Light Graffiti Photography

Light graffiti (also called light writing, light painting, and light art) is simply long exposure photography using lights to create objects and add effects into the photo that are not actually there in real life.

Objective: Create a unique photograph capturing the movement of light using a slow shutter speed

Shooting Assignment: You will need to use a tripod, have a dark room (you may have a light on but I wouldn’t turn on the classroom lights) and maybe someone to help you create your light graffiti.

Set your shutter speed to 4”, 8” or 15” (4, 8 or 15 seconds) or B (bulb) and try out varying shutter speeds while shooting until you have achieved the light art you set out to create.

With your shutter speed set at B- your camera’s shutter will remain open the entire time you hold down the button.

You will have that amount of time to create your “drawing” with the light.

**You will turn in your contact sheet (minimum 20 shots) and your best photograph with contrast adjustments**

Light Graffiti Idea #1______

What will your background include? ______

What will the(path of) light create? ______

Thumbnail sketch for ideas of how to arrange the objects/light:

Light Graffiti Idea #2______

What will your background include? ______

What will the(path of) light create? ______

Thumbnail sketch for ideas of how to arrange the objects/light:

Name ______


Exceptional / 4
Good / 3
Satisfactory / 2
Minimal / 1
Unacceptable / TOTAL
The background is extremely interesting and adds much impact to the overall effect of the photograph / The background is interesting and adds some impact to the overall effect of the photograph / There was thought given to the background but doesn’t add much to the overall effect of the photograph / There was little thought given to the background but doesn’t add to the overall effect of the photograph / No thought was put into the background and it is plain which adds no effect to the photograph / X5 = 25
Lighting is effective and shows excellent contrast / Lighting shows some contrast and is somewhat effective / Lighting shows little contrast
which makes it ineffective / Lighting is not effective and does not show any contrast / No lighting was used / X3=15
The use of light graffiti produces a very interesting and thought provoking composition and was given a lot of thought and planning / The use of light graffiti produces an interesting composition and was given some thought and planning / The use of light graffiti produces a boring composition and was given no thought ahead of time / X5 = 25
The photo fills the entire frame and is balanced / The photo somewhat fills the frame and is somewhat balanced / No balance
And the frame is not filled / X2 = 10
The angle that the photo was taken at is effective and compliments the photograph / The angle of the photo is effective, but does not compliment the photograph as it should / The angle of the photo is not complimentary to the still life / X3=15
The photographer used a tripod and the photograph has objects in clear focus / The photographer may have used a tripod and the photograph has objects that are slightly blurry / The photographer did not use a tripod and the photograph is blurry (no clear focus) / X2 =10

A= 90-100, B= 80-89, C=70-79, D= 60-69, F= 59 and below