Mrs. Krajewski

Email Address –

Classroom Phone # 610-670-0180 ext. 4750


English as a Second Language III

Program of Studies: ESL III is designed to increase student reading proficiency. The course focuses on independent reading, responding to literature through discussion and writing, strategy instruction and extending critical reading skills. The content focuses on key reading strategies and goal setting. Students make connections, question, visualize, notice important details, predict, infer, synthesize, activate prior knowledge, and use comprehension fix-up strategies. Learning activities include literature circles, journaling, read alouds, and responding to literature.

Student Requirements:

Students are required to have in class on a daily basis –

1. Copy of current literature

2. ESL III Binder

3. ESL III Spiral notebook

4. Writing Utensil


1. Get to class on time – this means you are in the classroom and have any requested assigned work with you before the bell rings. If you are going to be late because you are in the office, asking a teacher for help, or any other legitimate reason, please have your handbook signed by the secretary, principal, assistant principal, teacher, support staff, or school employee.


Late 1, 2, or 3 = Warning

Late 4, 5, or 6 = 1 Unit Teacher Assigned Detention

Late 7, 8, 9 = 2 Units Teacher Assigned Detention

Late 10 or more = 3 Units Teacher Assigned Detention

2. You must complete your homework – this means you must have your homework with you at the start of class and be legible. Certain assignments may be completed by computer, but only when advised. Homework and class work will be graded for accuracy, so make sure your answers are correct or that you adhere to the rubric. If you failed to complete the whole assignment, turn in what you have, some points are better than no points.


Most students who fail to achieve a passing grade don’t complete homework or classroom assignments. You will not receive homework every night, but you are responsible for completing any assignment given. Late homework will not be accepted unless it is from a legally excused absence. Remember, you control your own grade and will be given the grade that you earned. There is


3. You must cooperate and follow directions – this means you must participate in classroom activities, follow along in class, and not be disruptive. You are to be respectful to your classmates, school property, and teachers.


1st Offence = Warning

2nd Offence = 1 Unit Teacher Assigned Detention (possible phone call home and/or notify Vice Principal)

3rd Offence = 2 Units Teacher Assigned Detention, phone call home and notify Vice Principal

4th or more = 3 Units Teacher Assigned Detention, phone call home and notify Vice Principal

4. Food and drinks are allowed – they should be purchased BEFORE class. NOTE: Vending machines will be off during class time.

5. Technology ~

Students my charge their devises in the Tech Nook. The teacher is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged devices that are placed in the Tech Nook.

Ipads and Graphing Calculators may be borrowed for use in the ESL room. You must exchange your handbook before borrowing.

Earbuds may be used only for academic purposes only. No music, games or TV shows or movies.

Grading Procedure –

Grades will be based on a straight point system. Every assignment, quiz, or test will be worth a certain point value. This will be predetermined and announced the day the assignment, quiz, test, or provided on the rubric.

100 – 90 = A

89 – 80 = B

79 – 70 = C

69 – 60 = D

59 – 00 = F

70% of the grade is summative assessments which may include:

· Discussions

· Oral Presentations

· Interviews

· Unit Tests

· Journal entries

· Reading and writing prompts

· Projects

30% of the grade is other work which may include:

· Classwork

· Bell ringers

· Quizzes

*10% will be deducted for each day an assignment is handed in late.

Mastery Learning

1. Goals

a. To increase student achievement

b. To build proper study habits

Students will be allowed to retake summative assessments based on the following conditions:

1. Students can retake a summative assessment regardless of score.

2. The second score will be the documented grade in the teacher’s grade book

3. The maximum score resulting from any retake is 100%

4. Students may only retake each summative assessment one time

5. Retakes may be taken with teacher discretion of what the student needs to complete:

a. This will allow a child to retake only the topics that he/she has demonstrated a need to strengthen. Under this option, the student’s retake grade will replace his/her original score.

6. Students must have completed all classwork and homework assignments in order to retake a summative assessment.

7. Students may be asked to complete the “Retake Learning Plan” in order to retake a summative assessment.

8. The retake assessment must be different in questions but equal in rigor. The structure of the assessment may change at the teacher’s discretion. Example: multiple choice exam to essay or multiple choice exam to student interview.

9. Formative assessments (quizzes) are available for retake at the teacher’s discretion.

Time and Responsibility Factors:

· Student must retake the summative assessment within two schedule cycles from the day the original summative assessment was handed back to the student (IEP students—refer to IEP).

o Teacher may vary deadline due to extenuating circumstances- student absences, schedule conflicts, etc.

· Students must make arrangements with the teacher as to when and where they will retake the summative assessment. Students are required to take initiative for their learning process.

· Students will complete tutoring/conference session(s) with the teacher prior to retaking the summative assessment. The student may be required to complete additional assignments that are given at the teacher’s discretion in order to prepare students for the assessment. Students are encouraged to use the tutoring center to supplement the teacher conference and/or additional requirements.

Please Note:

ü All mid-term and final exams are not available for retakes

ü All assigned summative assessments during the summer are not available for retakes

ü Not all Advanced Placement (AP) summative assessments are available for retakes at the teachers discretion

ü Projects and large writing assignments such as research papers which follow the writing process or that have segmented due dates are not available for retakes