Town of Jericho

PO Box 39, 67 Vermont Route 15

Jericho, VT 05465

(802) 899-2287 ext. 104

Request for Proposal

Jericho Highway Garage

Energy Efficiency Retrofits

Contact:Seth Jensen, Jericho Town Planner

Date of Issue:April 22, 2011

Deadline:4:30pm, Wednesday, May 25, 2011


The Town of Jericho, Vermont (Town) is seeking a qualified contractor(Contractor) to conduct energy efficiency retrofits at the Jericho Highway Garage (Garage). Funding for these retrofits is provided by an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) from the Vermont Department of Public Service (VTDPS), through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).


The Garage is located at 508 Browns Trace in Jericho, Vermont, and consists of 4,020 square feet constructed in 1971, and a 3,280 square foot addition constructed in 2000. An Energy Audit (Audit) identifying potential energy efficiency retrofits at the Garage was completed by TCorp, Inc. of Colchester, Vermont on February 8, 2010. The complete energy audit is attached to this RFP.

The Highway Garage will be opened for self directed site visits on May 9, 2011 from 7:00am to 12:00 pm and on May 10, 2011 from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. While a site visit is non-mandatory, contractors who attend will receive one bonus point in the Contractor Selection process (See Section VI Below).


A.)Air Sealing


The Audit included a blower door test. The initial baseline test indicated that a flow rate of 8455 cubic feet per minute was required to achieve 50 pascals differential.

This equates to approximately 3.97 total air changes per hour at 50 pascals or 0.59 cfm/square foot of surface exposed surface area.

Air Sealing Targets:

The contractor shall focus efforts as outlined in the Audit –section “BLOWER DOOR TESTING”, pages 27 to 40.

Air leakage reduction efforts shall be targeted using blower door testing. All materials used for air sealing purposes will be approved for such purposes and specified in the proposal response documents. Fibrous insulation materials such as fiberglass batts are not suitable for air sealing, but may be used as backing for other material such as spray foam.

Any air sealing around windows or doors will be completed using caulking or minimally expanding foam for such purposes. During winter conditions, air sealing with caulk or foam will not be completed when the outside termperature is less than 40f.

At a minimum, the air leakage reduction shall be 30% of the original pre-upgrade test (target = 5919 cfm at 50 pascals). A post blower door test shall be conducted by the air sealing contractor to verify.

B.)Insulation Upgrades:

The scope of work includes increasing insulation levels in the wall and roof assemblies.

Batt insulation shall be installed following manufacturer’s instructions. The batts shall be installed to provide for full loft from edge to edge and shall be in contact with the interior sheathing, and the insulation shall be protected from air movement on all sides of the insulation with suitable material. Batts exposed to the interior shall be covered.The kraft facing of the batts is NOT an acceptable covering.

Compressed insulation will not be accepted. The batts must be carefully cut to fit around obstructions, such as window frames, pipes, wires, and electrical boxes with no gaps. To fit behind pipes or wires cut to the middle of the batt's thickness so you have one flap under the pipe or wire and the other flap over the pipe or wire.

R-Value of wall insulation shall equal 19 or better, with a continuous R-Value of 10 over metal beams. R-Value of Ceiling insulation shall equal 38 or better, with a continuous R-Value of 10 over metal beams. Continuous insulation shall be accomplished using rigid foam or open-cell spray foam insulation in addition to batt insulation. Such insulation shall be installed internally.

ADD/ALTERNATIVE – Open-Cell Spray Foam Insulation

Remove all existing batt insulation, using open-cell spray foam to insulate the walls the levels prescribed above. No area of applied thickness shall be below the Rated R-value per inch of material required to achieve the specified R-value. Material use and installation must meet all applicable fire code requirements and it shall be the contractor's responsibility to verify product material usage and installation details will meet such requirements.

C.)Lighting Upgrade

Lighting shall be upgraded as prescribed in the attached Lighting Load and Savings Analysis.


The Town intends to seek rebates through Efficiency Vermont for work performed. Work completed by the Contractor shall meet Efficiency Vermont Rebate qualifications. The Contractor will be expected to provide all required information and assist in documentation necessary to receive such rebates. Questions regarding Efficiency Vermont Rebates should be directed toward Efficiency Vermont Program Manager Heather Smith at 802-488-7617.

V.)ARRA Compliance

The project is funded in part with Federal ARRA funds. The Contractor will be expected to ensure compliance with the requirements of this funding, including but not limited to the following:

Waste Management

The Contractor will create and implement a waste management plan addressing waste generated by the proposed Project prior to the Project generating waste. The waste management plan will describe the Contractor’s plan to dispose of any sanitary or hazardous waste (e.g. construction and demolition debris, old light bulbs, lead ballasts, piping, roofing material, discarded equipment, debris, and asbestos) generated as a result of the proposed Project. The Contractor shall ensure that the Project is in compliance with all Federal, state and local regulations for waste disposal. The waste management plan and related documentation shall be available upon request.

Davis Bacon Act

The contractor will comply with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a 7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. 276c and 18 U.S.C. 874), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40.327-333), regarding labor standards for federally assisted construction contractors

The contractor must comply with the minimum rates for wages for laborers and mechanics as determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts. The Contractor shall submit a WH-347 reporting payroll for all employees employed on the project on a weekly basis.


Safety and Health Regulations

This Project is subject to all of the Safety and Health Regulations (CFR 29, Part 1926 and all subsequent amendments) as promulgated by the U.S. Department of Labor on June, 1974.

Copeland “Anti-Kickback” Act

This project will adhere to the Copeland “Anti-Kickback” Act. Any Contractors or subcontractors performing work on any federally funded or assisted contract for the construction, prosecution, completion or repair of any public building or public work must comply with the Copeland “Anti-Kickback” Act, 18 U.S.C. section 874, as supplemented by the Department of Labor Regulations, 29 CFR section 3. The “Anti-kickback” section of the Act precludes a Contractor or subcontractor from inducing an employee to give up any part of his/her compensation entitled to them. The Act requires a Contractor and subcontractor to submit a weekly statement of wages paid each employee performing on covered work during the preceding payroll period. The regulations also list payroll deductions that are permissible without the approval of the Secretary of Labor.

Buy American -- Use of American Iron Steel and Manufactured Goods

Buy America Provisions apply to this project(Section1605 Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Of 2009.) When steel or iron materials are used in this project, Buy America Requirements apply when the cost of these materials exceeds one tenth of one percent (0.1 percent) of the total contract cost or $2,500, whichever is greater. The cost for determining applicability is based on the value of the steel and iron products as they are delivered to the project. To comply, a manufacturer must certify that all manufacturing processes have occurred in the United States. To identify a chain of documentation trail that the product meets the Buy America Provisions, each supplier or fabricator involved in a product will be required to include in their certification that each process performed by them including application of a coating, was entirely done in the United States.


Responses shall consist of the following. Responses shall not exceed a total limit of 15 pages, excluding resumes, references, and work samples.

A.)Technical Proposal

1.)Cover letter expressing Contractor’s interest in working with the Town of Jericho, including identification of the principal individual(s)s that will provide requested services.

2.)Information regarding the experience and qualifications of the Contractor and any subcontractors, including:

  1. Number of years experience in the construction industry
  2. A general description of the firm’s construction trades, skills, and services
  3. Experience with Federal and State Regulations
  4. A list of projects completed that are similar in nature, including a brief project description and their associated construction costs

3.)A scope of work that includes detailed steps to be taken and a proposed schedule that indicates project milestones and overall time for completion.

4.)Demonstration of success on similar projects, including a contact name and address for reference.

B.) Cost Proposal

1.)A Cost Proposal for all design, construction (labor, materials, and equipment) supervision, and other direct and indirect costs for the project

  1. The Cost Proposal shall include allowance for periodic meetings during construction with the Town’s representatives.
  1. The Cost Proposal shall include provisions to accommodate necessary revisions that may be identified by the Town or VTDPS.

2.)Hourly labor rate sheet for all workers who will provide services for the project. Rate shall include all overhead and mark up. Rates shall comply with minimum rates for wages for laborers and mechanics as determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts.

3.)Hourly equipment costs, including operator, overhead, and mark-up.

4.)Itemized material costs, including any mark-up.


The committee will select the Contractor on or about June 15, 2011. Work on the Energy Efficiency Retrofits will beginJuly 1, 2011. All work on the project must be completed by October 31, 2011.


The Contractor will be selected by a project steering committee. The award will be to a responsive and responsible bidder (as defined above) that has the highest score based on the evaluation criteria below. These criteria reflect the Town’s overall goal to achieve the greatest amount of energy saving per unit cost and completing the project in accordance with the schedule.

  1. Thoroughness and detail of proposal and scope of work (9 pts)
  2. Total cost of project (9 pts)
  3. Qualifications and experience Contractor and Subcontractors conducting energy efficiency retrofits (6 pts)
  4. Experience of Contractor and Subcontractors complying with pertinent federal regulations(6 pts)
  5. Project schedule (6 pts)
  6. References (3 pts)
  7. Participation in Site Visit (bonus 1 pt)


Consultants interested in this project shall submit four (4) copies of their proposal to:

Seth Jensen

Town of Jericho

PO Box 39, 67 Vermont Route 15

Jericho, VT 05465

Technical and cost proposals must be submitted in separate, sealed envelopes or packages with the following information clearly printed on the outside

  1. Name and address of Contractor
  2. Due date and time
  3. Envelope contents (technical or cost proposal)
  4. Project name

Proposals should be double-sided and use recycled paper, if possible. Twin pocket portfolios or other simple, re-usable binding method is recommended.

Questions about the project should be directed to Seth Jensen, Jericho Town Planner, at the above address or at:

Telephone:(802) 899-2287 ext. 104

FAX:(802) 899-5549


All proposals must be received by the Town no later than 4:30 PM on Wednesday, May 25, 2011. Proposals and/or modifications received after this time will not be accepted or reviewed. No facsimile-machine produced proposals will be accepted.

All proposals upon submission become the property of the Town. The expense of preparing and submitting a proposal is the sole responsibility of the Consultant. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP as in the best interest of the Town. This solicitation in no way obligates the Town to award a contract.


A.)Energy Audit completed by TCorp, Inc. of Colchester Vermont, February 8, 2010

B.)Lighting Load Analysis (expert from Energy Audit)

C.)Davis Bacon Wage Determinations