for the
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1. Determine Mode of Activation (see below).
2. All workstations are located in the closet.
3. Gather necessary resources, supplies, and equipment.
MODE 1: INFORMATION – situation monitoring only.
MODE 2: LIMITED – not all workstations activated.
MODE 3: FULL – all workstations staffed.
MODE 4: FULL - with assistance from outside agencies.
Check in
Check in / Sign in with the Security Officer for accountability tracking.
Review your position
Review your position responsibilities as stated within this workstation playbook.
Determine workstation needs
Ensure that the LOGISTICS SECTION workstation is set up properly and that appropriate staffing, equipment, and supplies needs are addressed.
Notify when ready
Notify the 2-1-1 EMERGENCY MANAGER when the LOGISTICS SECTION workstation is operational.
Report for assignment
Report to the OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEF or the 2-1-1 EMERGENCY MANAGER for assignments to support the incident action plan (IAP).
Determine resource / reference needs
Determine resource needs, such as plan copies, and other reference documents.
Establish a log
Document all activity on Unit Log (ICS Form 214) which chronologically describes all actions taken during the management of the emergency incident.
Begin assigned tasks.
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§ Works directly for the 2-1-1 EMERGENCY MANAGER.
§ Is responsible for the coordination of all logistical aspects of the emergency.
§ Works in tandem with the FINANCE / ADMIN SECTION for purchasing materials or equipment vital to coping with emergency conditions.
§ Works in tandem with the RESOURCE UNIT of the PLANNING SECTION for the tracking and logistical support for resources and equipment.
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§ Establish resource priorities
Coordinate with the OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEF to establish priorities for resource allocations.
§ Obtain reports
Obtain Resource Status (RESTAT) Reports from the RESOURCE UNIT within the PLANNING SECTION.
§ Coordinate resources
Coordinate resource tracking; acquire equipment and supplies, personnel, facilities, and transportation services; as well as arrange for food, lodging, and other support services as required.
§ Set up housing for out of town volunteers.
§ Determine if a back up generator is needed.
§ Have first aid supplies in the office including band-aids, Tylenol, Advil, feminine hygiene needs, bug spray, nail clippers, disinfectant wipes, etc.
§ Develop a menu calendar to feed all volunteers
· Develop transportation needs for food
· If volunteers are needed for making meals work with the Volunteer Resource Center to recruit food volunteers.
· Call and confirm volunteer 24 hours to make sure food will be delivered on time.
· Post the schedule and menu for the week on a corkboard.
· Establish a transportation route and calendar to transport food from restaurants to call center.
· ID ingredients, if possible, to reduce risk of food allergies and instruct volunteers to alert you of any current food allergies.
· Set up snacks and beverages (remember healthy snacks)
§ Have special office supplies ready including clocks, erasable poster paper, maps, a functioning TV and possibly a ticker message machine for key updates.
§ Make sure all workstations have the proper supplies including file folders, phones with headsets, and basic office supplies (pens, paper, sticky notes, disinfectant wipes).
§ Work with the Volunteer Resource Center with the number of volunteers needed to perform the following transportation needs.
· Establish how many volunteers need transportation from hotels to call center, to run errands for out of town volunteers and back to the hotels at the end of their shifts.
§ Procurements
Coordinate procurement actions with the FINANCE SECTION.
· Provide all receipts to the Finance Section Chief
§ Communications
Keep the INCIDENT COMMANDER and GENERAL STAFF informed of all significant issues relating to the LOGISTICS SECTION.
· Keep the website updated with links to disaster related resources.
· Research the missing person’s registry website. Have it available at all work stations for quick usage.
· Establish work stations with Microsoft programs for out of town volunteers to do their own work and check their email.
§ Supervision
Establish the appropriate level of branch and/or unit staffing within the LOGISTICS SECTION, continuously monitor the effectiveness of the organization, and modify the structure as required.
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Logistics Section Organization
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Resource status
Meet with the 2-1-1 EMERGENCY MANAGER, GENERAL STAFF, and the RESOURCE STATUS UNIT of the PLANNING SECTION to identify immediate resource needs.
Establish resource inventory and tracking system
Determine if requested types and quantities of supplies and materiel are available in inventory. Ensure that all resources are tracked and accounted for, as well as resources ordered through Mutual Aid.
Status board
Maintain a status board or other reference depicting procurement actions in progress and their current status. Allow for the needs of demobilization planning.
Spending limits
Meet with the FINANCE SECTION CHIEF and determine the level of purchasing authority and procurement spending limits for the LOGISTICS SECTION. Obtain a list of pre-designated emergency purchase orders.
Planning meetings
Participate in Incident Action Planning meetings. Provide the PLANNING SECTION CHIEF with the LOGISTICS SECTION objectives at least 30 minutes prior to each Action Planning meeting.
Keep the CEO/PRESIDENT, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEAM, COMMAND STAFF, and the GENERAL STAFF aware of the Logistical situation and related matters at an on-going basis. Provide periodic Section Status Reports to the 2-1-1 EMERGENCY MANAGER.
Activate Branches and Units
Based on the situation, activate branches/units within the section as needed and designate Branch and Unit Leaders for each element.
There are two divisional branches (SERVICE BRANCH and SUPPORT BRANCH) which coordinate all actions of the subordinate units.
o Support Branch Director
The Support Branch Director is responsible for the development and implementation of logistics plans in support of the Incident Action Plan (IAP). The Support Branch Director supervises the operations of the Supply, Facilities, and Ground Support Units.
¨ Supply Unit Leader is responsible for:
· Ordering personnel, equipment and supplies.
· Receiving and storing all supplies for the incident.
· Maintaining an inventory of supplies.
· Servicing non-expendable supplies and equipment.
¨ Facilities Unit Leader is responsible for:
· Coordinating the basic layout of the Incident Command Post.
· Providing sleeping and sanitation facilities for incident personnel.
· Managing Base and Camp operations. Each facility (Base, Camp) is assigned a manager who reports to the Facilities Unit Leader and is responsible for managing the operation of the facility and to provide security service and general maintenance.
¨ Ground Support Unit Leader is responsible for:
· Supporting out-of-service resources.
· Transportation of personnel, supplies, food, and equipment.
· Fueling, service, maintenance, and repair of vehicles and other ground support equipment.
· Implementing the Traffic Plan for the incident.
o Service Branch Director
The Service Branch Director is responsible for the management of all service-related activities at the incident. The Service Branch Director supervises the operations of the Communications, Medical, and Food Units.
¨ Communications Unit Leader is responsible for:
· Developing plans for the effective use of incident communications equipment and facilities.
· Installing and testing of communications equipment.
· Assisting the Incident Communications Center.
· Distribution of communications equipment to incident personnel.
· Maintenance and repair of communications equipment.
¨ Medical Unit Leader is responsible for:
· Development of the Medical Plan.
· Obtaining medical aid and transportation for injured and ill incident personnel.
· Rehabilitation of incident personnel.
· Preparation of reports and records.
¨ Food Unit Leader is responsible for:
· Supplying the food needs for the entire incident, including all remote locations (e.g., Camps, Staging Areas).
· Providing food for personnel unable to leave tactical field assignments.
Brief all Branch Directors and Unit Leaders to:
§ Share the objectives as defined in the Incident Action Plan.
§ Ensure that responsibilities are clearly understood.
§ Assist in developing objectives and plans to accomplish objectives within the first operational period, or in accordance with the Action Plan.
§ Meet regularly with section staff and work to reach consensus on section objectives for forthcoming operational periods.
EOC personnel needs
In coordination with the PERSONNEL UNIT in the FINANCE SECTION, provide food and lodging for EOC staff and volunteers as required.
Ensure that sufficient LOGISITCS SECTION staff is available for a 24-hour schedule, or as required.
Shared administrative support
Provide administrative support to other EOC Sections as required.
§ Resource request validation
Advise Branches and Units within the LOGISTICS SECTION to coordinate with appropriate branches in the OPERATIONS SECTION to prioritize and validate resource requests from Incident Command Posts in the field. This should be done prior to acting on the request.
§ Procurement procedures
o Whenever possible, meet personally with the requesting party to clarify types and amount of supplies and materiel, and also verify that the request has not been previously filled through another source.
o Determine if the procurement item can be provided without cost from another jurisdiction or through the Operational Area.
o Determine unit costs of supplies and materiel, from suppliers and vendors and if they will accept purchase orders as payment, prior to completing the order.
o Orders exceeding the purchase order limit must be approved by the FINANCE SECTION before the order can be completed.
o If vendor contracts are required for procurement of specific resources or services, refer the request to THE FINANCE SECTION for development of necessary agreements.
o Determine if the vendor or provider will deliver the ordered items. If delivery services are not available, coordinate pick up and delivery through the TRANSPORTATION UNIT.
o Coordinate donated goods and services from community groups and private organizations. Set up procedures for collecting, inventorying, and distributing usable donations.
§ Have you been briefed on the current status of the incident?
§ What is your current staffing need?
§ Where is the incident headed?
§ How long will this event last?
§ Are the rehab needs of your staff being met?
§ Have you communicated with the GENERAL STAFF?
§ What are your PIO needs?
§ Who will take over for you at the end of this operational period?
§ Advise the CEO/President and 2-1-1 Emergency Manager concerning legal responsibilities relating to emergency readiness, response, and recovery.
§ Advise the 2-1-1 EMERGENCY MANAGER of applicable laws, contracts, and other legal opinions as well as prepares proclamations and orders appropriate to the needs of the incident.
§ Drafting documents such as agreements, declarations, orders, ordinances and resolutions deemed necessary to deal with emergency operations.
§ Providing United Way of Larimer County with legal opinions regarding assistance to victims, special districts, or organizations impacted by a disaster.
§ Identifying legal problems stemming from an emergency and providing advice for actions and /or solutions.
§ Providing for legal representation as needed concerning legal matters.
Check in with the PERSONNEL UNIT (in Logistics) upon arrival at the EOC.
Report to EOC Director, Section Chief, Branch Coordinator, or other assigned Supervisor.
Set up your workstation and review your position responsibilities.
Establish a log
Document all activity on Unit Log (ICS Form 214) which chronologically describes all actions taken during the management of the emergency incident.
Determine your resource needs, such as a computer, phone, plan copies, and other reference documents.
Workstation deactivation
Deactivate your assigned position and close out activity logs.
Complete all required forms, reports, and other documentation. All forms should be submitted to the Documentation Unit of the PLANNING SECTION.
After Action Report
Provide a summary paper to your supervisor or to the EMERGENCY MANAGER for the After Action Report.
Relief staffing
If another person is relieving you, ensure they are thoroughly briefed before you leave your work station and provide a forwarding phone number where you can be reached.
Clean up your work area.
§ Logistics plan
Development and implementation of the logistics plans in support of the Incident Action Plan (IAP).
§ Supervision
Supervise the operations of the SUPPLY, FACILITIES and GROUND SUPPORT UNITS.
Support requirements
Determine initial support requirements of operations in coordination with the LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEF and the SERVICE BRANCH DIRECTOR.
Organization and assignments
Prepare initial organization and assignments for support operations. Assemble and brief SUPPORT BRANCH personnel.
Determine resource needs
Determine if assigned Branch resources are sufficient.
Maintain surveillance of assigned units work progress and inform the LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEF of their activities.
Internal requests
Coordinate requests from the OPERATIONS SECTION.
Establish a log
Document all activity on Unit Log (ICS Form 214) which chronologically describes all actions taken during the management of the emergency incident.
Workstation deactivation
Deactivate your assigned position and close out activity logs.
Complete all required forms, reports, and other documentation. All forms should be submitted to the Documentation Unit of the PLANNING SECTION.
After Action Report
Provide a summary paper to your supervisor or to the EMERGENCY MANAGER for the After Action Report.
Relief staffing
If another person is relieving you, ensure they are thoroughly briefed before you leave your work station and provide a forwarding phone number where you can be reached.
Clean up your work area.
§ Supervise the operations of the ORDERING MANAGER and the RECEIVING / DELIVERY MANAGER.
§ Order personnel, equipment, and supplies.
§ Receive and store all supplies for the incident.
§ Maintain an inventory of supplies.
§ Service non-expendable supplies and equipment.
Participate in LOGISTICS SECTION/SUPPORT BRANCH planning activities.
Resources & equipment tracking
Determine the type and amount of supplies en route.
Review IAP
Review the Incident Action Plan (IAP) for information on operations of the SUPPLY UNIT.
Addressing safety & security
Develop and implement safety and security requirements.
Resource management
Order, receive, distribute, and store supplies and equipment. Service reusable equipment.
Managing requests
Receive and respond to requests for personnel, supplies and equipment.
Inventory control