Electrical Circuits and Lamp Repair Assessment Rubric – Student Form

Skill / Attempted / Completed / Excelled
Lamp Function / Lamp is wired but does not light. / Lamp is wired and flickers on and off if jostled. / Lamp is wired and turns on consistently.
Identify main lamp components / Student can name and locate 5 lamp components. / Student can name and locate 7 lamp components. / Student can name and locate 10+ lamp components.
Explain function of lamp components / Student can explain the functions of 3 lamp components that are important to the proper flow of electricity in the lamp. / Student can explain the functions of 5 lamp components that are important to the proper flow of electricity in the lamp. / Student can explain the functions of 7+ lamp components that are important to the proper flow of electricity in the lamp.
Lamp circuitry schematic / Incomplete schematic with <75% of circuit symbols missing or inaccurately drawn on the diagram. / 75% of circuit symbols are present and in the accurate locations on the diagram. / All circuit symbols are present and in the accurate locations on the diagram.
Activity Reflection Sheets / Lab reflection sheets do not contain clear summaries of lab activities. / All lab activities are summarized in the lab reflection sheets and include occasional diagrams and some reflective comments about the student’s progress through the lab. / All lab activities are summarized in the lab reflection sheets and include detailed diagrams and reflective comments about the student’s progress through the lab.
Lamp Lab Journal Sheet / Lab journal sheet does not contain notes about each step of the process. / Lab journal sheet contains simplistic notes about each step of the process. / Lab journal sheet contains detailed notes about each step of the process.