Shaun Roberts

This is a criminal who parasites on society, one of his soft targets is

the gay community, he never works and to finance his extravagant

lifestyle, he hustles, blackmails, extorts, assaults and robs.

His favourite ploy is to pick up men, then claiming to be a policeman will arrest his victim for lewd conduct. He accepts a fine or a bribe.

He has a passion for “underage boys” whom he seduces into being accomplices. He uses them to lure men into compromising situations normally in public toilets. Impersonating a Police Officer from the Child Protection Unit, he extorts money from the victims by demanding spot fines. Terrified of exposure or the consequences, his victims pay up and are reluctant to press charges even when the scam is uncovered. Ironically he is the guilty one of such crimes. (Could situations like this lead to murder?)

There is a warrant of arrest issued (Sunnyside, Pretoria) against him for “jumping bail” stemming from charges of impersonating a Police Officer, being in possession of a Police Badge and child molestation. Yet the police themselves are totally uninterested. One person phoned the Cape Town, Belville C.I.D with information that could have led to a definite arrest. The detective did not even listen to the caller, he just slammed down the phone!

Another victim has tried to authenticate the warrant by phoning Sunnyside, it appears to be genuine but he has never got past the secretary! So this criminal carries on arrogantly and defiantly with no fear of capture!

What is more ludicrous it appears he has been arrested several times, yet he has fooled the law by giving false names and I.D. numbers! He gets discharged before any connection is made between different crimes committed across the country. One wonders if even fingerprints and mugshots were taken!

If the press are prepared to verify and print this kind of story it will warn the community and could put pressure on the police department. Surely there must be some elements in the law enforcement who are contactable and prepared to follow up serious leads that bring this felon to justice.


Uses many false names.

Bilking, robbing fellow guests in budget accommodation.

Impersonating Police Officers in order to extort money by demanding spot fines. Con artist, contrives incredible hard luck stories to deceive intended victims which often results in assault and robbery. Operates in shopping malls of big cities: Pretoria, Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town.

1,7 metres, 70kg, short, muscular, balding, irregular/missing teeth, slightly pock-marked cheeks, appears friendly and well educated.

Operates alone or with an accomplice. Partner is a teenager with curly blonde hair.

Warrant of arrest issued: 616/4/2000

Detective Modesi Tel (012) 344 1801 Sunnyside, Pretoria

Cell: 082 676 1237