Office of Technology

1 SE Ninth Street

Evansville, Indiana 47708

Phone (812) 435-8546 Fax (812) 435-8577


“Netbook” Laptop Computers

Due May 28, 2009


The Board of School Trustees of Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation will receive sealed bids until 2:00 p.m. on May 28, 2009, at the Administration Building, Office of Technology, 1 SE Ninth Street, Evansville, Indiana 47708, for Netbook Laptop Computers, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids submitted to the Office of Technology shall be submitted prior to 2:00 p.m. on May 28, 2009. No quotation will be accepted after set date and time.


All prices shall be F.O.B., Supportive Services Center, 951 Walnut St, Evansville, Indiana. Prices must include delivery. No additional monies will be paid for delivery.

The Bidder shall state any discounts to apply. Discounts must be shown for individual items unless all items have the same percentage of discounts.

Firm bids are required unless specifically designated otherwise. (See specification sheet.)

The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation reserves the right to award the bid on a line item basis or lump sum basis, whichever is in the best interest of the Corporation.

Bids shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, taking into consideration reliability, productivity, cost of maintenance, quality, vendor’s experience, ability to provide material, performance and time of delivery.

All bids shall be made without regard to Indiana State Sales & Use Tax (#701603-04) and Federal Excise Tax, if applicable. Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation will furnish proper exemption certificates to cover such taxes.

The Board of School Trustees will pay for Netbook Laptop Computers purchased under the specifications within 30 days after delivery. The Board of School Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to make separate awards by items and to waive any technicalities.

No proposals shall be withdrawn after time and date set for opening of bids. Contract period will begin upon approval of the Board of School Trustees, which is anticipated to occur on June 8, 2009. The ending date will be determined by the bidders’ responses, but will not extend past the one-year anniversary date of acceptance by the Board of School Trustees. The vendor is responsible for meeting the quality and/or safety standards (governmental or private) related to the products quoted in the specifications.


In presenting this proposal, the bidder affirms that he/she does not directly or indirectly discriminate against any employee or applicant because of race, creed, color, sex, age, religion, handicap, national origin or ancestry and is in compliance with all laws relating thereto. Please indicate if any complaint actions have been filed. If yes, respond in writing, identifying and describing briefly the actions. If compliance is not possible, please do not submit a quotation.



The bidder shall state in their proposal a firm delivery schedule for the Netbook Laptop Computers. The delivery shall be a major factor in the award of this quotation. Bidder shall indicate normal delivery time and emergency delivery time in case of an emergency for the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation wherein Netbook Laptop Computer is needed in a shorter time frame than normal delivery terms.


The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or any part of any proposal, to waive any informality in any proposal and to award the purchase in the best interest of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation. Furthermore, the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation reserves the right to hold the proposal of the three (3) lowest vendors for a period of forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of opening.


All proposals must be received prior to the time and date set for opening. Late proposals will not be considered and will be returned, unopened, to the bidder.

The responsibility for submitting proposals to the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation is solely that of the bidder. The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation will not be responsible for delays in mail delivery or delays caused by any other occurrence. If proposals are mailed, the US Postal Service becomes the agent of the bidder and not that of Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation.

The bidder shall submit their proposal on the attached proposal form, supplying all the required information. Failure to comply with this or any other paragraph of the instructions to bidders shall be sufficient reason for invalidation of the proposal.

If bidder is required to submit documentation that can be considered confidential, bidder may request in his proposal that this document be protected in order to prevent it from being considered public information.

Bidders are required to provide all requested information. Proposals should be submitted in a sealed envelope showing the vendor’s name, business address, bid title, and date of opening on the front of the envelope. Only information provided inside this envelope will be considered, unless otherwise instructed. Failure to follow this instruction or any other instruction contained in this request for proposal may result in the rejection of your bid.

Bid modifications are not allowed. Complete withdrawal or complete exchange of bid is acceptable,

if done before scheduled bid opening.

All bids must be signed by an authorized official of the firm. Proposals may be rejected if they show any omissions, alternations of form, additions not called for, conditional bid or any exceptions or irregularities of any kind.

Do not include taxes in quotation figures. The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation is exempt from state and federal taxes. An exemption certificate will be provided upon request.


The purpose of a public bid opening is for a reading of bids received. Under normal circumstances, no

award will be made or implied at this time.

Only the following information will be given:

1. Vendor name

2. Total price, except when aware is made on a unit price basis or grand total for

all or none items.

Bids or related documents may not be reviewed at this bid opening. No discussion of any nature

concerning brand names, deliveries, samples, etc., can be entered into between any purchasing

personnel and any vendor during or after the bid opening until the evaluation of bids has been

completed and a recommendation for award has been made.

A copy of the bid tabulation will be available to review in the Purchasing Department upon completion

of the recommended award.

Vendors who wish to review or request copies of bids may be so by contacting the Purchasing Department.

A copy fee may be charged for copies.


A Bid Bond, Certified Check, Cashier’s Check or Bank Draft in the amount of $1,000.00 shall

accompany each bid as a guarantee that all provisions of the specifications shall be met.

Bid Bonds and Checks will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder(s) after award of purchase by the

Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation and to the successful bidder(s) after the supply bind,

if required, has been received and accepted.

Bid Bonds must be executed by a corporate surety licensed under the laws of Indiana to execute such

bonds. The surety must be a corporate surety authorized to do business in Indiana and Power of

Attorney must accompany the Bid Bond.

A Supply Bond with a surety company acceptable to Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation for

One Hundred Percent (100%) guaranteeing delivery of Netbook Laptop Computers according to the terms and conditions of the contract may be required on the awarding of the contract. If the award is for a single item only with an award of less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), the requirement for the supply bond may be waived.


Should the successful bidder fail to correct any condition, which is in violation of the terms of the contract within 24 hours after having been notified by the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, the Corporation may declare the contract in default and terminate same immediately.

Continuous failure to comply with the terms of the contract or failure to correct problems brought to the attention of the successful bidder shall be grounds for the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation to terminate the contract.


The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation anticipates purchasing the quantities as specified on the attached proposal form. The quantities are approximate and represent the estimated requirement. There is no obligation on the part of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation to purchase more or less than the quantity listed. The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation reserves the right to purchase more or less than the quantity listed, depending upon actual requirements and budget restraints, at the unit cost as set forth in the successful vendor’s bid/contract.


In the event a contract is canceled under any provision herein, the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation may withhold from the successful bidder any monies owed on that or any contract, an amount sufficient to compensate for damages suffered because of the violation resulting in cancellation.


Please direct any inquiries concerning the Netbook Laptop Computers to the Office of Technology, Michael K. Russ, (812) 435-8546 or to Stacy Mauser, (812) 435-8694.

All changes in specifications shall be in writing in the form of an addendum and furnished to all bidders.

Verbal information obtained otherwise will not be considered in awarding of bids. No changes to

specifications will be permitted within five (5) days prior to the bid opening.


An Equal Employment Opportunity Statement must be included in your proposal. Failure to do so could cause your proposal to be invalid.


Are all prices F.O.B. 951 Walnut St, Evansville, Indiana? _____Yes _____No

Are there any discounts if awarded entire quotation? _____Yes _____No



Will bidder accept a portion of the quotation award? _____Yes _____No

Please identify guaranteed delivery schedule in days: __________

Method of Delivery: _____Truck _____Rail _____Other

Has the bidder included three (3) references? _____Yes _____No

Does the bidder possess the necessary occupational license? _____Yes _____No

In order to be accepted as a valid bidder, the following items must be included with your proposal, along with any other information requested in the specifications.

Quotation Proposal Form

EEO Statement

In accordance with the attached instructions, conditions and specifications,

submits the enclosed proposal.

Name of Firm/Business

Authorized Signature:

Name (Please print):


Company Name:


City, State, Zip Code:


Phone: Fax:

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______________Day of _____________________, 2007.

My Commission Expires: __________________________

County of Residence: __________________________


Evansville, Indiana 47708


Due MAY, 28 2009

The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation is seeking a technology vendor to provide a minimum of 7,000 netbooks for implementation of a one-to-one laptop initiative for all high school students beginning with the 2009-2010 school year. We are seeking a total solution that includes hardware, professional development and technical support reflected in the per unit cost of the netbooks.

Vendors are encouraged to be creative in their responses. The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation anticipates expanding this one-to-one initiative to include middle school by the 2011-2012 school year and to grades two through five by the 2013-2014 school year. The total laptops for the entire initiative, grades two through twelve, will be approximately 20,000. Plans are to refresh the hardware every four years. It is important that respondents to this RFP view this as a long-term partnership and that their commitment be reflected in the thoroughness of their response.

Vendor selection will be based on the most complete response to ALL items below.

Included in the bid price per unit should be the following:

1. The netbook, with specifications as detailed later in this document.

2. A backpack or other suitable carrying case, including district logo, with room for textbooks, allowing students to have one carrying case for netbook, textbooks and other supplies.

3. Battery chargers/toasters to accommodate 300 batteries.

4. 300 spare batteries.

5. Any technical support that the vendor will provide, inclusive of onsite and online support (detail exactly what this will look like and detail person(s) involved and number of days/hours).

6. Professional development support the vendor will provide, inclusive of real time/onsite (detail person(s) involved and number of hours) and online (detail exactly what this will look like).

Technical Specifications (note these are all minimums):

QUANTITY: Minimum of 7,000

PROCESSOR: Equivalent to Atom N270 1.6 GHz processor with 512 KB L2 cache, 533 MHz FSB minimum

SCREEN SIZE: Minimum 10.1” diagonal screen (1024x576)


HARD DRIVE: 16 GB Solid State Drive

OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows XP Professional

CAMERA: Integrated Webcam 1.3 MP

VIDEO CARD: Video/Graphics – Equivalent to Mobile Intel GMA 950

NETWORK: Broadcom Gigabit Network Connection (10/100/1000)

WIRELESS: Wireless 802.11n

BLUETOOTH: Bluetooth 2.0 wireless

I/O PORTS: 2 USB 2.0

1 Power USB

Audio jacks (1 mic line in; 1 headphone line out)

3-in-1 card reader (SD/MMC/MS)

1 AC Power

1 External VGA Monitor

1 RJ-45

KEYBOARD: Minimum 92% full-size QWERTY keyboard

BATTERY: 6-Cell Li-Ion battery capable of 6 hours when fully charged

POWER SUPPLY: 65-Watt AC Adapter

WARRANTY: 1-year warranty

CERTIFICATIONS: Energy Star Qualified

IMAGING: Imaging hard drive with district image

ASSET TAGGING: Asset tagging each unit

Price per Unit including backpack, spare batteries, battery charger/toasters, technical support (detailed in attachment) and professional development (detailed in attachment).

$ _______________________________________________

Alternate price per unit with 2GB of SSDRAM

$ _______________________________________________

Alternate price per unit with 1GB SSDRAM and 180GB 5400 rpm SATA

$ _______________________________________________

Alternate price per unit with 2GB SSDRAM and 180GB 5400 rpm SATA

$ _______________________________________________

Additional cost per unit for 2-year warranty

$ _______________________________________________

Additional cost per unit for 3-year warranty

$ _______________________________________________

Additional cost per unit for 4-year warranty

$ _______________________________________________