
Extra Credit: Attend the UM Dearborn Hypnosis Show with Tom Deluca

Due: 10/30/2014

Possible Point Value: 10 points (out of a total of 1000 for the entire course)

Assignment: Completing this assignment begins with attending the UM Dearborn Hypnosis Event on Tuesday, October 20th Kochoff Hall C. You will be summarizing the content of this presentation and attempting to explain it in basic psychological terms. That is, I would like you to do some light research (Wikipedia is ok today) to discover what makes hypnosis more or less effective in some situations. Using that knowledge, what about this presentation suggests to you that Tom DeLuca was successful at hypnotizing several members of the audience? Was there anything that suggests he was not successful? I do not expect a lengthy report but I do expect you to learn enough about it to have something intelligible to say. Please limit this summary to 1.5 pages. In a further half page to a page I would like you to discuss how hypnosis could be used in psychological research or therapy. This will make for a 2-2.5 page, double-spaced, Times New Roman, document with one inch margins that you will turn in on Thursday (Oct 22) following the presentation. Do not plagiarize!!!
