Basinview Drive Community School PTP

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Meeting Minutes


Sandra Winters (Chair)

Janice Wells (Vice Principal)

Carolyn Brown (Secretary)

Sheena Sullivan (teacher)

Cindy Ng-Ivanoff (teacher)

Tricia Schmeisser (teacher)

Amanda Connors

Jeff Nephew

Ben Levy

Roxanne Vail

Susan Young


Approving Purchases

There is a carryforward cash balance from prior year of $27,715.40 that needs to be used. The purchase of Chromebooks for $10,848 was approved at September’s meeting. The Chromebooks have been ordered and are awaiting arrival.

The following fund request forms were submitted to the committee for approval:

Family support – $499 to purchase prescription eye glasses for a student

2 Floating tables - $447.26

Classroom books for grade 4 Brown - $149.96. This is a new classroom and therefore requires funds to be setup.

Classroom enhanced supplies/literacy - $114.78

LCD projector - $933

Phys Ed. – balls and pins - $58.61

Classroom supplies for Resource - $60.09

Classroom Enhanced Supplies for Grade 2 Porter – $68.06

Literacy and Math books - $965.57

The HST on these purchases is claimed and goes into the administration’s discretionary fund.

Family Donation Drive

The letter to be sent out to families was distributed to the committed for review.It was agreed that the letter will be sent out tomorrow.

Read-a-thon Dates/Planning

It was agreed that the read-a-thon would be April 3-6 as having the read-a-thon during a 4-day week worked well last year.It was discussed that a book donation drive could be incorporated.There is a list of book titles that are desired by the school that could be distributed.

The idea of forming a Book Committee and partnering with Chapters to have a fundraiser night was discussed. This possibility was very well received and will be further researched.

Social Date Booked in Feb (ideas)

The committee did some brain storming to come up with ideas for this social event. Ideas included a movie night, a sock hop or snow angels and hot chocolate. It was suggested that the PTP provide funds for the food for this event.

Playground Update

There is money leftover from the new playgroundproject and Tim Outhit indicated that he would be willing to contribute up to $5000 to purchase additional playground equipment sinceBasinview is a community school.Options on how to spend the money were discussed:

Option 1 – Outdoor classroom

Option 2 – More equipment such as monkey bars. The company we would be purchasing from would be ABC recreation.

Option 3 – binswith balls and outdoor play equipment. It was suggested that we try individual bins of outdoor equipment for each classroom.The bins would include such items as skipping ropes, balls and frisbees. Teachers will be consulted to see what equipment would be best for their grade. 30 bins would be required.

The idea of having hopscotch lines painted professionally on the playground was also discussed. Sandra will see if this is something Tim Outhit would be willing to contribute funds towards.

Option 3 had the most interest from committee members.

Clean-Up PTP Supplies: November

It would be helpful if members could stay an extra hour after the November meeting to help clean-up PTP supplies.

Holiday Bazaar

It was noted that the Holiday Bazaar requires a lot of volunteer hours. It was considered that perhaps this event could be replaced with Christmas ornament making. It was agreed that the PTP would offer to cover the costs of the ornaments.

Upcoming Meetings

Thursday, November 30, 2017 @ 6:30 - PTP