Entry #1 Name: Alisa Lundstedt, Adams Elementary

Book: From Anne to Zach by Marilyn Burns

Short Summary: An alphabet rhyming book that focuses on children’s names and something special each one can do.

Problems: (Kdg)

· Look for and discuss different shapes throughout the book.

· Look for and discuss the many patterns in the book.

· Practice counting skills on different pages (hopscotch, count to 62, count stairs, etc.)

· Numeral recognition (hopscotch page, count to 62)

Entry #2 Name: Alisa Lundstedt, Adams Elementary

Book: Tomorrow is Mom’s Birthday by Carolyn Dorflinger

Short Summary: A boy is worried about what to get his mother for her birthday with a limited amount of money and time.

Problems: (Kdg)

· Calendar concepts (months, days)

· Money concepts (value)

· Measurement (recipes, volume & capacity)

· Graphing (# of family members)

· Graphing (student birthdays)

Entry #3 Name: Keith

Book: Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar

Short Summary: A jar contains a whole. It starts with an ocean that contains one island which has two countries on it. Each country has three mountains and each mountain has four walled kingdoms. Each kingdom has five villages and so on and so forth.

Problems: (3rd grade) There are 3 mountains and each mountain has four walled kingdoms, how many kingdoms are there? There are 6 houses and in each house there are 7 rooms, how many rooms are there?

Entry #4 Name: Kristie Hill, Angie Barnes, Anya, Nicole Cox, Amy Cabrales

Book: Mapping Penny’s World by Loreen Leedy

Short Summary: Lisa is Penny’s owner and is learning about maps at school. Penny is a dog that travels around the neighborhood and Lisa maps Penny’s movements. Some of the maps include Lisa’s bedroom, where Penny’s favorite hiding places are, 3-D maps of the neighborhood and more.

Questions for math integration: (5th grade)

How shorter is the short cut compared to going all the way around the block?

If Penny could do four activities what combinations could she make?

How many miles is it from Yellowstone National Park to Amazon Rain Forest?

Starting in New York, if you travel on the red dotted line to each continent how many miles would you travel?

Entry #5 Name: Theresa

Book: Let Me Off This Spaceship!

Short Summary: The boys were walking in the woods when they came across a spaceship. They were beamed aboard and taken away to another planet.

Problems (3rd grade)

The students will use geometric shapes to design their own spaceship.

The students will make their own creatures.

How many heads does it have? How many are there? How many heads in all?

Entry #6 Name: Shane Karst, Rhonda Preble, Kerrie Mount

Book: 100 Hungry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes

Short Summary: In this book, 100 ants are trying to get to a picnic to eat some food. The ants start out in one long line. They try to form smaller lines to get to the picnic quicker.

Problems: (1st Grade)

Types of Sorting 100

How did they start out on their walk? (100 all in one line)

Then, they went in two lines, does anyone know how many would be in each line? (50)

They made lines of 20. How many lines did they make? (20, 40, 60, 80, 100…. 5 lines)

Now, we have 10 ants in rows. How many rows would we have? (10, 20, ect… 10 rows)

Counting to 100, keep track of the time. See what way is quicker.

Entry #7 Name: Shane Karst, Rhonda Preble, Kerrie Mount

Book: Smelly Socks by Robert Munsch

Short Summary: Tina is trying to find some good socks. She gets numerous people from her family to help her go out around town to find the perfect pair. Once she finds the perfect pair, she vows to never take the socks off.

Problems: (1st Grade)

Tina wore her socks for 10 days then for 10 more days. How many days did she wear her socks?

So, Tina has worn her socks for 20 days, but now she wore them for 10 more. How many days has she wore her socks now?

Tina started wearing her socks on Sunday, she then wore them for 10 days. What day of the week would it be after the 1st ten days?

Count by 10’s lessons.

Entry #8 Name: Shane Karst, Rhonda Preble, Kerrie Mount

Book: Little Miss Spider by David Kirk

Short Summary: Little Miss Spider is hatched from an egg, she is trying to find her mom, she stays with the beetle, who becomes her mom.

Problem: (1st Grade)

Comparing insect legs

How many more legs does a spider have than a human? How many humans would it take to get the same number?

How many more legs does a beetle have than a butterfly?

How many more legs does a spider have than a beetle?

How many more legs does a butterfly have than a human?

Entry #9 Name: Sandra, Teresa

Book: Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There is? By Robert Wells

Short Summary: In this book you’ll discover some big things, some bigger things, and the things beyond measure—what is it that we can truly call THE BIGGEST THING THERE IS. This book compares large object with even larger objects. It has excellent additional vocabulary for the word big. The book also compares numbers to real world objects.

Problems: (First Grade):

Comparison of Objects:

What is bigger than a chair? School? 2 schools? Your house?

What is smaller than a chair? School? 2 schools? Your house?

Number Sense:

Compare 10 pencils to 10 glue bottles? What did you discover?

Compare 20 Cheerios to 20 marshmallows? What did you discover?

What other items can you compare? What did you discover?

Entry #10 Name:

Book: A Million Fish….More or Less by Patricia C. McKissack

Short Summary: Hugh Thomas, a young boy, hears many fantastic stories from Papa-Daddy and Elder Abbajo while being at the Bayou Clapateaux, referred to as “a mighty peculiar place”. When left alone with only his fishing pole he goes through an experience that becomes a story of his own.

Problems: (Kindergarten)

If I read this book to my kindergarteners, I would make a connection to math by talking about the fact that every time he had an encounter the amount of fish he had decreased. We would add up the number of encounters and count back on the number of times he lost fish.

Entry #11 Name: Jane Stone-Tompkins, Anderson Elementary

Book: The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns

Short Summary: An unhappy triangle visits a shape-shifter in search of happiness only to find that he was happy as a triangle. The shape-shifter changes the triangle into many different forms of polygons throughout the story.

Problems: (Kindergarten)

Math related activities to extend children’s learning.

1. Put your hands on your hips and have child trace the triangle inside your arms. Have children explain how they are sure when a shape is a triangle. Ask children how they might make more triangles by using their bodies.

2. Ask students to imagine what the triangle will become with one more side and one more angle. Have them predict the other shapes as well.

3. Take a walk to look for shapes in the real world. Focus on one shape, such as a triangle, or search for examples of all shapes. To help children keep track of their ideas, give them paper and a clipboard to journal their findings.

Entry #12 Name: Lynda Deck, Cloud Elementary

Book: Good Job, Oliver! by Laurel Molk

Short Summary: Rabbits are having a strawberry growing contest and Oliver sets out to prove he can win even though he is the littlest bunny.

Problems (Kdg.):

· Sorting/ordering rabbits or strawberries by size

· Do weight comparisons using the balance scale…How many strawberries weigh the same as_______?

· Count strawberries (or strawberry candies)

· Have the students take the strawberries/candies and divide them equally between the students in the group

Entry #13 Name: Phyllis Cottner

Title: The King’s Commissioners by Aileen Friedman

Short Summary: The King wanted to count all of his commissioners. He appointed 2 royal advisors to help him count. Both of the commissioners had different ways to count and keep track of the number. The Princess assisted by grouping the commissioners into groups of 10 and explaining the accuracy of the other advisors counting (counting by 2 and by 5).


Place students in groups of 4. Distribute baggies of laser links making sure that each bag has the same number of links. Have each student in the group show a different way to count and group their links. Have students show their method and indicate the number of groups and the number of leftovers. Have the group engage in discussions about which method of counting and grouping may be easier? Harder? Is it easy to count by 1’s? When might it be difficult to count by 1’s?

Entry #14 Name: Patty

Book: Looking After Murphy by Jamie Rix; Illustrated by John Bendall-Brunello

Short Summary: Granny Lally loves to tell tall tales, and her grandchildren, Sally and Jim, are never sure when to believe her. When the kids go on vacation, Granny Lally promises to take care of their pet hamster, Murphy. For six days, Granny Lally keeps her eye on Murphy, but the next day she can’t find him anywhere. What does Granny Lally tell the kids when they return?


-Granny Lally says she must watch 1 hour of Celebrity Knitting each day, “Doctor’s orders.” If she follows “Doctor’s orders,” how many hours of Celebrity Knitting will she have watched after 21 days?

-If Murphy and his wife had 8 children each time Sally and Jim went on vacation, how many baby hamsters would there be after 4 vacations?

-When Murphy was let out of his house, he would eat Sally and Jim’s socks. If Murphy ate 12 socks, how many pair has he ruined?

Entry #15 Name: Rhonda Preble, Kerrie Mount and Shane Karst

Book: Cucumber Soup by Vickie Leigh Krudwig

Short Summary: In this book there are ten different types of insects that try to move a cucumber that has fallen on top of an ant hill. They succeed and have a party at the end celebrating the way all of them worked together.

Problems: (1st Grade)

1. Counting groups of objects.

How many different groups of insects were there?

Why couldn’t only three groups of the insects move the cucumber?

How could you find how many legs there are in each group of insects?


How many more ant legs are there compared to the number of students in our classroom?

How many more students would we need to make the same amount as the ants?

How many all together if there was a group of 11 and 12?

2. Adding different groups to get the sum of the whole.

How many ants and butterflies were there all together?

How many more Fireflies are there than Fleas?

Entry #16 Name: Rhonda Preble, Kerrie Mount and Shane Karst

Book: Pattern Fish by Trudy Harris

Short Summary: A book that has different examples of patterns using fish and other aquatic life.


Have students make the different kinds of patterns represented in the book, by using lacer links and label the letter pattern. AB, ABB, AABB, AAB, ABC, ABBC, ABCD.

Have students extend the patterns with Kagan strategies using partner work.

Create their own patterns by using symbols, pictures, numbers, letters, and cereal and share with the class.

Ordinals: What is the 8th shape in your shape?

Teacher created patterns that are incorrect and have students check and change.

Entry #17 Name: Sacha

Book: Octavius Bloom and the House of Doom by Erik Brooks

Short Summary: Octavius is a junior detective that uses the clues to crack the case.


Everything in Octavius’s top-secret lunchbox comes in sets of eight. If he has a set of each of the following how many items will he have all together?

Items: pencils, bandages, notepad, and finger printing kits

Alternative items to use:

Items: socks, magnifying glasses, gloves, and flashlights