The concept
65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference: From August 27-29, UNDPI will bring together civil society to discuss the post-2015 development agenda. UNICEF & NCD Child will co-host a side event on Thursday, August 28 for youth and civil society NGOs to gather feedback on a new chapter on healthy living and NCDs for inclusion in the UN publicationFacts for Life.At this event, the American Cancer Society will launch #NCD+, aglobal effort to begin an open dialogue about NCDs and show the world the faces of those affected. / #NCD+ Global Video Challenge:We want to hear your voice through an original 6-second Vine video that tells us why you are passionate about NCDs. Please make sure that your video tells your name and why you are “NCD positive.” When you post the video on Vine, Twitter, and Facebook, please make sure that you hashtag #NCD+ and tag the handle @ncdaction in your post. For an example, please see the following Vine:
the basics of vine
What is Vine? An online platform for sharing short (6-second) video clips. Similarly to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, Vine allows you to follow friends, “like” videos, share them, label them with hashtags, and tag other Vine users. The benefits of Vine are:
  • It allows you to quickly share short glimpses of your life with your friends and contacts in a digestible format, like a video tweet.
  • It gives individuals a chance to creatively connect through short snippets of video and share them with common hashtags.
/ How do you use it?You candownload it for free to any smart phone (iPhone or Android). If you already have a Twitter or Facebook account, you can use one of these to log in, and in turn populate your own contacts. To start, hit the film camera icon in the top right. Every time you touch the live-view on your screen, you record something, and you can stop the recording by removing your finger. You can record many different shots or one continuous shot to create a video of a total of six seconds.

helpful vine hints

  1. Auto-record.
    When shooting one continuous shot, you don’t have to hold your finger down the entire time. Just swipe left to right on the dark grey area below your frame, and it will shoot the rest for you.
  2. Making an even shorter short.
    You don’t have to shoot the full six seconds. Vine lets you post a video with a minimum of three seconds.
  3. Play/Pause.
    Tap the Vine to pause, and tap once more to play again.
  4. Prevent jumpiness.
    Using a tripod helps to stop jumpiness. Tripods can also prevent your phone’s auto-focus from adjusting.
  5. Functions.

At the bottom of the live video function, Vine has options for (from left to right) front-facing camera, grid lines, precise focus, “ghosting,” or shadow images, and a smaller square field of vision.