English Language Arts 8

Mr. C. MacDonald

Short Story Creative Writing Assignment

TASK: Using what you have learned about short stories you will write a short story of your own.

o  Although you may already have many ideas of where you would like to go with a short story you still must take time to brainstorm your ideas and plot out the basic narrative structure of your story. The basic narrative structure you make may be changed as you write but I would like to see that you have an idea of the direction that you will take your characters.

o  Before you begin writing the short story you must submit a proposal to me about what you think you will write about. The short story will be written in class so I would like to know what you intend to do to provide adequate time.

DATE DUE: The final good copy will be due on ______. However, there will be numerous points leading up to this deadline in which you will be expected to have portions of the assignment done and these checks will make up portion of the assignment’s mark. Do not forget that you will be writing this in class but are expected to continue on as homework should you not complete the elements you are required to complete in class. (ie. Brainstorms and Proposal.)


q  Your story must be a minimum of 3 pages (typed, double spaced). I encourage you to take the time to present your work in a neat and tidy fashion and type it up!

q  Your story must have at least one main character.

q  Your story must have a minimum of ONE supporting character-remember characters do not always have to be human!

q  Your story must clearly include all parts of a short story.

q  Your story must make clear use of one of the following techniques: flashback, foreshadowing, suspense, symbolism or irony (must specify which type on your proposal)

q  Your story must have a theme.

q  Attach the rubric to your final copy and don’t forget to choose a creative and or appropriate title.

English Language Arts 8 ~ Short Story Proposal

Student Name(s):______

Teacher Approval:______

After having completed your “Creative Writing Short Story Brainstorm” sheet, summarize your story using the following format. Your short story and character brainstorm activities should also be included with your proposal.

The story is about a ______

[brief description of main character - introduction]


[action or predicament which initiates plot – the inciting action]

because______ [motivation]

but ______

[conflict; difficulty or obstacle main character faces – rising action]

so ______

[decision made in an attempt to resolve the conflict– crisis]

which leads to______

[highest point of interest in the plot – climax]

and finally finishes with ______

[plot/conflict resolution, ending]

which shows______


Proposal is due: ______.

ELA 8 ~ Short Story Creative Writing Assignment



Assessment Curriculum Outcomes

9.1 / continue to develop writing forms previously introduced and expand this range to produce, for example, autobiographies, drama, surveys, graphs, literary responses, biographies, illustrations, and reviews
9.2 / consider and choose writing forms that match both the writing purpose and the reader for whom the text is intended.
9.3 / understand that ideas can be represented in more than one way and used with other forms of representing.
9.4 / keep the reader and purpose for writing in mind when choosing content, writing style, tone of voice, language choice, and text organization.
9.5 / know how and when to ask for reader feedback while writing and incorporate appropriate suggestions when revising subsequent drafts; assess self generated drafts from a reader’s/ viewer’s/ listener’s perspective.
10.1 / build and rely upon a broad knowledge base of how words are spelled and formed; use such knowledge to spell unfamiliar words and expand vocabulary; regularly use resource texts to verify spelling; use punctuation and grammatical structures capably and accurately; use a variety of sentence patterns, vocabulary choices, and paragraphing with flexibility and creativity to engage readers.
10.2 / choose, with increasing regularity, the prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading, and presentation strategies to aid in producing various texts.

1 – Needs Improvement 2 – Show Some Understanding 3 – Approaching Outcome 4 – Meets Outcome

Short Story Elements / CATEGORY/DESCRIPTION / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3


The setting, main characters, and mood are introduced in a clear and interesting format that makes the reader want to keep reading. / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
Rising Action
The conflict is elaborated upon in an interesting and logical fashion. The action continues to build through the use of detailed/descriptive writing. / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
There is a clear point in the story in which the protagonist is forced to make a decision, and the result of this decision leads to the climax. / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
There is a clear climax which is both a major turning point in the story as well as the story’s highest point of interest. / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
There is a clear and well-thought out ending to the story that “fits” one of the three types of endings (denouement, ironic twist or climactic) / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
Attention to instructions
Title is appropriate and original. Characters are unique and well named. Instructions are followed and creativity and effort is demonstrated in the story. / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
CHARACTERS: / The story has at least two main characters. Each character is very well developed. They are detailed, realistic and believable. Each character serves a clear purpose in the story / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
CONFLICT: / The conflict in the story is focussed on an important struggle faced by the protagonist. The conflict serves a clear purpose in the story / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
DESCRIPTION / The author effectively used dialogue and description to both further the plot as well as reveal more information about the characters. / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
TECHNIQUES / The author made clear use of at least one of the following techniques: flashback, foreshadowing, suspense, irony, or symbolism. The author has used this technique to enhance the story. / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
WRITING PROCESS: / The author has provided clear evidence of sufficient brainstorming and editing through the use of provided graphic organizers and several rough drafts. / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.


/ The good copy of the story is free from spelling, grammatical, and sentence errors (run-ons, fragments, comma splices, etc.) / None of the criteria has been met. / Some of the criteria has been met. / Most of the criteria has been met. / All of the criteria has been met.
