Autumn Training 2016
Autumn Training will commence on Saturday 10th September for all classes, running for 5 weeks. Please note there will be no training on Saturday 17th September as this will be our Junior Regatta where all sailors of all levels, beginners to advanced are invited.
We have 6 weeks put aside on our calendar to allow for blown out days. This year it is our intention to run sessions regardless to whether the winds are favourable or not as we have plenty of sessions prepared on nutrition, fitness, first beat, racing, knots, chart work etcetc to cover. Optimists, Lasers, Mirrors and Toppers and a sundry class will be catered for. As always we have a limited number of boats available for rental.
In order to facilitate as many sailors as possible please return forms via email by Thursday, 8th September, () so we can then allocate groups and instructors as per instructing ratios.
Please note Optimist Beginner group will concentrate on getting the sailors sailing on their own but in a fun environment. Some sessions may not include sailing but will be water based, similar to the summer ISA courses.
Please also bring along your ISA log books and they will be reviewed.
Pricing for Autumn training is as follows:
Optimist Full Day€120
Optimist ½ day€60
Optimist ½ day with boat hire€120 plus €40 deposit (refunded if no equipment lost)
Laser ½ Day€60
Topper ½ Day€60
Topper ½ day with boat hire€120 plus €40 deposit (refunded if no equipment lost)
Mirror ½ day (2 persons)€60 each
Mirror ½ day (2 persons) with boat hire€100 each plus €50 deposit (refunded if no equipment lost)
Sundry Class (2 persons)€60 each
Sibling discount of 10% for 2nd and each subsequent child (does not include boat hire).
Starting times for the morning sessions will be rigged and ready to go on the water for 10:00 hrs and for the afternoon session to be rigged and ready for 1330 hrs.
We have a limited number of wetsuits available for loan for the 5 weeks.
Many thanks,
Your Junior Committee.
Registration for Autumn Training 2016
Please complete in full using block capitals.
Please use one form per child.
Personal DetailsSailors Name ______Year of Birth: ______
Address ______
Home Tel. No. ______Parent Mobile No* ______
Parent Email Address* ______
ISA Level obtained: ______Date obtained: ______
Training Options
Please circle one or both (please note pending on demand timing on sessions may need to change)
OPTIMIST Beginner Group – / Sunday AM or Sunday PM (or Both)
OPTIMIST Racing – Advanced & Intermediate / Saturday AM or PM (or Both)
MIRROR/Double Handed / SATURDAY AM or PM (or Both)
I confirm I do / do not require boat hire.
Sail Number ______Club Hire YES / NO
I declare that the boat will be covered by Third Party Liability Insurance.
Signature ………………………. If the boat is owned by a person other than the applicant, the owner’s signature is required. If the owner is a Junior member the parent’s signature is required.
Indemnity: not less than €1,270,000
Safety/Code of Conduct
There are three main Safety/Code of Conduct Issues which we require of you to be aware of and agree to:
1.It is vital that your child listen and follow the instructions of the coaches.
2.We expect your child to respect fellow sailors and coaches abiding by the SSC Code of Conduct.
3.We expect you as a parent to follow the code of conduct and respect sailors and coaches.
Any child in breach of the above Safety Issues will be removed from the training programme.
No applicant will be accepted for Training unless he/she is a paid up member of SSC (details on website).
Parent’s Name ______Parent’s Signature ______
Cadet’s Name______Cadet’s Signature ______
See Page 2
Sibling discount 10% / Fee paid: €120 / €60 / €80
Deposit Paid: €40 €
Discount applicable: 10% for siblings
Total Received: €
Cash / Cheque
Only two Toppers and one mirror available for hire for so we will operate a first come basis on these.