December 15, 2015

The Executive Board of the Virginia Mosquito Control Association held a meeting on December 15, 2015 at the Portsmouth Renaissance Waterfront Hotel.

Those present were President Jay Kiser, President ElectJosh Smith, Vice President Jeff Hottenstein, Past President Jennifer Pierce, Secretary/Treasurer Penny Smelser, Sustaining Member Representative Jeff O’Neill, Lisa Wagenbrenner, Karen Akaratovic, MAMCA Representative Ann Herring,and Tim DuBois.

The Executive Board meeting was called to order at 9:19am.

The minutes for the meeting of November 17, 2015and the financial report for November 18 to December 15, 2015were reviewed and motion was made by Jennifer Pierce to accept the minutes and the financial report, seconded by Jeff Hottenstein. All in favor, none opposed.

Committee Reports

Elections: Election has been created and the voting IDs have been dispersed to the VMCA members.

Agenda: Josh Smith reports the agendawill be finalized soon and may include some remote presentations and/or recorded presentations. Will send out final agenda via email for board approval.

Vendor Planning: Jeff Hottenstein reports that Central Life Sciences and Adapco will sponsor the ice breaker event on the first evening and Clarke will sponsor the hospitality room on the second night. Jeff has been in communication with the new representative from Dynamic Aviation, Priscila Cavalcante. Jeff O’Neil requested the VMCA distribute the sustaining member form to vendors earlier than was done this year.

Local Arrangements: Ghost walk/historical tour of Portsmouth will be the after hours activity on the second night, will coordinate with the hospitality room on the timing. Committee will be confirming menu selections today after the board meeting. Several room upgrades are being offered by the Portsmouth Renaissance, they will need a list of names to assign upgrades. Poster requests should be given to Jason Pevear asap.

Education: $100 will be allotted for buying refreshments for the recertification course in Hampton. The committee continues to work on creating an ID course for Northern Virginia in the month of May. Prince William County is a possible location. Dr. Harrison has expressed an interest in holding a larval ID course with help from area biologists to collect the necessary larva.

Audit Committee: Robert Tweedy was added to the audit committee. Date of January 14th is set for the audit.

TMVCC: The officers for 2016 are as follows: President Betsy Hodson, Vice President Jamie Durden and Secretary Mitch Burcham.

Special Awards: A request for nominations will go into the winter edition of the Skeeter.

Website: A copy of the most recent by laws will be posted on the website.

Merchandise: Pre-order forms were sent out to the membership. No preorders requested 2xl or 3xl, those sizes will be ordered in small numbers. Jennifer Pierce made a motion, seconded by Jeff Hottenstein to spend up to $2,100 on merchandise to be sold at the annual meeting and other future VMCA events. All in favor, none opposed. Jennifer Pierce made a motion, seconded by Josh Smith to spend a maximum of $500 on gifts for speakers at the 2016 Annual Meeting. Karen will provide Jason Pevear with the merchandise pricing so he can make the poster.

Technology committee: The new equipment: laptop, speaker, and bag, have been purchased. A vga-hdmi convertor will need to be purchased to use the new laptop with the existing projector. Committee will also research options for external hard drives.

Unfinished Business

Jay Kiser requests that officers and committee chairs continue to submit rough drafts for the VMCA book of guidelines.

New Business

Candidate bios and pictures need to be sent to Justin to be included in the Winter Skeeter.

Board members and other interested persons will meet at Hollowell Lane on January 21 to make copies and prepare meeting packets.

Suffolk Mosquito Control is looking for an avenue to donate several BG Sentinel traps.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:33 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Penelope Smelser, Secretary/Treasurer VMCA