Mr. Leib/Mr. ViscardiRoom 209September 2016


In this course, you will be responsible for reading, writing and, most importantly, thinking. Today, everyone has an A+ in this course. It is what you do or don’t do that will either keep that A+ or change it. I do not give grades; you earn them. In order to keep that A+, you will have to work hard, learn to think well, study effectively, pay attention, participate in class and do your homework. In return, I promise to teach you to the best of my ability.

What you are expected to do:

English 9 is a college-preparatory course considerably more advanced than English courses you have taken previously. Consequently, there will be more expectations placed on you to

use more higher-order thinking skills.

be responsible for your own learning.

ask well-formed questions when you need help.

attend class and do homework on a regular basis.

be polite and respectful to everyone in class.

Class requirements:

Late homework is not accepted. Homework is considered late if you do not have it with you at the beginning of class.

Be on time to class. Lateness is not acceptable.

Be prepared for class (pen, notebook, device, books, completed homework) when you arrive. You may not go to your locker after class has begun.

If you have difficulty with a homework assignment, you must see one of usbefore homeroom. Mr. Leib is almost always at school by 7:00; frequently, he is here earlier.


Class participation is encouraged. We have a lively classroom and expect discussion and arguments (reasoned and/or passionate). We also expect full attention to be paid to what is being said, whether weor one of your classmates is saying it. However, WE WILL NOT TOLERATE CHAOS. If you wish to contribute to the discussion, RAISE YOUR HAND! Do not speak while another is speaking.

Pay attention and hear what is said when it is said. If you don’t understand, ASK!

Take care of your bathroom needs before or after class. I reserve the right to limit toilet trips during class if they become excessive.

NO CELLPHONES OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES (EXCEPT YOUR SURFACE) MAY BE IN MY SIGHT OR HEARING! Whether a cellphone is on or off is irrelevant. If I see it, I take it. If I hear, I take it. I send it to the office, if necessary,AT MY CONVENIENCE. (I neither know nor care what the office does with it nor how you get it back nor what penalties they may impose. Read the student handbook. Ask an administrator.) No headphones, earphones, iPods or other listening devices may be used in the classroom without specific permission. Put away all such items before you enter the classroom.

All hardcover books issued to you by the school must be covered.

No food or drink is permitted in the classroom. You may bring bottled water ONLY if all garbage (empty bottles, peeled labels, etc.) is properly disposed of at the end of class.


Other requirements:

Three-ring binder. I frequently hand out materials—all handouts go into your three-ring binder.

Your Surface (charged and ready to go)

Pen and highlighter

Post-Its® or similar note pad

Important stuff to know:

Your grade is computed on the following basis:

Tests/Writing/Major Assignments=70%


If you have any problems or questions, weam available every day before school and most days after school in Room 209 or the English department office.

You will be instructed on how to use TURNITIN.COM before the first due date.

All work must have a heading that follows MLA style. In the upper left corner put the following heading (double spaced):

Freddie T. Freshman(substitute your own name—duh)

Mr. Leib

English 9 Period 1 (or 3 or 5 or 7 as applicable)


In the upper right corner of each page should be a running head with your last name and a page number:
Freshman 2

Homework is posted on my website; go to Faculty pages
Leib, P. The overview page contains general announcements and links for all of my students; homework for your class is on the English9 page, arranged by DUE DATE. However, you are responsible for any homework assigned in class whether it appears on the website or not.

Our e-mail addresses areand ; when you send us e-mail, put your name and NHRHS in the subject line so we know you are not a spambot.

You will receive two copies of this paper. Keep one copy in your notebook. The other copy should be signed by you and your parent or guardian, and returned to us on Wednesday, September 7.THIS IS YOUR FIRST HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT!

My signature below indicates that I have read and understood this form.


Your signatureYour parent’s/guardian’s signature