
Emergency Management and Homeland Security Program

Florida State University

Tallahassee, Florida

(850) 644-9961

(850) 443-7142 (Mobile)

Dr. Audrey Heffron Casserleigh is the Director of the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Program in the College of Social Sciences at Florida State University (FSU). As Director, she manages the intersection of academic research and government projects for a variety of agencies including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Health and Human Sciences, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDP), and various U.S. states. Her areas of dedicated research include manmade disasters and the organizational behavior of terrorist networks.

Dr. Casserleigh has written 1 textbook, more than 35 articles, and has appeared in the press on MSNBC and the Associated Press. She has served as a lecturer and consultant to the U.S. Department of State, CDP, Korean Secret Service, Chinese Academy of Sciences, American and International Red Cross, Ghanian National Disaster Management Organization, and the Italian National Civil Protection Service. She currently serves on the Directorate Board for the International Society for Crisis and Emergency Management and the Americorps-Corporation for National and Community Service.

In the past 5 years, Dr. Casserleigh has won two “Innovator of the Year Awards” for her work on emergency management exercise software, and a Davis Productivity Award for state-level exercise and disaster preparedness activities. She was also recognized with a “2007 Volunteer of the Year Award” for her work in disaster recovery with developing countries in the Caribbean and the Americas. In 2013, Dr. Casserleigh won the coveted student nominated “Guardian of the Spear” award at FSU and, in 2014, won the FSU “Transformation Through Teaching Award.”

Dr. Casserleigh holds a doctorate in Social and Political Science from the University of Cambridge, a Master of Science from Florida State University, a Bachelor of Arts from Wells College, and a Certificate of English Literature from Oxford University. Her first book, Terrorism: WTF? - Weapons, Tactics, and the Future, was published in August 2013.

May 8, 2015