Hello from your Region 9 Consultant, Kristen Fox, MBA, SPHR

Fall has arrived! I hope that everyone enjoyed the 46th Annual Conference & Exposition! What an amazing opportunity for education, networking, and recertification. Please take a moment to congratulate the Award Recipients who were recognized at the Conference within our Region. A complete list of Region 9 recipients is listed at the end of the Newsletter.

Please remember that I believe that my #1 responsibility is to be the “eyes” and “ears” of members and non-members of the region so that I can provide effective feedback to ASHHRA on the needs and desires of the region. Your feedback is critically important to ASHHRA as it helps with defining priorities and ensuring that ASHHRA continues to be the leading resource for Healthcare Human Resources Professionals.

My other top priority is to be a resource to you, educating members and non-members of all of the opportunities available through ASHHRA, whether it be the mentoring program; webinars; the Annual Conference; individual and chapter award opportunities; and much, much more. Each quarter I will focus on one of the many benefits of ASHHRA. This quarter, I will be focusing on the 2010 Award Recipients.

In the mean time, if you have specific questions or areas of interest that you would like answered in a future newsletter, do not hesitate to send me a note at .

Please Join Me in Welcoming Our New Region 9 Members

First / Last / Title / Email
Cindy / Addy / HR Generalist/Client Services /
Michele / Austin / HR Generalist /
Jane / Bedrosian / Director of Human Resources /
John / Blake / Admin Director Human Resources /
Laura / Culbertson / VP Human Resources /
Suzanne / Curtis / HR Coordinator/Benefits Specialist /
Tracie / Kingsland / Sr HR Advisor /
Michael / Krug / Manager, Talent Acquisition /
Lucille / de Mattos / HR Manager /
Crystal / Denton / Coordinator /
Mary / Dugbartey / Director, Workforce Planning & Development /
Brent / Gonsalves / Administrative Officer /
Kaylee / Hilton / HR Analyst /
Maria / Karakanian /
Evelyn / Maritvold / Generalist /
Elena / Mayo / HR Analyst /
Douglas / Miller / Sr Director of Human Resources /
First / Last / Title / Email
Charmion / Patton / Human Resources Practitioner /
Karen / Purcell / Generalist /
Margaret / Reiber / Facility HR Director /
Sean / Toren / Senior Marketing Manager /
Helen / Wainwright / Vice President, Labor/Employee Relations /

ASHHRA Advocacy

Update on 2010 Hill Visits

Submitted by Gail Blanchard-Saiger

Region 9 Advocacy Representative

Needed: More Members

The Advocacy Committee is working to build its our capability to represent members by expanding to provide additional members from the five states that have the largest counts of congressional representatives, and ASHHRA members. We are seeking ASHHRA members interested in volunteering for the committee, and especially willing and interested in participating in the Hill Visit in May 2011. We are seeking additional members for the following:

New York State (1)

Texas (1)

Illinois (1)

Region 1 - CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT

Region 4 - AL, FL, GA, MS, PR, SC, TN

Region 9 - AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, WA

Please complete the volunteer interest application at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ASHHRAVOLUNTEER

and /or contact any member of the Advocacy Committee if you are interested in more information.

Advocacy at ASHHRA Annual Conference - Tampa

The Advocacy Committee presented to our colleagues a t the ASHHRA Conference held in Tampa in September. Chairman, Les Abercrombie, 2010; 2011 Chairman Mike Paruta, Member; Roger King, Esq; and Bronze Sponsor Josephine Zamora, (IRI Consultants) presented the legislative update which consisted, in part, of the following:

•  A review of the current legislative and regulatory issues on national and state levels, litigation trends and ASHHRA's Labor Report

•  The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) wage and hour and OHSA initiatives

•  OFCCP initiatives to expand federal contractor jurisdiction.

•  U.S. DOL and IRS initiatives regarding misclassification of independent contractors

•  President Obama's new NLRB and its agenda

•  Discussion on the latest in union organizing strategies and tactics

•  Discussion of the implications for action for HR professionals

•  Description of how the ASHHRA Advocacy Committee Advocates on behalf of membership.

Be an Advocate

Our Advocacy Committee urges us to stay in touch with our legislators. For ways to be effective, go to: www.ashhra.org/ashhra/member/Advocacy/AHA_Legislative_Manual_Final.pdf .

News from around the Region

WSHHRA Happenings

Jolene R. Seda MSOD, PHR

We had a great fall conference this year at Suncadia Lodge in Cle Elum, Washington. Our conference was granted 9.5 general credits which included 1.5 Strategic Business Management credits for those needing such credits. It included sessions on Creating a Culture of Accountability; An Update on Healthcare Reform; Conflict Management Strategies (Embarrassment, Entitlement and Power, 3 Trolls under the Bridge); De-Stressing the Workplace; Active Shooter in the Building, What to do Next?; Legal Implications When Using Social Media at Work; and a great Attorney Panel featuring 3 well-known Washington Attorneys talking about Legal Concerns in a Healthcare Environment. We also collected $210 as a donation to Hospice Helpers, a local hospice charity. Thanks everyone, they were very glad and excited to get our donation.

Being in a great location, a great program, and networking with different HR professionals from across the state, we had a super conference. Thanks to everyone who helped put on the conference, to our great speakers and to Suncadia for being such a great host.

In other news, our membership for 2010 has increased by 21%.

We are working with various vendors to co-sponsor 4 webinars this winter. Timeframes and topics are being finalized.

OSHHRA Happenings

Suzie McDaniel, M.Ed., SPHR

Please contact Suzie McDaniel at for information on the Oregon Chapter.


Jill Underwood

Please contact Jill Underwood at for information on the California Chapter.

2010 Award Recipients

ASHHRA National Mentorship Award:

Lisa McDaniel
Assistant Administrator, Human Resources
Kittitas Valley Community Hospital
Ellensburg, WA

Outstanding Chapter Achievement:

Rita Essaian
Manager, Employee Relations
Huntington Memorial Hospital
Pasadena, CA

Jack Powers
Director Human Resources
Central Washington Hospital
Wenatchee, WA

Outstanding Chapter Officer:

Kristen Fox*
Director, Human Resources
Kadlec Medical Center
Richland, WA

Deborah Rubens*
Director, Human Resources
Shriners Hospitals for Children Northern California
Sacramento, CA

Communication Awards:

Tresha Moreland
Vice President Human Resources
Rideout Memorial Hospital
Yuba City, CA
“Leveraging Human Resources During Difficult Times”

Chapter Management Recognition:

Washington State Healthcare Human Resources Association


Many members gave us feedback on how to improve the nomination process for the both the individual awards and the chapter management award. Based on member and state chapter feedback, we will be revising the individual award applications and the communication award application to help make them easier to complete. The new forms will be posted soon.

We are also finalizing revisions for the Chapter Management Recognition award to streamline the submission process and to reduce duplications. More to come in the near future.