Lisa Lebo

5724 Little Spring Way

Frederick, MD 21704



Walden University, Minneapolis, MN

M.S. in Education: Content Literacy (October 2012), 4.0 GPA

Western Maryland College, Westminster, MD

B.A. in English / Secondary Education (May 2001), Summa Cum Laude


Maryland Teaching Certification 7-12 (May 2001)

Maryland Ancillary Credits (May 2001)

Special Education

Reading 6

Education Experience

Graduate Instructor, PLS 3rd Learning, Buffalo, New York, 2013 – present

·  Differentiated Instruction in Today’s Classroom

·  Reading across the Curriculum

·  Foundations of Literacy: Beginning Reading

·  SAS for PA Educators

Professional Development Facilitator, PLS 3rd Learning, Buffalo, New York,

2014 – present

·  Advanced Assessment Options

·  Creating a Culture of Respect and Rapport

·  Developing Professionalism

·  Engaging Students in Learning

·  Flexible and Responsive Teaching

·  Instruction in Assessment

·  Maintaining Accurate Records

·  Assorted Teacher Effectiveness modules

Technical Writer, oDesk, Mountain View, California, 2012-2014

·  Research various topics and write extensive buying guides on these topics for publication on eBay U.S.A and U.K.

·  Work with other writers to meet monthly deadlines and quotas for the company for submission to eBay

Writer, Want2Dish, Frederick, Maryland, 2011-2012

·  Write weekly “Ask a Teacher” column for local online newspaper

·  Offer tips and advice geared towards educating children

·  Feature writer as needed for local events

Professional English and Essay Writing Tutor,, New York, 2010-2012

·  Proofread and edit essays for students across the United States via classroom; most students ages high school through college

·  Provide detailed lessons on proper grammar and usage

·  Guide students in the writing process, citation information, and all types of other literary instruction (including literary techniques, genres, and text analysis and interpretation)

Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) Parent to Parent Transition Specialist,

Ft. Benning, Georgia, 2006-2007

·  Create & present educationally-related workshops for parents of military children (served as lead lesson plan writer and cadre editor)

·  Design course for college bound students focusing on essay writing, resume & portfolio building, & application process

·  Serve as a resource person for others in the military & surrounding communities, & market opportunities to these groups

·  Present workshops at nationwide conference in San Antonio, Texas

Middle School English and History Teacher, St. Anne School, Columbus, Georgia,


·  Implementation of my lesson plans based on curriculum with various teaching strategies & assessments

o  Instruction on Argumentative, Informational, Narrative writing methods (literary analysis, research paper, short stories)

o  Analyze poems, short stories, novels, and a play

o  Create comprehensive history unit based on timeline in movie, “Forrest Gump”

·  Sponsor for Yearbook Club and BETA Scholar Club

·  Refined old curriculum standards for re-accreditation from the Florida Catholic Schools Conference; served as editor for middle school curriculum

·  Organization of school wide History Fair & collaboration with Columbus State University’s faculty & Port Columbus Naval Museum’s staff in judging participants

·  Communication with parents, counselors, doctors, & tutors via private emails, phone, & fax

·  Awarded “Teacher of the Year” by the Ledger Enquirer (2004)

Professional Affiliations

Phi Beta Kappa

Lambda Iota Tau