RES. 2587 (XL-O/10) Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights 340

AG/RES. 2588 (XL-O/10) Climate Change in the Countries of the Hemisphere 345

AG/RES. 2589 (XL-O/10) Report of the Sixth Meeting of Ministers of Education Within the Framework of CIDI 347

AG/RES. 2590 (XL-O/10) Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law 354

AG/RES. 2591 (XL-O/10) The Importance of Tourism Cooperation in the Americas 356

AG/RES. 2592 (XL-O/10) Study of the Rights and the Care of Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment 359

AG/RES. 2593 (XL-O/10) The Human Rights of All Migrant Workers and of Their Families 362

AG/RES. 2594 (XL-O/10) Persons Who Have Disappeared and Assistance to Members of Their Families 369

AG/RES. 2595 (XL-O/10) Right To The Truth 373

AG/RES. 2596 (XL-O/10) Support for the Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities 377

AG/RES. 2597 (XL-O/10) Protection of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Americas 379

AG/RES. 2598 (XL-O/10) Program of Action for the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (2006-2016) and Support for Its Technical Secretariat (SEDISCAP) 382

AG/RES. 2599 (XL-O/10) Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness and Protection of Stateless Persons in the Americas 385

AG/RES. 2600 (XL-O/10) Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity 387

AG/RES. 2601 (XL-O/10) Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights 389

AG/RES. 2602 (XL-O/10) Follow-Up to the Inter-American Program for Universal Civil Registry and the “Right to Identity” 395

AG/RES. 2603 (XL-O/10) Strengthening the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas 398

AG/RES. 2604 (XL-O/10) Education on Human Rights in Formal Education in the Americas 400

AG/RES. 2605 (XL-O/10) Strengthening of Human Rights Systems Pursuant to the Mandates Arising from the Summits of the Americas 403

AG/RES. 2606 (XL-O/10) Draft Inter-American Convention against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance 409

AG/RES. 2607 (XL-O/10) Model Inter-American Law on Access to Public Information 411

AG/RES. 2608 (XL-O/10) Migrant Populations and Migration Flows in the Americas 436

AG/RES. 2609 (XL-O/10) Extension of the Mandate of the Cepcidi Working Group to Strengthen Cidi and Its Organs 439

AG/RES. 2610 (XL-O/10) Existing Mechanisms for Disaster Prevention and Response and Humanitarian Assistance among the Member States 441

AG.RES 2611 (XL-O/10) Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Juridical Committee 444

AG/RES. 2612 (XL-O/10) Increasing and Strengthening the Participation of Civil Society and Social Actors in the Activities of the Organization of American States and in the Summits of the Americas Process 447

AG/RES. 2613 (XL-O/10) Financing of the 2011 Program-Budget of the Organization 451

AG/RES. 2614 (XL-O/10) Place and Date of the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly 454

AG/RES. 2615 (XL-O/10) Place and Date of the Forty-Second Regular Session of the General Assembly 455

AG/RES. 2616 (XL-O/10) Vote of Thanks to the People and Government of Peru 456


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AG/DEC. 63 (XL-O/10)


(Adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 8, 2010)

THE MINISTERS OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND HEADS OF DELEGATION OF THE MEMBER STATES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES (OAS), gathered in Lima, Peru, on the occasion of the fortieth regular session of the General Assembly,

CONFIRMING respect for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and the Charter of the Organization of American States and committed to strict compliance therewith, as well as with the other regional and subregional instruments that reaffirm our commitment to peace and our desire to provide security for our peoples;

REAFFIRMING the importance of the legal instruments of the United Nations System and those of the inter-American system on peace, security, and cooperation;

REAFFIRMING ALSO that Article 2 of the Charter of the Organization of American States establishes that the essential purposes of the Organization are: (a) to strengthen the peace and security of the continent; (b) to promote and consolidate representative democracy, with due respect for the principle of nonintervention; (c) to prevent possible causes of difficulties and to ensure the pacific settlement of disputes that may arise among the member states; (d) to provide for common action on the part of those states in the event of aggression; (e) to seek the solution of political, juridical, and economic problems that may arise among them; (f) to promote, by cooperative action, their economic, social, and cultural development; (g) to eradicate extreme poverty, which constitutes an obstacle to the full democratic development of the peoples of the Hemisphere; and (h) to achieve an effective limitation of conventional weapons that will make it possible to devote the largest amount of resources to the economic and social development of the member states;

REAFFIRMING LIKEWISE that Article 19 of the OAS Charter establishes that no state or group of states has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other state. The foregoing principle prohibits not only armed force but also any other form of interference or attempted threat against the personality of the state or against its political, economic, and cultural elements;

REAFFIRMING the Inter-American Democratic Charter and the principles contained therein;

REAFFIRMING that the participatory nature of democracy in our countries in the different spheres of public activity contributes to the consolidation of democratic values and to freedom and solidarity in the Hemisphere;

REAFFIRMING ALSO that democracy is a right and an essential shared value that contributes to the stability, peace, and development of the states of the Hemisphere, and its full exercise is vital to enhancing the rule of law and the political, economic, and social development of peoples;

REAFFIRMING LIKEWISE that Article 3.e of the OAS Charter establishes that every state has the right to choose, without external interference, its political, economic, and social system and to organize itself in the way best suited to it, and has the duty to abstain from intervening in the affairs of another state. Subject to the foregoing, the American states shall cooperate fully among themselves, independently of the nature of their political, economic, and social systems;

RECOGNIZING the important role played by regional and subregional organizations and mechanisms in the peaceful settlement of disputes in the Hemisphere;

RECOGNIZING ALSO the OAS Fund for Peace as one of the tools that help link confidence-building measures with efforts to bring together the parties to an international dispute;

REITERATING that, as stated in the Declaration of Santiago, the Declaration of San Salvador, and the Consensus of Miami, confidence- and security-building measures increase transparency and understanding among the states of the Hemisphere and directly bolster regional stability;

REAFFIRMING that each member state has the sovereign right to identify its own national security priorities and to define the strategies, plans, and actions to address its security threats, in accordance with its legal system and with full respect for international law and the norms and principles of the OAS Charter and the United Nations Charter;

REAFFIRMING ALSO that, in the context of peace, cooperation, and stability established in the Hemisphere, each American state is free to define its own defense instruments, including the mission, personnel, armed forces, and public security forces needed to guarantee its sovereignty, as well as to accede to the corresponding legal instruments, in the context of the United Nations Charter and the OAS Charter;

RECOGNIZING that arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation are essential to the maintenance of international peace and security;

REAFFIRMING the commitment to continue to strive to limit military spending while maintaining capabilities commensurate with our legitimate defense and security needs and fostering transparency in arms acquisitions;

RECOGNIZING the contributions and resources of member states in United Nations peacekeeping operations;

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the important part played by the armed and public security forces in peacekeeping operations, in the United Nations framework;

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT ALSO the important part played by the armed and public security forces and civil defense and protection agencies as part of a comprehensive response to natural disasters;

RECOGNIZING that the Declaration on Security in the Americas establishes that the concept of security in the Hemisphere is multidimensional in scope, includes traditional and new threats, concerns, and other challenges to the security of the states of the Hemisphere; incorporates the priorities of each state; contributes to the consolidation of peace, integral development, and social justice; and is based on democratic values, respect for and promotion and defense of human rights, solidarity, cooperation, and respect for national sovereignty;