EZ Lifts and EZ Stands

The EZ lift requires a minimum of servicing to keep it in good working condition. It is important that certain basic checks be made on a monthly basis to ensure on-going safety throughout the life of the device. The following checklist needs to be used by the staff responsible for checking the ez lifts. If you find a problem with an ez lift you need to take it off of the floor so that staff are not able to use it. Once that is done you will need to fill out a maintenance request to have it repaired.

Name of Inspector: ______Facility/Home:______Date:______

#1 / EZ lift
#2 / EZ lift
# 3 / EZ lift # 4 / EZ lift # 5 / EZ lift # 6 / EZ lift
#7 / EZ lift
#8 / EZ lift #9 / EZ lift #10
1. Check all the bolts to ensure they are tight.
2. Test the emergency stop switch. Make sure the lift stops when the emergency stop button is activated.
3. Check all of the wheels and brakes to make sure they are functioning properly. ( Hair that gets caught in the wheels need to be cleaned out).
4. Check the point where sling hanger and hanger spread bar meets. Check to see if the metal is worn and if spread bar does not turn easily. If spread bar does not turn easily the bushings need to be replaced immediately.
5. Visually check for any damaged, missing or loose parts and cracks
6. Inspect the cables/cord to see if they have been cut or pinched.
7. Check the battery to make sure it is working properly by putting it on the charger to make sure it charges up.
8. Check the body of the ez lift to make sure there are no cracks or dents.
9. Were all ez lifts in good working condition? Yes or No
10. If not which one(s) were found to be defective?______
11. Action taken to fix the defect.______

MH. 8 (da) Rev. 10/15