Enterprise GIS Dataset Stewardship
Identified Candidate Dataset
Dataset: DetailedAnalysisUnit_HydroRegion_PlanningArea_Region_By_COUNTY
Primary Steward: Michael L. Serna
Primary Steward Division/Office/Program: DIRWM/NRO/L&W Use Section
Stewards should submit a brief description of the dataset version they are proposing as the candidate dataset for inclusion into the DWR GIS Atlas. Information on source, completeness, methods, or other descriptions of how and where this dataset comes from should be included. If appropriate, some discussion about alternative versions of the data and cursory comparisons to those alternatives should be included.
This dataset is a combination of features that can be extracted from the Detailed Analysis Units (DAU).
DAU_CODE / - / Detailed Analysis Units NumberDAU_NAME / - / Detailed Analysis Unit Name
HR Code / - / Hydrologic Regions
HR_NAME / - / Hydrologic Region Name
NAME_PCASE / - / County Name Lower Case ‘Del Norte”
NAME_UCASE / - / County Name Upper Case “DEL NORTE“
FMNAME_PC / - / County Name Lower Case “Del Norte County”
FMNAME_UC / - / County Name Upper Case “DEL NORTE COUNTY”
ABBREV / - / County Abbreviation “ DEL”
ABCODE / - / Code
FIPS / - / Federal Information Processing Standards, 3-digit number
ACRES / - / Acres of polygonal feature
PA_NO / - / Planning Area Number
PA_LABEL / - / Planning Area Label
PSA_CODE / - / Historic Planning Area Number
PSA_NAME / - / Historic Planning Area Label
DAUID_CODE / - / Code
ISLAND / - / Yes\No
IslandName / - / Island Name
VxCount / - / feature Vertex Count
PaCount / - / feature Part Count
Region / - / DWR Regional Boundary & Name
Region_Abrev / - / DWR Regional Boundary & Name Abbreviation
* CAL FIRE updated the ABBREV field to reflect the new county abbreviations recommended by CMCC in April 2009. cnty24k09_1.
Department of Fish and Game also added three additional attributes (ABBREV, ABCODE, and FIPS) cnty24k09_1.
Detailed Analysis’s Units by COUNTY
DAU, County Boundary, Detailed Analysis Unit, County Boundaries, County Line, County, Counties, Boundary, Boundaries
Detailed Analysis’s Units DAU by COUNTY. DAU boundaries to match CAL FIRE dataset. Cal-Atlas cnty24k09_1_poly.
Detailed Analysis Unit-(DAU) Convergence via County Boundary cnty24k09, (*See metadata for cnty24k09, Cal-Atlas), State of California.
The existing DAU boundaries were clipped via Cal-Atlas cnty24k09 by Michael L. Serna, NRO via ArcMap 10.1. DAU’s were sent out to: Northern Region Office (NRO), North Central Region Office (NCRO), South Central Region Office (SCRO) and Southern Region Office (SRO) respectively.
Collaboration was by Department of Water Resources, Region Office personnel, Michael L. Serna, NRO, Jason Harbaugh - NCRO, Cynthia Moffett - SCRO and Robert Fastenau - SRO with the final merge of all data into a cohesive workable.
This version was derived because the existing “dau_v2_105 nad27” Detailed Analysis Unit feature class boundaries contained a multitude of variant sliver acreages along all DAU and county boundary lines through-out the State of California.
Each region office was sent their respective features where they exposed the DAU’s sliver anomalies. They subsequently merged the variant slivers into the proper DAUs. Upon completion, the DAU feature classes were sent back for assemblage. These features are reachable by County\DAU. This allows the county boundaries, the DAU boundaries and the State of California Boundary to match Cal-Atlas cnty24k09_1.
The matching dataset:
cnty24k09_1_poly metadata Summary:
Ideally, state and federal agencies should be using the same framework data for common themes such as county boundaries. This layer provides an initial offering as "best available" at 1:24,000 scale. Additional improvements, including a review of data sources for the coastline, can be added over time based on interagency review and agreement on proposed changes.
cnty24k09_1_poly metadata Description:
In late 1996, the Dept. of Conservation (DOC) surveyed state and federal agencies about the county boundary coverage they used. As a result, DOC adopted the 1:24,000 (24K) scale U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) dataset (USGS source) for their Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP) but with several modifications. Detailed documentation of these changes is provided by FMMP and included in the lineage section of the metadata. A dataset named cnty24k97_1 was made available (approximately 2004) through the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection - Fire and Resource Assessment Program (CDF - FRAP) and the California Spatial Information Library (CaSIL). In late 2006, the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) reviewed cnty24k97_1. Comparisons were made to a high-quality 100K dataset (co100a/county100k from the former Teale Data Center GIS Solutions Group) and legal boundary descriptions from ( http://www.leginfo.ca.gov ). The cnty24k97_1 dataset was missing Anacapa and Santa Barbara islands. DFG added the missing islands using previously-digitized coastline data (coastn27 of State Lands Commission origin), corrected a few county boundaries, built region topology, added additional attributes, and renamed the dataset to county24k. In 2007, the California Mapping Coordinating Committee (CMCC) requested that the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) resume stewardship of the statewide county boundaries data. CAL FIRE adopted the changes made by DFG and collected additional suggestions for the county data from DFG, DOC, and local government agencies. CAL FIRE incorporated these suggestions into the latest revision, which has been renamed cnty24k09_1. Detailed documentation of changes is included in the Process Step section of the metadata.
cnty24k09_1_poly metadata Credits:
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, California Department of Conservation, California Department of Fish and Game, California Department of Forestry and Fire protection
cnty24k09_1_poly metadata Use Limitations:
See Citation section for FRAP disclaimer
Department of Water Resources: Michael L. Serna, NRO, Jason Harbaugh, NCRO, Cynthia Moffett, SCRO and Robert Fastenau, SRO.
Use limitations
See Citation section for FRAP disclaimer
West / -124.511650 / East / -113.497863North / 42.068568 / South / 32.423674
Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in) / 1:5,000Minimum (zoomed out) / 1:150,000,000
Hydrologic Region by DAU \ COUNTY
Hydrologic Region, DAU, County Boundary, Detailed Analysis Unit, County Boundaries, County Line, County, Counties, Boundary, Boundaries, HR_CODE, HR_NAME
Hydrologic Region by Detailed Analysis Units (DAU) by COUNTY. Aligned with CAL FIRE dataset. Cal-Atlas cnty24k09_1_poly.
Dissolve to Aggregates features based on specified attributes, Hydrologic Region (HR_CODE) or symbolize.
This will create a Hydrologic Region derived from Detailed Analysis Units but contain the Hydrologic Region in entirety.
Planning Area by DAU \ COUNTY
Planning Area, DAU, County Boundary, Detailed Analysis Unit, County Boundaries, County Line, County, Counties, Boundary, Boundaries, PA_NO, PA_LABEL
Planning Areas by COUNTY. Aligned with CAL FIRE dataset. Cal-Atlas cnty24k09_1_poly.
Dissolve to Aggregates features based on specified attributes Planning Areas (PA_NO) or symbolize.
This will create a Planning Areas derived from Detailed Analysis Units but contain the Planning Areas in entirety.
Historic Planning Area by DAU \ COUNTY
Historic Planning Area, DAU, County Boundary, Detailed Analysis Unit, County Boundaries, County Line, County, Counties, Boundary, Boundaries, PSA_CODE, PSA_NAME
Historic Planning Areas by COUNTY. Aligned with CAL FIRE dataset. Cal-Atlas cnty24k09_1_poly.
Dissolve to Aggregates features based on specified attributes Historic Planning Areas (PSA_CODE) or symbolize.
This will create a Planning Areas derived from Detailed Analysis Units but contain the Historic Planning Areas in entirety.
DWR Regional Area by DAU \ COUNTY
DWR Regional Area by DAU - County. Aligned with CAL FIRE dataset. Cal-Atlas cnty24k09_1_poly.
Dissolve to Aggregates features based on specified attributes DWR Regional Area by DAU (Region, Region_Abrev) or symbolize.
This will create a DWR Regional derived from Detailed Analysis Units but contain the Region Areas in entirety.
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