Australasian Evaluation Society Inc.
Call for Nominations for Positions for the Board of the
Australasian Evaluation Society (AES) for the year 2013/2014
In accordance with part 1.3 of the Constitution, nominations are called for the following positions on the AES Board for the period between the 2013 and 2014 Annual General Meetings (the 2013 AGM will be held on 4 September)
1. President;
2. Vice-President;
3. Secretary;
4. Treasurer; and
5. 2 ordinary board members.
Who may be nominated?
Any financial member of the AES.
Who can make nominations?
Any financial member of the AES.
How can nominations be made?
Nominations are made by completing the form below and lodging it as directed by the due date.
A valid nomination must consist of a:
· Completed nomination form signed by two members of the AES; and
· An acceptance signed by the nominated member.
NOTE: These can be sent in separately. An electronic signature is acceptable.
Where should nominations be lodged?
Signed nomination and acceptance forms must be lodged with the returning officer in one of three ways:
Mail / Anthea RutterAES Elections
5a Campbell Grove
Hawthorn East
VIC 3123
Australia / Facsimile / Anthea Rutter
AES Elections
03 8420 6299 (Australia)
+61 3 8420 6299 (International) / Email / Anthea Rutter
AES Elections
Returning Officer, Australasian Evaluation Society 2013 Board Elections
Anthea Rutter 0417 569 649
When do nominations close?
Nominations will close at 4:00 pm Wednesday 17 July, 2013
The AES Constitution is on the Society's web site at
Australasian Evaluation Society Inc.
ABN 13 886 280 969
Board nomination form 2013/2014
We, the undersigned, being current and financial members of the Australasian Evaluation Society Inc. wish to nominate ______for the position of ______on the AES Board for the 2013/2014 period.
Nominator 1 NAME: ______(please print)
Nominator 2 NAME: ______(please print)
Acceptance of Nomination
I ______accept nomination for the position of
______on the AES Board of Management for the 2013/2014 period.
Signature: Date:
If a position is contested and a ballot is required the candidate will be asked to supply a brief statement within 7 days.
Should the Returning Officer need to contact the nominators or the nominees they can be contacted at the following:
Telephone / EmailNominator 1
Nominator 2
Nominations will close at 4:00 pm Wednesday 17 July, 2012
AES/Board/Nominations 2013-2014.doc