City and County of San FranciscoHuman Services Agency
Gavin Newsom, Mayor
RFP # 374
Table of Contents
Page No.
A.Background and Announcement
B.Target Population
C.Tentative Schedule
E Funding and Term
E.Minimum Qualifications
F.Services Requested
H.Evaluation & Selection Process
A.Conditions of Proposal
C.Late or Conditional Proposals
A.Format of Proposal Package
B.Final Submission
C.Completed Proposal Cover Letter. (See Attachment A, of this RFP.)
D.Table of Contents
E.Program Proposal
F.Timeline for Services
H.Audited Financial Statement
J.Statement of Experience
K.Plan for Subcontracting and/or Joint Proposal, if Applicable
L.Personnel Qualifications
A.Proposal Cover Letter Form...... A-1
B.Budget Forms and Instructions...... B-1
C.Evaluation Criteria...... C-1
D.Page Number Form...... D-1
A.Background and Announcement
The Human Services Agency (HSA) and the Department of Adult and Aging Services (DAAS) is seeking individuals and/or organizations to develop and implement an independent, consumer-focused entity to provide education, training, outreach, advocacy and support for seniors and adults with disabilities when accessing the long term care system. The initiative would help individuals navigate the complex home and community-based long term care services, including offering hands-on support in the areas of dispute resolution, hearings and other grievances. HSA/DAAS expects to make one award through this procurement process.
San Francisco has significantly increased its home and community based long term care services for seniors and disabled adults over the past 10 years. There have been significant increases in enrollment in the In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program, Adult Day Services, assisted living and supportive housing services and applications for Medi-Cal waivers. The intent of this RFP is to assure individuals understand their rights and access appropriate support in the areas of dispute resolution, hearings, and other grievances.
B.Target Population
San Francisco residents 60 years of age or older or adults living with disabilities between 18 and 59 years old that are current or potential recipients of long term care services.
C.Tentative Schedule
RFP Is issued December 3, 2007
Pre- Bid Conference December 6, 2007 at 10: 00 AM
Proposals are due January 3, 2008
Tentative award January 2008
Finance Committee ReviewJanuary 22, 2008
DAASCommission ApprovalFebruary 6, 2008
Grant Period BeginsFebruary 1, 2008
Schedule may change if necessary.
The Respondents’ Conference to be held on Thursday, December 6, 2007 at 10 AM at:
Human Services Agency
1650 Mission Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94103
The purpose of the Conference will be to clarify any questions that the prospective respondents may have regarding requirements before submission of proposals. All questions and answers will be documented. Any question and answers will be subsequently answered in writing and included in the documentation provided to all vendors who have requested and received the RFP, as well as posted on the website.
The questions and answers from the Respondents’ Conference will be made available on or about December 10, 2007. All questions submitted in writing by 5:00pm on December 7, 2007 will also be included in the questions and answers. Questions will not be addressed after this date. Please submit all questions in writing to Johanna Gendelman, Contract Manager, Unit G 600, Human Services Agency, PO Box 7988, San Francisco, CA 94120-7988 or e-mail at .
City / City and County of San Francisco, a municipal corporation.Controller / Controller of the City and County of San Francisco or designated agent.
HSA / Human Services Agency of San Francisco, also SFHSA
OCM / Office of Contract Management, San Francisco Department of Human Services.
DAAS / Department of Adult and Aging Services
Disability / A condition attributable to mental or physical impairment, or a combination of mental and physical impairments including hearing and visual impairments, that results in substantial functional limitations in one or more of the following areas of major life activity: self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, economic self-sufficiency, cognitive functioning, and emotional adjustment.
Community Living Fund (CLF) / Administered by DAAS, the CLF program funds home and community-based services, or combination of goods and services, that will help individuals who are currently, or at risk of being, institutionalized. The program will use a two-pronged approach: (1) coordinated case management; and (2) purchase of services.
EFunding and Term
The funding was provided by a $100,000 ‘addback’ to the City of San Francisco Fiscal Year 2007-2008 budget. For following fiscal years, funding will continue at the base level of $100,000 per year.
The term for the grant funded through this RFP will begin on February 1, 2008through June 30, 2010. HSA/DAAS reserves the right to renew or extend the contract with the organization selected through this solicitation beyond June 30, 2010, based upon the availability of funding and the performance of the selected Grantee.
F.Minimum Qualifications
In order for the application to be considered responsive to this RFP, Respondents must possess the minimum qualifications listed below. (Please note: for collaborations, this information must be provided for all partners.)
1.Demonstrated multi-lingual capacity, at the minimum Spanish, Russian, Cantonese
2.Demonstrated expertise with outreach, training and advocacy to both individuals and agencies
3.A minimum of 3 years serving the target population.
G.Services Requested
In partnership with the City, within the first five months of the grant, develop a written plan that identifies existing consumer rights resources and areas where capacity for assistance is lacking. Plan development should include engagement with key senior, disability and caregiver right groups. Consumers themselves should be involved with the design and development of any programs or trainings. Successful respondent will attend meetings of the long-term care coordinating council.
Services provided may include any or all on the following list. The Department does not intend Respondents to offer all of these services, but those that are deemed by the Respondents to most benefit the target population.
1.Information and agreements with Partner Agencies:
This would include gathering information about each long term agency and whatever internal or external appeals process may existand establishing working agreements or Memorandums of Understanding with partner agencies to further the goals of this grant.
Develop material and provide information to agencies about consumer rights initiative. Outreach efforts could include establishing regular outstation hours at locations that currently serve seniors and disabled adults, i.e., senior centers, discharge planners at hospitals, Independent Living Resource Centers, family caregiver support groups, etc.
3. One-to-One Advocacy and Support
Establish multi-lingual access to information and advocacy support to consumers with an information and assistance intake number.
Create multi-lingual access to LTC information to help navigate consumers through the LTC service network, advocacy and support to consumers denied LTC services. Develop a consumer intake process and a method to track resolutions and/or successful appeal attempts.
4. Consumer Rights Training: Develop a training program for agencies and individuals about the basic grievance procedures for the various long-term care services in San Francisco. This could include updated changes in regulations that would influence consumer rights.
5.Peer Volunteer Training. Develop a training program for peer counselors and/or volunteers who will be able to staff phones and make appropriate referrals and/or provide direct support where appropriate.
6.Referrals. Provide referrals to appropriate community-based assistance, mediation and legal services. Provide referrals to advocacy for assistance with filing grievances
Service Objectives
DAAS is committed to measuring the impact of its investments in services. Respondents will be asked to propose at least two service objectives and at least two outcome measures that will be used assess the success of the proposed program. Final service objectives and outcome measures will be developed and agreed upon during the negotiation process.
Service Objectives
Listed below are examples of service objectives:
- Provide X trainings per year for volunteers
- Provide X trainings per year to X non profits organizations serving seniors and disabled adults
- Respond to 500 requests for information.
Listed below are examples of outcome measures:
- X% of volunteers trained showed an increase in knowledge of the subject matter as measured by pre and post tests.
- X% of seniors and disabled adults reported satisfaction with services
H.Evaluation & Selection Process
Proposals meeting the minimum qualification criteria shall be scored on a point scale of 100 points per rater. All proposals will be rated according to the criteria indicated in Attachment C – Evaluation Criteria, of this RFP. Respondents that do not receive at least 60% of available points will not be considered for funding through this RFP. Respondents should review the evaluation criteria carefully. The process for final award of the contract is described in Section II, D of this RFP.
1.The Department will verify that the proposals have met all the requirements to be considered responsive. Failure to comply with the proposal requirements contained in this RFP may result in elimination of that proposal from consideration. All responsive proposals will then be submitted to the Proposal Review Panel for scoring.
2.DAAS may contact the respondents to clarify any portion of the proposal. All questions to the respondents will be submitted in writing and the written answers, will be submitted, along with the proposals, to the Proposal Review Panel for scoring.
3.A Proposal Evaluation Panel will review all responsive proposals, and clarifying answers, according to Attachment C of this RFP and score them.
4. The Proposal Review Panel may consist of DAAS staff and/or other individuals who have experience in the service areas requested in this RFP.
5. DAAS will select the members of this Evaluation Panel.
6. Any attempt by a respondent to contact a member of the Evaluation Panel during the proposal review process may result in the elimination of that proposal from consideration.
7. After the Proposal Evaluation Panel concluded its evaluation and scoring of the proposals, the results will be submitted to the Executive Director of DHS for review and determination of the award. The top-ranked bidder whose proposal is determined to best meet the needs of the City will be recommended to negotiate a proposed grant.
A.Conditions of Proposal
1.This Proposal may not be altered in any way after submission.Respondent agrees that the Proposal and all materials submitted in response to the City and County of San Francisco Request for Proposals to Provide Long Term Care Consumer Rights Advocacy (RFP 374) become the property of the City, and may be returned only at the option of the City and at the Respondent’s expense.
Respondent agrees that submission of a proposal, properly completed and signed by an owner or officer of the proposing firm, agency, or organization who is duly authorized to bind the respondent, shall constitute an agreement to accept all conditions, provisions, requirements, and specifications contained in the Request for Proposals to Provide Long Term Care Consumer Rights Advocacy (RFP 374) If a proposal involves a joint venture agreement, all parties to the joint venture must sign the proposal. The Proposal shall be binding for no less than one hundred twenty (120) days.
The Grantee must comply with City and County ordinances and contracting requirements. For more detailed information, see the Office of Contract Administration website at The contract requirement include general liability and auto insurances, compliance with equal benefits ordinance, and current SF business tax certificate.
2.Respondent agrees that all costs incurred in developing this proposal are the Respondent’s responsibility and at the Respondent’s cost.
3.Respondent understands and agrees that any proposal may be rejected if it is conditional, incomplete and/or deviates from the specifications contained in this City and County of San Francisco Request for Proposals to Provide Long Term Care Consumer Rights Advocacy (RFP 374). Respondent further understands and agrees that the City’s representatives have the right to reject any or all proposals or to waive deviations, which are immaterial to performance. Respondent understands and agrees that minor defects may be waived at the discretion of the City.
The procurement process may be canceled after opening but before award if DAAS determines that cancellation is in the best interest of DAAS.
C.Late or Conditional Proposals
1.Any proposal received at the office designated in this RFP after the exact time specified for receipt will not be considered.Respondents must allow for adequate time for parking, locating the office, obtaining approval through security staff to deliver the proposal, and other possible delays.
2.Any proposal may be rejected if it is conditional, incomplete, or deviates from specifications stated in this RFP. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or waive minor deviations that are immaterial to performance. Minor defects may be waived at the discretion of the city. The waiver will not excuse a respondent from full performance if Respondent should be awarded the contract. Justification supporting the reason for any type of rejection will be submitted to the Respondent as well as possibly the State Department of Human Services.
1.All respondents will be notified in writing of the results of the evaluation scoring.
2.The tentative award may be conditioned on inclusion of changes/additional terms. Negotiations over the specific terms and language may be required before submission to the Department of Adult and Aging Services Commission for approval.
3.If HSA/DAAS is unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the winning respondent, HSA/DAAS may terminate negotiations with that respondent and proceed to negotiate with other qualified respondents, in the order of their ranking in the evaluation process. This process may be repeated until a satisfactory grant agreement has been reached.
4.Final award of the grant is subject to approval by the Department of Adult and Aging Services Commission
1.Following the tentative award of the grant, DAAS will accept protests regarding the proposal process and selection of a contractor.
2.Protests must be in writing and addressed to:
Executive Director
SF Department of Adult and Aging Services
875 Stevenson Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
3.The reason for the protest must include citation of law, rule, regulation or practice upon which the protest is based.
4.Protests must be received within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the tentative award or notice of non-selection.
5.If the City determines that a meeting with the protester is necessary, such meeting will be scheduled within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of a protest to review and attempt to resolve the protest.
A.Format of Proposal Package
1.Submissions in response to this RFP must be in the form of a “proposal package” containing the proposal and all required supporting information and documents.
2.Each Respondent must submit an original proposal package and five (5) complete copies.
3.All pages of this Proposal must be submitted in page number sequence. To describe the Proposal, Respondent will use the format detailed in Section III-C, of this RFP. The narrative must be submitted on standard white paper, 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches in size, double spaced, and not longer than 20 pages (excluding attachments).
4.The proposal must be submitted with a cover letter that accompanies this RFP and which is entitled City and County of San Francisco Request for Proposals to Provide Long Term Care Consumer Rights Advocacy (RFP 374) (See Attachment A, of this RFP.) This form should be submitted with all pages attached together in numbered sequence, and must be the first item in the proposal package, followed by the table of contents.
5.Each proposal package should begin with a complete table of contents showing page numbers, and all pages in the package must be numbered consecutively, and major sections must be indexed.
6.Section III, of this RFP describes all the information and supporting materials required in the proposal. This information must be presented in the sequence described herein.
B.Final Submission
1.Proposal package must be received not later than 3 PM on Tuesday, January 3, 2008.
San Francisco Human Services Agency
Office of Contract Management, G600
1650 Mission Street Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94103
or mailed to:
San Francisco Human Services Agency
Office of Contract Management, G600
c/o Johanna Gendelman
P.O. Box 7988
San Francisco, CA 94120
Proposals not received by the deadline, (3:00pm on January 3, 2008), at the Office of Contract Management will be rejected. Postmarks will not be accepted in lieu of this requirement. It is the responsibility of the respondent to ensure the proposal is submitted by the time, date, and to the address specified in this RFP. Submission by fax will not be accepted.
2.The proposal package must be clearly labeled:DAAS RFP # 374: City and County of San Francisco Request for Proposals to Provide Long Term Care Consumer Rights Advocacy. The Proposal shall be signed by an official authorized to bind the Respondent and shall contain a statement to the effect that the proposal is a firm offer for a specified period of not less than one hundred twenty (120) days.
3.The Proposal shall also provide: name, title, address and telephone number of individual(s) with authority to contractually bind the Respondent represented, and who may be contacted during the period of proposal evaluation, if such individual(s) is not the signer of the Proposal.