MMS Career and Technical Education


The MMSCareer and Technology Education Department(CTE) are pleased to provide opportunities for students to explore the latesttechnologies through the CTE curriculum.

This contract is intended to make students and parents aware of the standards for computerequipment. Please read the expectations and sign below to agree to the conditions.

  1. Altering or Defacing Equipment: Student will not alter, disfigure, or cover up any

numbering, lettering, or insignia displayed on the equipment.

  1. Maintenance: Student agrees to keep the equipment in good repair and

operating condition, with exception to normal, reasonable wear and tear.

  1. Use: Student agrees that the equipment will not be subjected to unnecessarily rough

usage, that it will be used in accordance with its design. Its use will conform to all

applicable laws, AISD policies, and regulations. Student agrees not to allow the use of

the equipment for illegal purposes or for operating student’s own or another’s personal work.

  1. Loss or Damage. Student will immediately inform teacher of any loss or damage and complete a formal loss/damage written report. Review of report and inquiry will determine student’s responsibility. Student’s liability will be the reasonable market value of the equipment as of the date of loss.
  2. Inspection by teacher. The teacher will have the right at any time to inspect equipment for proper use and care.
  3. Revoking Use. Use of computer equipment is a privilege. The teacher reserves the right to restrict access to any technologies if behavior standards are not met. An alternative assignment that focuses on the same learning objectives will be assigned.
  4. Training. Each student must be properly trained on how to use the equipment, and the student and parent accept responsibility if student misuse results in loss or damage.
  5. Classroom equipment procedures that must be followed are listed below. The consequences for not following a procedure may result in a temporary or permanent loss of technology privileges.
  6. Students must use the equipment correctly and with care.
  7. Students must keep all parts of equipment together and properly restore at class end.
  8. Students may not change settings or add or delete software or files.
  9. Student may not use the equipment for personal work.
  10. Students must follow the everyday classroom rules and procedures as specified by the teacher.

I have read and I understand the policy above and agree to abide by the rules of this contract.

Dated:______Student’s Printed Name and Signature______

Dated:______Parent’s Printed Name______Phone: ______

Parent’s Signature______