/ Flinders University
Faculty of Science and Engineering
First Aid Coordinator (FAC)
Position Description and Guidelines /

Key Purpose

·  Coordinate the collation, reporting and dissemination of information relating to first aid policies and procedures, and first aiders and training across the 3 AOUs: the Schools of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences, and Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics and the Faculty Office (incorporating the SILC building) in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.


·  Appointment to the position is by nomination for a period of 2 years;

·  The nominee must hold a current Senior First Aid certificate from a recognised provider and must be willing to maintain that certification though update training;

·  The nominee must undergo 1-off mental health training;

·  The position receives a small remuneration through the OH&S Unit.


·  Maintain a database of trained First Aiders in the Faculty:

o  Person details (including employment/student status);

o  Email address;

o  Certificate expiry;

o  Send individual email reminders (1-off) prior to certificate expiry.

·  Biannually contact a nominated person in the Faculty Office and each AOU, or in the absence of a nominated person, through the Administration Managers requesting feedback/reports by a set date on:

1.  verification/deletions/updating of details of First Aiders list for that AOU or area;

2.  first aid kit maintenance (date last refilled).

·  Annually:

1.  contact a nominated person in the Faculty Office and each AOU, or in the absence of a nominated person, through the Administration Managers requesting a copy of the area’s current First Aid procedure including location of all First Aid Kits;

2.  email all trained First Aiders:

§  locations of all First Aid Kits;

§  locations of rest rooms.

·  Liaise with the SD&T Unit and OH&S Unit to:

1.  obtain lists of First Aider training renewals:

§  update the FSE database accordingly;

§  ensure that the OH&S website list of FSE First Aiders is current.

·  Report and contribute to the Faculty of Science and Engineering Area OH&S Committee:

1.  Attend the 6 meetings over the year and present oral or written reports on:

§  Training, first aid kit maintenance;

§  Any other first aid matters.

Applicable Standards and References

Code of practice for occupational health and first aid in the workplace 1997

SWP Authorisation

Authoriser / Lyn Spencer
Chair, FSE OH&S Committee / / 1 September 2009
Name: / Signature: / Date: