Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Tourism Policy and Development BranchInvestment and Development Office
Hearst Block,9th Floor
900 Bay Street
Toronto ON M7A 2E1
Toronto ON M7A 2E1
/Celebrate Ontario 2013
Community Reference FormInstructions
Celebrate Ontario applicants are required to submit two (2) references as part of their application submission by the deadline date. Applicants must have each reference complete and sign a separate Celebrate Ontario 2013 Community Reference Form.
Please note: elected officials are not eligible referees.
Please provide two (2) references from one or more of the following types of eligible tourism organizations in your community:
§ Destination Marketing Organization
§ Regional Tourism Organization
§ Tourism Business (e.g.: accommodation, food service, attraction, etc.)
§ Chamber of Commerce, Business Improvement Association.
The two (2) tourism references completing this form should be:
§ familiar with your organization/tourism festival or event
§ familiar with your proposed application
§ Familiar with the benefits to your community from your tourism festival or event.
Reference Contact Information (please print)
Last Name of Referee / First Name of Referee
Position / Title
Telephone No.
- / Fax No.
- / Email Address
Tourism Organization/Business Name
Address of Tourism Organization/Business Name
Unit No. / Street No. / Street Name / PO Box
City/Town / Province / Postal Code
Please describe how the applicant’s tourism festival or event involves your community, benefits your community, and promotes tourism visitation and tourism spending in your community.
Please consider:
§ Community partnerships and clear community support for the tourism festival or event and the initiative for which funding is being requested;
§ The ability of the applicant to attract contributions from other sources including cash, in-kind contributions and volunteer hours;
§ Involvement of volunteers, businesses and other partners in the proposed project or new festival or event;
How is your organization involved, if at all, with the tourism festival or event?
What does/will this festival or event mean to you as a tourism organization/business?
Name of Referee (please print)
I hereby certify that the information provided in this reference is true, correct and complete. / Date (yyyy/mm/dd)
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