Administrative Bulletin 14-11

114.1 CMR 41.00: Rates of Payment for Services Provided to

Industrial Accident Patients by Hospitals

Effective July 1, 2014

Publication of Payment on Account Factors (PAFs) for Hospital Services

The Executive Office of Health and Human Services, pursuant to 114.1 CMR 41.05(3), is issuing this bulletin to publish the Payment on Account Factors (PAFs) for acute and non-acute hospital services rendered to industrial accident patients effective July 1, 2014. The application of the PAF to all billed charges payable pursuant to 114.1 CMR 41.00 results in the payment of the average percentage of charges paid by the private sector to each hospital for its services and shall be deemed to meet the test of reasonable cost of medical services prescribed by M.G.L. c. 152, The Workers’ Compensation Act. No lesser amount shall be paid unless agreed to by the provider, insurer, and employer. The PAFs for acute and non-acute hospitals for services rendered on or after July 1, 2014, are as follows.

Acute Hospitals / 2014
Anna Jaques Hospital / 50.35%
Athol Memorial Hospital / 31.66%
Baystate Franklin Medical Center / 48.19%
Baystate Medical Center / 55.85%
Berkshire Medical Center / 67.26%
Beth Israel Deaconess / 54.81%
BI Deaconess–Needham / 47.86%
BI Deaconess–Plymouth/Jordan Hospital / 46.68%
Boston Medical Center / 44.19%
Brigham and Women's / 41.44%
Brockton Hospital/Signature Health Brockton Hospital / 47.34%
Cambridge Health Alliance / 52.51%
Cape Cod Hospital / 68.56%
Clinton Hospital / 24.34%
Cooley Dickinson Hospital / 60.48%
Dana Farber Cancer Center / 40.68%
Emerson Hospital / 46.65%
Fairview Hospital / 71.21%
Falmouth Hospital / 69.62%
Faulkner Hospital / 39.76%
Hallmark Health Systems / 50.62%
Harrington Memorial Hospital / 50.36%
HealthAlliance Hospitals, Inc. / 39.01%
Heywood Hospital / 46.56%
Holyoke Hospital / 43.13%
Kindred Hospital Boston / Median*
Kindred Hospital North Shore / Median*
Lahey Clinic Hospital / 58.36%
Lawrence General Hospital / 39.12%
Lowell General Hospital/Saints Memorial / 48.55%
Marlborough Hospital / 34.12%
Martha's Vineyard Hospital / 66.78%
Mary Lane Hospital / 44.74%
Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary / 41.15%
Mass General Hospital / 44.77%
Mercy Hospital / 43.30%
Merrimack Valley Hospital / 44.82%
MetroWest Medical Center / 48.43%
Milford-Whittinsville Regional Hospital / 47.69%
Milton Hospital / 36.21%
Morton Hospital / 57.74%
Mount Auburn Hospital / 53.27%
Nantucket Cottage Hospital / 88.18%
Nashoba Valley Medical Center / 36.08%
New England Baptist Hospital / 64.06%
New England Medical Center/Tufts Medical Center / 46.51%
Newton-Wellesley Hospital / 39.91%
Noble Hospital / 36.64%
North Adams Regional Hospital / 47.03%
North Shore Medical Center / 43.73%
Northeast Hospital Corp. (Beverly and Addison Gilbert) / 59.94%
Quincy Hospital / 49.17%
South Shore Hospital / 63.81%
Southcoast Health Systems / 56.45%
St. Vincent Hospital / 58.00%
Steward (Caritas) Carney Hospital / 61.94%
Steward (Caritas) Good Samaritan Medical Center / 59.37%
Steward (Caritas) Holy Family / 50.95%
Steward (Caritas) Norwood Hospital / 52.27%
Steward (Caritas) St. Anne's / 42.53%
Steward (Caritas) St. Elizabeth's / 56.68%
Sturdy Memorial Hospital / 76.01%
UMMC / 41.37%
Winchester Hospital & Family Medical Center / 58.51%
Wing Memorial Hospital / 36.56%
*Acute Hospital Median PAF for Out-of-State and New Hospitals / 48.19%
Non-Acute Hospitals / 2014
Fairlawn / 56.40%
HealthSouth Braintree Rehab Hospital / 49.84%
HealthSouth New England Rehab Hospital / 50.03%
HealthSouth Rehab of Western Mass / Median**
Jewish Memorial/Radius Specialty Hospital / Median**
Kindred Braintree Hospital / Median**
Kindred Park View Hospital / Median**
N.E. Sinai / 32.37%
Rehab Hospital of the Cape and Islands / 62.11%
Shaunessey-Kaplan / 52.61%
Spaulding Rehab / 47.71%
Whittier Rehab / 30.37%
Whittier-Westborough / 33.96%
**Non-Acute Hospital Median PAF for Out-of-State and New Hospitals / 49.84%