West 4
Elizabeth A. West, Ph.D.
West 4
University of Washington
Area of Special Education
West 4
2003 Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education, University of Washington
Dissertation Title: Fading from Teacher Prompts to Pictorial Versus Verbal Natural Cues in Children with Autism. Advisor: Felix Billingsley, Ph.D.
1994 Master of Education in Special Education, University of Washington
1990 Bachelor of Science in Developmental Psychology, Eastern Washington University
2012- Associate Professor, University of Washington, Area of Special Education, Seattle
2006-2012 Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Area of Special Education, Seattle
2005-2006 Scholar, Center for Health Policy of the College of Health Sciences, Boise State University, Boise, ID
2003-2006 Assistant Professor, Boise State University, Department of Special Education, Boise, ID
2002-2003 Course Instructor, Department of Education, Western Washington University, Seattle, WA
2000-2002 Course Instructor, Area of Special Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1999-2002 Practicum Supervisor, Area of Special Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1995-1999 Staff Development, Special Education, Lake Washington School District, Redmond, WA
1995-1999 Teacher Training Program Mentor, Graduate Training Programs, University of Washington and Western Washington University, Seattle, WA
1994-1999 Special Education Teacher: Mild-Severe Disabilities in Inclusive, Resource and Self-Contained Settings, Lake Washington School District, Redmond, WA
1993-1994 Special Education Consultant, Talk, Learn and Communicate, Seattle, WA
2009- STARS Approved Trainer (state training and registry system). Washington Association for the Education of Young Children.
1998 - Professional Education Certificate: Continuing Teacher.
Endorsements: K-12 Special Education
4-12 Psychology
1996 The Division for the Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
(*denotes peer-reviewed)
Bull, G., George, M., Shoffner, M., Bolick, C., Lee, J., Anderson, J., Slykuis, D., Garofalo, J.,
Angotti, R., McKenna, M., West, E., Dexter, S., Herring, M., Hofer, M., and Brown, A.
(2012). Editorial: Implementing the teacher education initiative. Contemporary Issues in
Technology and Teacher Education, 12(2), 115-121.
*West, E., Semon, S., & Jones, P. (2012). Promoting community for online learners in
special education. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 28(3), 108-116.
*West, E., Jones, P., Chambers, D., & Whitehurst, T. (2012). A multi-perspective
collaborative on teacher learning for teachers of students with autism spectrum disorders.
Journal of International Special Needs Education, 15(1), 26-43.
*Jones, P., & West, E. (2010). Moving toward a hybrid teacher education course: Supporting the theory to practice challenge in special education. Journal of Special Education Technology, 25(2), 45-56.
*West, E., & Patton, H. (2010). Positive behaviour support and supported employment for adults with severe disability. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 35(2), 1-23.
*West, E., & Hudson, R.F. (2010). Using early career special educators voice to influence initial teacher education. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 6(1), 63-74.
*Jones, P., & West, E. (2009). Reflections upon USA teacher education in severe disabilities: A shared concern of quantity and quality issues. British Journal of Special Education, 36(2), 69-75.
*West, E. (2008). Effects of verbal cues versus pictorial cues on the transfer of stimulus control for children with autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 23(4), 229-241.
*West, E., & Jones, P. (2007). A framework for planning in technology: Considerations for low incidence teacher preparation programs that serve rural communities. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 26(4), 3-15.
*West, E., Leon-Guerrero, R.M., & Stevens, D. (Winter, 2007) Establishing codes of acceptable behavior in a multicultural society. Beyond Behavior, 32-38.
*West, E., Jones, P., & Stevens, D. (September, 2006). Teachers of students with low incidence disabilities talk about their own learning: An international insight. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 39(3), 121-142.
*Jones, P., West, E., & Stevens, D. (2006). Nurturing moments of transformation in teachers – comparative perspectives on the challenges of professional development. British Journal of Special Education, 33(2), 82-90.
*West, E., & Billingsley, F. (June, 2005). Improving the system of least prompts: A comparison of procedural variations. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 40(2), 131-144.
*Hourcade, J., Everhart, T., West, E., & Parette, P. (December, 2004). A history of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for individuals with severe and profound disabilities. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 19(4), 235-244.
West, E., & Pirtle, J. Mothers’ and Fathers’ Perspectives on Quality Special Educators and the
Attributes that Influence Inclusive Practices. Under review by Division of Autism and
Developmental Disabilities.
West, E., McCollow, M., Umbarger, G., Kidwell, J. & Cote, D. Based Practices for Students
with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Under review by Division
of Autism and Developmental Disabilities
West, E., & Chen, P. A Review of the Picture Exchange Communication System as Evidence Based Practice for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse. Under review by Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders.
Kemper, T., & West, E. Teaching English Language Learners who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Perceptions of Practicing Special Educators. Under review by Multiple Voices.
Koyama, T., West, E., Kemper, T., & Wang, T. Effects of Language, Word Functions and Symbol Sets on the Transparency of Picture Symbols. Under review by Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
West, E., & Pirtle, J. M. (2012). Mothers’ and Fathers’ Perspectives on Quality Special Educators in Northwestern United States: Attributes that Influence Inclusive Practice. In
P. Jones (Ed.), Infusing Insider Perspectives into Inclusive Teacher Learning: Potentials and Challenges. Routledge.
West, E., & Chen, P. (2011). Cultural and linguistic diversity and learners with autism spectrum disorders. In D. Zager, M.L. Wehmeyer, & R. L. Simpson (Eds.),
Educating students with autism spectrum disorders: Research-based principles and practices. Routledge.
West, E. (2011). Assistive technology for students with autism. In A. Boutot, & B. Myles (Eds.), Autism spectrum disorders (pp. 261-276). Allyn and Bacon.
West, E. (2010). Initial teacher training to meet the needs of students with disabilities who are culturally and linguistically diverse. In C. Forlin (Ed.), Teacher education for inclusion: Changing paradigms and innovative approaches (pp. 208-215). Routledge.
West, E., Hudson, R., Liberty, L., Patton, H., Wang, T., Davis, C., & Schwartz, I. (2010). Implications for teacher education and linguistic diversity: Perspectives of parents, district administrators and teachers. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington.
Hudson, R.F., West, E., Marti, A., Baines, A., Davis, C., Keenan, H., & Isakson, C. Quality Beginning Special Education Teachers: Voices from the Field.
West, E., & Kemper, T. Identifying Training and Support Needs of Paraeducators Who Work With Learners With Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Jegatheesan, B., & West, E. Diagnosis and Post-Diagnosis Period: Needs and Supports Reported by Asian Immigrant Families of Young Children With Developmental Disabilities.
West, E., & Kemper, T. Initial Teacher Training Programs for Assistive Technology.
West, E., & Wang, T. Similarities and Differences in the Functioning of Fathers and Mothers of
Children with Disabilities: A 25 Year Review of the Literature.
Cheney, D., & West, E. (2012). Preparing Future Faculty to Address Issues in High Needs Areas of Secondary Special Education. Department of Education. Funded 2012-2017 ($1249,096).
Project Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Co-Author
West, E. (2012). Indigenous Teacher Education Program. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – Investing in Native Student Success. Funded 2012-2013 ($50,000).
Project Role: Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Author
Davis, C. A., & West, E. (2011). Project BUILD: Building Upon Instructional Leaders’ Discussions. Department of Education. Funded 2011 – 2015. ($125,000).
Project Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Co-Author
Wang, H.T., Koyama, T., & West, E. (2011). The Use of a Visual Cue and Reinforcer Time Delay to Teach Waiting Behavior for Young Children with Autism. National Taiwan Normal University. Funded 2011-2012. ($112500NT/$3,880 USD).
Project Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Co-Author
Reinholz, A., & West, E. (2010). Autism Spectrum Disorder and Social Supports. Organization for Autism Research. Funded 2010-2012. ($1,000).
Project Role: Principal Investigator for Student Award
Preparation Responsibilities: Edited Proposal
West, E. (2010). Evaluating the Native American Youth Enrichment Program. Institute for Ethnic Studies in the United States (IESUS). Funded 2010 -2011. ($8,900).
Project Role: Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Author
Joseph, G.E., Sandall, S., Schwartz, I.S., & West, E. (2008). Innovate, Improve, Include! A Project on Effective Inclusive Practices in Head Start. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Funded 2008-2011. ($600,000).
Project Role: Co- Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Collaborator
Hudson, R., Davis, C.A., & West, E. (2007). Renewing the UW Special Education Program to Ensure High Quality Special Education Teachers. Department of Education, Office for Special Education Programs. Funded 2007-2012. ($500,000).
Project Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Co-Author
Jegatheesan, B., & West, E. (2007). Diagnosis and Post-Diagnosis Period: Needs and Supports Reported by Asian Immigrant Families of Young Children with Developmental Disabilities. ARC of Washington. Funded 2007. ($25,000).
Project Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Co-Author
Davis, C. A., & West, E. (2006). Creating Instructional Leaders for Students With Low-Incidence Disabilities. Department of Education. Funded 2006 – 2010. ($800,000).
Project Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Co-Author
West, E. (2004). Faculty International Development Award. Boise State University. Funded 2004-2005. (Expenses paid).
Project Role: Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Author
West, E. (2003). High Tech, High Quality, Hybrid: Designing Instruction for the Future. Boise State University. Funded 2003-2004. ($6,000).
Project Role: Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Author
West, E. (2003). Dissertation Research Grant. University of Washington. Funded 2003-2004. ($1,000).
Project Role: Principal Investigator
Preparation Responsibilities: Author
Undergraduate and Graduate Courses: University of Washington, Seattle
EDSPE 435 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (Online Format)
EDSPE 503 Classroom Management
EDSPE 505 Curriculum for Students with Severe Disabilities
EDTEP 542 Meeting the Needs of Students
EDSPE 507 Instruction for Students with Severe Disabilities
EDSPE 563 Issues in Working with Families of Students with Disabilities
SPED 468 Families, Professionals and Exceptional Children
EDSPE 404 Exceptional Children
EDSPE 496 Inclusion and Collaboration
EDSPE 496 Transitioning Adolescents with Disabilities
EDSPE 525 Educating Students with Autism or Severe Behavior Disorders
Undergraduate and Graduate Courses: Boise State University, Boise, ID
EDSPE 252 Assistive Technology
EDUC 350 Teaching Students with Exceptional Needs at the Secondary Level
EDSPE 355 Positive Behavior Interventions
EDUC 550 Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptional Needs at the Secondary Level EDSPE 554 Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Other Courses:
EDC 648 Inclusion and Collaboration (2008). Zayed University, United Arab Emirates.
EEX 6767 Assistive Technology for Students with Low-Incidence Disabilities in Special Education (2011). Online Format. University of South Florida, Tampa.
EDSPE 358 Introduction to Severe Disabilities (2006). Online Format. Boise, Idaho.
Minkyung, S., & West, E. (2011, May). Using diverse families as mentors for preservice special educators to promote culturally responsive practices. Infant and Early Childhood Conference, Tacoma, Washington.
Jones, P., West, E., & Semon, S. (2011). Considerations of technology-based community, engagement, and assessment in education. Paper presented at the AERA Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Chen, P., & West, E. (2011, March). Pecs and CLD students with disabilities: A review of the literature. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Denver, Colorado.
Hudson, R.F., Marti, A.E., Darrow, A, West, E., Davis, C.A., & Schwartz, I. (2009, November). Beginning special education teacher quality: Voices from the field. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Teacher Education Division Conference. Charlotte, North Carolina.
West, E., Wang, T., Patton, H., Hudson, R., Davis, C., & Schwartz, I. (2009). Implications for teacher training in cultural and linguistic diversity: Needs of parents, district administrators and teachers. Poster presented at the Annual Teacher Education Division Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina.
West, E., Kemper, T., Hudson, R., Davis, C., & Schwartz, I. (2009). Professional preparation in AT: Identified needs of early career teachers and implications for preservice teacher training programs. Poster presented at the Annual Teacher Education Division Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina.
West, E., & Patton, H. (2009, April). Demonstration of positive behavior support and supported employment for adults with severe disabilities. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children International Conference, Seattle, Washington.
Davis, C.A., & West, E. (2007, December). Teaching person centered plans to school psychologists within a school context. Paper presented at the TASH Conference, Seattle, Washington.
West, E., & Jegatheesan, B. (2007, December). Rethinking functional skills for minority children with disabilities. Poster presented at the TASH Conference, Seattle, Washington.
Jones, P., & West, E. (2007, January). Course selection and development in the online age: A special education perspective. Paper presented at the Fifth Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
West, E., Hager, K., & O’Brien, C. (2006, November). The life and times of first year faculty. Paper presented at the Teacher Education and Technology Annual Conference, San Diego, California.
West, E., Jones, P., & Stevens, D. (2004, November). Perspectives on teacher learning for greater inclusive practice: teacher voices. Paper presented at the International Inclusion Strand. Annual TASH Conference, Reno, Nevada.
Jones, P., West, E., & Stevens, D. (2004, November). Teachers of students with low incidence disabilities talk about learning: An international perspective. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Teacher Education Division Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
West, E. (2004, October). Fading from teacher prompts to pictorial versus verbal natural cues in children with autism. Paper presented at the International Conference on Cognitive Disabilities/Mental Retardation, Autism, and Related Disabilities, Las Vegas. Nevada.
Jones, P., West, E., & Stevens, D. (2003, December). Learning from each other: A transatlantic perspective on effective teacher learning. Paper presented at the Annual TASH Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
West, E., Leon-Guerrero, R.M., Stevens, D., & Schilling, D. (2003, October). Courageous dialogues: Establishing codes of acceptable schoolwide behavior in a multicultural society. Paper presented at the International Conference on Behavior Disorders: The Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, St. Louis, Missouri.
West, E., & Billingsley, F. (2001, May). Assessing the effects of two prompting procedures on skill acquisition. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, New Orleans, Louisiana.