Contributing to social well-being through positive triple bottom line outcomes at the local level
Positive local economic outcomes / Positive social outcomes / Positive environmental Outcomes
Responsible Enterprise & Business Sector / Positive Local Money & Resource Flows / Assets Base & Enabling Environment / Public & Business Sector Responsiveness / Community & Civil Voice & Capacity / Environmental Sustainability / Interdependence
Outcomes / Diverse & vibrant range of responsible businesses and enterprise responding to market demands / Positive local economic money and social- environment consequences / Strong local economic asset base and supportive enabling environment / Public and businesses bodies working to strengthen & invest in local economy / Strong leadership, activism, participation, cohesion & capability of individuals and voluntary sector / Positive social & economic change with ecological efficiency. / Increased understanding of economic, cultural and ecological interconnections that link communities, span the globe and impact on the future.
Progress / ·  Range of large, medium & small enterprises producing goods and services sustainably.
·  Level of transition from informal to formal sector.
·  Range of stable and growing sub-sectors, some established, others responding to new demand
·  Range of social and private actors in enterprise
·  Range of income sources, including uptake of benefits and enterprise schemes, beyond business and employment
·  Local investment and re-investment opportunities / ·  Local multiplier effect of businesses (i.e. up and down stream local money flows)
·  Level of household expenditure spent locally.
·  Level of local government and schemes budgets spent locally
·  Local (re-) use of waste, energy and resources
·  Degree of adverse social impact in the community.
·  Degree of adverse environmental impact in the community / ·  Use of human assets (skills, knowledge, experience, motivation and can-do spirit)
·  Level of financial assets (investable resources, access to credit)
·  Knowledge assets (including business & market info & advice services)
·  Physical assets (good natural, transport, utilities, communications, work and trading spaces)
·  Nature of and uptake of fiscal instruments, incentives & schemes. / ·  Public bodies’ demonstrated ability to listen and act on civil sectors expressed desired outcomes reflecting these in master-planning and budget setting
·  Degree of co-production in the design and delivery of public services.
·  Degree of all sector co-ordination & mutual respect, consensus and shared vision
·  Responsiveness of strategic partnerships (SSPs & LSPs) to community priorities for sustainability & action
·  Responsiveness of business to support sustainable local economic development
·  Public and private body level of volunteering in informal support networks within community / ·  Number of active social entrepreneurs, social enterprises and local voluntary sector organisations;
·  Volunteering from within and by the community
·  Ability of civil sectors to work together & resolve conflict
·  Political voice, space, and equity given to community sector
·  Access to knowledge, contacts, reciprocal networks, resources & funds to make choices and act effectively
·  Engagement in debate, shaping the continuing debate, taking control & action / ·  Level of recycled materials
·  Land-fill rates attributable to local business and the community
·  Community, business and individuals awareness & consideration of triple bottom line impact of decisions
·  Mobilisation of under-ulitised resources within a community – through resource sharing mechanisms
·  Level of renewal energy use locally
·  Biodiversity indices
·  Level of restoration / creation of green infrastructure
·  Level of community access to green spaces.
·  Availability and uptake of sustainably sourced goods and services.
·  Level of investment in ethical funds. / ·  Degree of linkage between community and outside
·  Diversity of actors in the network: action focused, strategic, connectors
·  Access to knowledge, contacts, and reciprocal networks
Actions / ·  Support responsible micro-enterprises and start-ups
·  Support development of street markets
·  Grow existing small and medium business
·  Attract appropriate inward investment
·  Support social enterprise and social entrepreneurs / ·  Enhance local sourcing by existing businesses and government schemes & programmes
·  Link local people to local jobs
·  Channel local consumer power to buy local
·  Recycle ‘waste’ and produce local energy
·  Maximise benefit take-up. / ·  Support enterprising behaviour.
·  Skills matching & training
·  Create intermediary financial institutions
·  Create affordable community workspaces
·  Create sustainable community-owned assets
·  Physical regeneration (particularly retail zone)
·  Improve business services & infrastructure
·  Review and promote local policy instruments / ·  Assess state of play and room for manoeuvre
·  Support for enterprising thinking / behaviour / approaches
·  Support partnership facilitation & brokering skills
·  Support legitimacy to community plans & visions
·  Encourage local business to have larger positive impacts on the economy
·  Support community lobbying for better services
·  Develop local and regional networks of local and mainstream agency support / ·  Support community leaders & community organisations
·  Community-based consultants supporting project delivery.
·  Promote consensus building & planning tools
·  Provide access to knowledge, technology, case studies, best practise, contacts and funds / ·  Domestic energy generation / energy saving
·  Carbon-neutral development schemes
·  Water recycling solutions.
·  Community re-cycling schemes
·  Support local access to knowledge of ethical investment funds
·  Support local access to ethical consumer information. / ·  Supporting co-operative enterprise models
·  Supporting development of responsible business support networks.
·  Supporting community to community ethical trading initiatives
·  Communities engaging in the global interdependence debate.
Tools & Resources / ·  Enterprise support models & basic business literacy
·  Networking existing entrepreneurs
·  Social enterprise support agencies (SEEM, SEL)
·  Balanced scorecard
·  Coaching based business support services e.g. BizFizz
·  Business networks and mentoring / ·  Plugging the Leaks
·  Social Audit, LM3
·  Buy Local campaigns, directories and loyalty cards
·  Local cash machines
·  Intermediate labour markets
·  Bulk utility purchases / ·  Enterprise in schools scheme - learning to lead
·  Asset transfer models
·  Carbon-neutral physical asset development
·  High Street Renewal
·  Street markets
·  Intermediate Labour Markets
·  Lending circles and credit unions
·  Intermediate Labour market e.g. apprenticeships
·  CDFI tools
·  Timebanks / ·  Broker relationships between community and strategic partnerships
·  Common Purpose round tables
·  Irrigating inward investment
·  LM3
·  Participatory budgeting
·  Consensus voting
·  Business networks and mentoring / ·  Civic champions programme – the Civic Trust
·  Passion finder workshop
·  Coaching support
·  Scarman, Unltd, Ashoka fellowships
·  Scarman Can-do Citizen toolkits
·  Planning for Real
·  Community Planning Handbook
·  Power, Citizenship and Democracy tools
·  ActionAid Reflect
·  Organisational Transformation tools
·  Timebanks / ·  Eco- footprinting
·  Balanced scorecard
·  Environmental Impact Assessments
·  Environmental management systems
·  Ethical consumer guides
·  Ethical investments
·  Organisational eco-mapping
·  Energy Supply companies
·  Grid exchange
·  Climate change democs / ·  Eco-footprinting
·  Young co-operatives
·  Just change trading
·  Forestry standards Council and provenance schemes
·  Unique Social enterprise network model
·  www.oneworld.net